ick ... tick ... tick ...
he President bowed his head, and held the silence for one, two, three, four, five seconds, e American 77 got closer, closer and closer to the capital. What he said next is not a jrint, but perhaps it was misspoken irony: “May God bless the victims of the families ...
merica. Ihen, with his best attempt at serious drama, he closed his folder and walked le stage. Most in attendance were confiised and seemed to think this was some sort of "ally, lhe children cheered as he disappeared, again.
Ieanwhile at that same moment, American 77 popped up on the Capital ATC radar, king the screen at 500 miles per hour. “Hey, who is this guy?”
^ 38
Everlasting Images
Because multiple scenarios of intangibles could (and would) foil a perfect execut: the tactical plan, a deep operational understanding of the airline system and a sophisti military-type risk analysis was required for success. As we study the esoteric ij knowledge in planning the attack, it becomes obvious that this was not the work d known terrorist organization, especially al-Qaeda.
The tactical plan required subtle intelligence on many fronts. For example, a . weather day was necessary for many reasons. September is the perfect month for big 1 pressure systems over the Northeast United States that are easily forecast a week or in advance.The evidence confirms that the mission went into final “go” mode by Septe 5, when a massive system of high pressure was forecast to be locked in place over the Coast for September 11, when the last of the hijackers’tickets were purchased. Septe 6 is also when the curious pattern of airline stock trading emerged.
Good weather helped the chances in several areas of their time-critical tactical plan: good weather off the east coast combined with the early bank - meaning, the mori first scheduled departures - increased the chances of an on-time operation. Second,! weather would help the pilots see their targets. Absolutely great weather would ej them to see their targets from 40 miles out. Third, good weather would help keej airliners’ routes closer to the targets at the window for takeover times.
Good weather would ensure that the Boston planes would be over New Yorks 1 Hudson Valley at the perfect time. The normal good-weather routes would place all p in an ideal attack position within the first 15 to 35 minutes after takeoff.
Finally comes a factor almost too weird to think about - And that is, beautifi weather would produce images of destruction so vivid, so clear, that we would never b< to forget them. Good weather supported the mission tactically, but also may have supp an everlasting impression for maximum political impact.
lerican 77
' bile our Commander-in-Chief stared at the floor, Saudi pilot Hani Hanjour glided American 757 down by the Flight Level Change method. With flight attendants and ngers screaming from the cabin, two pilots bleeding to death on the floor behind and, almost certainly, blood covering his clothes and the instrument panel, Hanjour ible to navigate 300 miles directly to his relatively small target. On this clear morning without an ounce of interference from American fighters, he probably spotted the igon from about 15 miles west.
te recovered black box recording revealed that at 9:29 a.m. Hanjour leveled off at ) feet and held 300 knots on the airspeed before clicking off the autopilot at 9:30. He :sded to execute a steep, descending, 330-degree right turn. After a perfect rollout ive miles west of the Pentagon, at an altitude of 2,500 feet, the target in the center shield, Hanjour began trimming the nose downward for five seconds before pushing throttles to full power and the yoke into a dive. Tie aural over-speed warnings began, : the Ground Proximity Warning System screamed landing gear and flap warnings, i w ith a continuous and very loud series of low altitude and configuration warnings, lir speed raced from 300 to 350 to 400 to 450 until he impacted at 462 knots indicated sed, or 530 miles per hour. The plane delivered a perfect torpedo shot on the 90-foot wall of America’s military headquarters. [1]
vould have a damn hard time matching that performance, even in a peaceful setting, fani Hanjour, a novice pilot from the same hometown as Prince Bandar, was in total ol of the aircraft as he generated a 200-foot fireball and added another 189 people to lassacre.
nerican 77 hit the heart of the American military at 9:38, a full hour after American t the north tower. F-16s remained on the ground, just seconds away by air. Hani our might have been more than a half hour late on the tactical plan, but miraculously, ms of hitting the target, it made no difference. [2]
;ross the Potomac, at the Executive Office Building, visitors had been told to evacuate ea. One of these visitors was standing on the street just across from the White House 5. She noticed a big white airplane orbiting in the clear blue over the city and decided ip a picture with her Pentax camera.
