Chapter Two
Holding her skirts high, Alodie scrambled through the grassy dunes. Shore birds flung themselves to the sky ahead of her, squalling and screaming.
And so they should. The morning’s tranquil peace had been shattered. Let the whole world know it.
Panic fueled Alodie’s speed. The sprint made her spend more of herself than she had to give. But she couldn’t hold back—not with demons on the shore. The king and his best men were away on a hunt, all the better to boast of himself during his daughter’s marriage feasts in a month’s time.
His absence meant he’d left the weak to fend for themselves. They were nearly defenseless and would all die horribly if those…those creatures had their way. And there was nothing to stop them.
The sight of the timber fortress walls had never been so welcome. There was no force to defend them, but the wood represented some measure of protection. Lungs burning, she darted through the unmanned gate. She stumbled, nearly falling face-first into mud, but caught her balance in time.
At the side door of the kitchens, she ran straight into the arms of the scowling cook. “What about a few wild birds has you in such a state, girl?”
No air. Alodie gasped. “Can’t—”
The sky was just dark enough, the morning still chasing away the last traces of night. Perhaps Alodie wasn’t too late to speak to the princess before she and her retinue processed to chapel.
The cook drew her hand back and delivered a cracking slap against Alodie’s cheek. “Tell me.”
Others stopped their tasks to gape at the spectacle.
Alodie wrenched free of the other woman, twisting hard out of the iron grip with a burst of pain. Ignoring the sharp discomfort, she climbed the winding steps of the stair tower. The planks were eternally damp. Last night’s rain hadn’t helped. There were no windows, but everything leaked. On the walls, torches burned, making the twisting space forever smoky. She choked on the thick air and her feet splashed the puddles in the grooves that made everything dangerously slick. She didn’t slow down.
The image of the massacre in the henhouse wouldn’t leave her mind. Had it been a sign? A warning? Didn’t matter. Things could become far worse.
She burst into the princess’s chamber. There was no time to register the shock or impropriety of her actions. This wasn’t how things were done. This wasn’t how a person of her rank sought an audience with the princess.
But when life and death hung in the balance, what did those things mean?
There was no time to spare. The sooner they prepared themselves, the better. What hope they’d have would be desperate enough as it was.
The room went silent. Every soul present fixed her eyes upon Alodie, none of them blinking.
Alodie had but a single word. “Norsemen.”
Alarm broke out. One woman screamed and two others fell weeping into each other’s arms. Another collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Cyneburga, whom Alodie liked to keep well clear of, marched up to her and brought an open palm down upon Alodie’s cheek. Alodie cupped her face with her hand. The sting was sharper than it ought to have been, and her face was still smarting from the last measure of abuse. Simmering with years of frustration, she stared at the woman.
Outwardly beautiful, with unblemished skin and features that inspired lovesick—and slightly drunk—men to flights of poetry, Cyneburga had never given any indication that her immortal spirit matched her earthly bearing. “You stupid fool. Why didn’t you go straight to the church?”
Without the status to challenge the highborn woman, Alodie reined in the impulse to let a rush of harsh words fly out of her mouth.
“That was unnecessary, Cyneburga.” The princess herself held up a hand to silence the room. “Enough. We can’t take fright. We must think and prepare with what little time we have.”
The princess’s cool rationality was comforting. It didn’t take the dread away, but it did offer a thread of hope that they might somehow get through this alive. For the first time since catching sight of the demonic shapes materializing out of the mist, Alodie began to breathe more easily.
It was foolish, perhaps. What could the princess do? Their treasures would be taken and who knows how many of their people slaughtered? And what those men might do to the females was unthinkable.
The role of women was to emulate the Mother of God. To be obedient and yielding to men, trusting them with everything—whether men earned that trust or not. Did being born with a penis make men think they were masters of all? They would point to holy writings to justify the position they held in the world. Sometimes, it seemed merely convenient that they did so.
Far be it from Alodie to voice doubts. She’d rather live with the questions gnawing at her than die condemned and betrayed by church and people.
Maybe the reason Alodie loved the princess best was how she played on men’s presumptions about submissiveness. The princess had found a way to exploit ill-founded beliefs, quietly and ruthlessly. Men saw what they wanted, never knowing until it was too late that she was stronger, smarter, and sharper-witted than any of them.
By the time they realized she was an extraordinary woman, she’d gotten the best of them. She was intelligent and insightful when others were foolish and hot-headed. Yet she remained composed, outwardly as tranquil as a still pond on a windless day.
Those who underestimated the princess rarely did so twice.
The princess motioned to one of the nearby serving girls standing in stunned disbelief. “Go send a messenger to alert the priests at once. Tell them to hide everything. We might yet be forced to give it to them, but I’d rather thwart them if they attempt to plunder as they please.” She turned to Alodie. “You did well. Thanks to you, we won’t be caught unaware.”
Alodie blushed like a proud child under the notice of a beloved adult. She couldn’t help it. Objectively, she was far too old for such things—deeper into her third decade than a woman ought to admit to, especially a woman without a husband. She’d been foolish to refuse offers of marriage that, by rights, should never have fallen to a nobody like her. To remain close to the princess who embodied every characteristic Alodie struggled to emulate in her quick-tempered, passionate, questioning, earthy self—that was why she had refused.
The princess addressed the room. “We know what they want. Gold and silver. If we give it to them, they will leave, and none of us will be the worse for it.”
Cyneburga nodded solemnly. When the princess had turned, omitting the woman from her field of vision, Cyneburga slipped off the chain she wore about her neck, wound it in a spare bit of linen, and tucked the makeshift parcel into a nearby decorative urn.
Alodie forced herself to look away, bitterness puckering her mouth. She could only wish for an article of value to sacrifice on behalf of the princess.
Several of the ladies had fallen to their knees in fervent supplication to heaven.
A ruckus sounded from below the window. In the yard, cattle bellowed and horses whinnied as they were hastily moved. Men began to shout and an angry honk burst out of a goose as if she had been kicked in the sudden bustle.
The men who had stayed behind when the king went were not the most able fighters. Far from it. They might have weapons, but they had no skill, never having been selected for battle. A kind of luxury, perhaps. If travelers’ tales were to be believed, in many places, all men fought, young and old, able or not. They had to.
What the men here had, and what they shared with Alodie, was a deep and abiding love for their princess. Love meant loyalty and peace and willing workers who took pride in their accomplishments, knowing all they did reflected on her.
In times of dire need, however, whether they lived and worked or fell under barbaric threat, love meant less. Lifeless bodies lying in puddles of their own blood could not love. For the living, love gave one final and lingering gift. It gave them something to fight for.
Alodie was about to excuse herself to slip away where she might be of use, when tiny beads scattered across the floor, bouncing and rolling in every direction, as if they, too, were fleeing in terror. One of the ladies had been worrying the decorative strand she wore around her neck, and the bit of twine had snapped.
Without thinking, Alodie immediately dropped to the ground and began gathering them, half expecting a tart statement from Cyneburga, warning the other lady to count the beads lest Alodie steal any.
Another of the ladies, one with a heavy brow and kind brown eyes, spoke. “We’ll not survive this. Not without a miracle.”
Keeping her gaze firmly fixed to her work, Alodie frowned. Miracles, indeed. What they needed were weapons and strong men who knew how to use them.
She had spent a decade trying to cultivate faith. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe, per se. The consequences of not doing so in this life or the next were too grim to contemplate.
While others had no trouble believing they could sway the will of the Lord, if only they pleaded enough, Alodie could never quite accept the idea of intercession through prayer. No matter how she might have prayed—somewhat ironically—for a change of heart.
Wondrous things happened every day, true enough. Were they signs of the hand of God at work in this world? Or were they merely things that happened while their Lord and Savior watched from afar? Did the demons’ invasions signal the end of the world was nigh, as many a holy man preached?
There were too many questions. Things she could never dare ask.
Another servant entered the princess’s chamber, claiming everyone’s attention. His face was worn, the papery skin more pale than usual, fear radiating from him like an unholy aura.
The princess met him with her chin stubbornly high. It was a rare sign that she too might have been fighting fear, and Alodie loved her all the more for it. The princess spoke without the presence of niceties and seemed to expect none. Such things meant little when death stood ready. “They’ve come?”
“They’ve stolen horses, my lady.”
“That wasn’t terribly unexpected, was it?”
It was unclear whether the princess meant their arrival was unexpected or the horse thieving. The demons came every so often, but usually they preferred to pilfer the abbey a ways to the south. The princess was learning their language, but only because one of their kind had stayed behind and eventually settled here. She thought it might prove useful one day. And her father had allowed it, believing the knowledge would make her a more valuable bride.
She paused, studying his grim face. “Is there something else?”
He swallowed. “Yes, my lady. They’re demanding to speak with you.”
Alodie gasped and covered her mouth.
The princess gave a slow nod. “Very well, I shall—”
“No.” The cry tore from Alodie’s lips before she could restrain herself. “No, please. I pray you.” She climbed to her feet. “Please don’t meet with them.”
If anyone was going to chastise Alodie for speaking out of turn, it would have been Cyneburga. But when the woman turned her face to the princess, concern softened her normally haughty expression.
There was a long pause. Alodie could barely breathe. At last, the princess spoke with the air of making a final pronouncement. “I love all of you dearly. It is my place to guard you and protect you. I accept this responsibility, and all it entails.”
The solemn words drew renewed bursts of tears from several of the ladies. Some of the elder among them remained stoic, though pale. Alodie swallowed. Those women were the ones who told tales of bodies strewn about fields, throats slashed, guts spilled, their mortal remains picked over by carrion birds while the living hastily dug burial pits before the corpses could turn putrid under a relentless sun.
An idea mushroomed in Alodie’s mind—a kind of madness springing fully formed in the clawing desperation of their situation. She made her way through the room toward the princess, unwilling to contemplate the scheme, lest she lose her nerve, her throat clogging with fear. She hadn’t risen this morning thinking this might be her last day drawing breath. She should have been prepared because every prayer always asked the Lord to take them should they be about to die. One never knew where death lurked or for whom, but she’d never had reason to believe it might be shortly coming for her.
Fear or no, there would be no living with the unbearable shame she’d suffer if she didn’t speak. “Let me go instead. Please. Let me go as you.”
Cyneburga sneered. “You?”
Undeterred, Alodie stretched out her hands for the princess’s inspection. “I’m clean, my lady. If I wear your clothes, they won’t know. And you can stand to the side watching and listening to everything. Safely. I’ll make no decisions on your behalf, you have my word. I’ll merely give them the audience they desire. And if they have treachery in mind…” She inhaled a shaky breath, relying on the appearance of courage rather than courage itself. “They’ll have me and you’ll be safe.”
The princess was looking at Alodie like she’d never seen her before. “You’re cleverer than I knew.” Then she softened. “But I would never ask this of you.”
“But they could slay you on the spot.” Alodie’s panic turned cold at the gruesome image in her mind—that of the princess lying dead before them, throat cut, eyes blank, a pool of blood around her body. She didn’t want to die, but it would be far worse for everyone if the princess were slain.
The room broke out in a wild din as all the people began talking at once.
The princess held up her hand and uncharacteristically raised her voice. “She’s right to say so because it’s the truth. They might have such a plot in mind. Doing so would inspire terror in the rest of you.”
Ladies held one another for comfort, sniffing and shaking their heads.
Alodie straightened, standing tall and willful against the impulse to run away. She had no gold, no silver, and no finery to sacrifice to the demons. No object of value to incite them to leave.
What she did have was her life.
In the eyes of God, souls were equal. Here upon earth, however, people were sharply divided. Those in the upper strata were more important than the rest. Was it right? Alodie didn’t know—and now wasn’t the time for pondering those questions. Fact was, the princess was important to a vast number of people. Alodie was consequential to nobody. If her life were all she had to give…
Cold terror gripped Alodie’s bones.
No, she would not submit to fear. She would do what she must. She would.
She spoke with words far braver than she felt. Her insides shook, but dread was no excuse for weakness. “Then they’ll have killed the wrong person and you’ll be safe.”
“Alodie, I won’t ask you to do this.”
“Forgive me, princess, but you’re not asking me to do this. It is I who am asking—nay, begging you to allow me this boon.”
One of the women stepped forward. She gave Alodie a sorrowful glance before turning her attention to the princess. Her voice was thin and a little unsteady. “I think she’s right, my lady. Let her.”
Cyneburga’s mouth puckered. “Doesn’t she have their blood in her veins? How do we know she isn’t part of a conspiracy?”
Alodie’s stomach twisted. ’Twas true, that. It was what she hated most about herself above all else. Her father had been one of them. He’d come to raid, of course. But then he’d fallen under the spell of her mother’s deep-set gray eyes and thick fall of unusually colored hair. He’d married her.
Several years later, he’d tired of his wife and child. Without warning, he’d abandoned them both. Faithless, hateful louse. Alodie didn’t have a single memory of him, and thank the Lord for that. His departure had broken her mother. Would that Alodie could, she’d burn any trace of him from her blood.
The princess remained calm. “That’s hardly fair. Alodie has done nothing but work admirably for years. In asking me to grant this request, she has shown me remarkable loyalty.”
Cyneburga tossed her head. “That will make her inevitable betrayal all the worse.”
The princess held up a hand. “It’s all right, Alodie. I don’t believe for one moment that you are capable of such a thing.” She raised her head to address the ladies together. “Come. Quickly now. We’ll help her dress.”