After the picture was developed, we see another piece of weird evidence: This was a White House** controlled Boeing 747, just circling over the crime scene. And we dig deeper, and study the testimony of the USAF General at the 9/11 Comm hearings, we find that this plane was monitoring the two remaining hijacked planes be they crashed and had made no attempt to alert the fighters at Andrews. [3] Truly, exposed an interesting set of conspirators.
And also out of the blue, here’s a question: Why in the world, in less than 48 ho would Prince Bandar and the Commander-in-Chief** be smoking cigars together or White House balcony while the Pentagon was still smoldering across the Potomac?
r $
iban cigars on the Truman balcony on September 13, 2001, symbolized a political ce between George W. Bush** and Prince Bandar that began, as Bob Woodward bes it in State of Denial, in 1997 when Governor Bush of Texas began seriously ing his eventual run for the presidency. Bandar’s dear friend, the former president, iled upon him to pay his son a visit.
rcording to Woodward, Bush said to the Prince, “My dad told me before I make up Lind, go and talk to Bandar. One, he’s our friend ... number two, he knows everyone d the world who counts. And number three, he will give you his view on what he sees ;ning in the world. Maybe he can set up meetings for you with people around the .”[ 1 ]
ndar schooled the governor in the ways of real-world politics, dismissing any remaining rns the first-term governor might have about needing to be dishonest:
ever mind if you really want to be honest ... If you really want to stick to that, just this term and go do something fun. In the big boys’ game, it’s cutthroat, it’s bloody s not pleasant. Then, according to Woodward, “Bandar changed the subject.” Bandar hat while Bush had been flying F-102s in Texas, he too had been in Texas, flying Is at Perrin Air Force Base. [2]
emember,” Bandar said, “what they taught you ... Keep your eye on the ball. When I fing that jet and my life is on the line, and I pick up that enemy aircraft, I don’t care rything around me dies. I will keep my eye on that aircraft, and I will do whatever it I’ll never take my eye off.” [3]
e can only wonder which enemy aircraft Bandar had ever picked up, but anyway, two ; after 9/11, in an interview with Lowell Bergman of PBS, and speaking of the United ;, Bandar was reminded by Bergman that “we’re not a monarchy.” [4]
nd maybe you regret it, Bandar retorted, “that you are not a monarchy. Maybe if you a monarchy, you would have more common sense to do the right thing, and not get irried away with quote-unquote ‘freedom.’” [5]
ere’s little wonder why the Bushes love their Bandar.
^ 41
Big White Plane
Just as Hani Hanjour slammed the west wall of the Pentagon at 530 miles pei 1 CNN’s John King reported seeing, and CNN cameras caught the image of, a “big w plane” circling the area of the Capitol. It was the same big white plane the visitor snapped with her Pentax.
The 9/11 commissioners would later get the testimony of NORADs General L Arnold. He made a remarkable statement that prompted investigators to consider fi perjury charges against him with the Justice Department. Arnold described his respo: from Tyndall Air Base on the Florida panhandle:
“It was our intent to intercept United 93. And in fact, my own staff, we were orbi !j now over Washington, D.C., by this time, and I was personally anxious to see what 93 going to do, and our intent was to intercept it.” [1]
Wait a minute! We have a general testifying that the White House-controlled 747 “orbiting” over Washington while the attack was in progress. Obviously, this plane had capacity to see American 77 approaching Washington and the capacity to alert the figl jets below at Andrews.
“The brave men and women who took over that aircraft prevented us from making awful decision,” the general testified somberly. [2]
But when the 9/11 Commission staff reviewed the military response to United 93 ,trl determined that NO RAD was notified by the FAA only after United 93 had crashed, where did NORAD get the information about UA93’s crash? The only plane “orbiting over Washington” was the plane John King had mentioned and that would later app j with great clarity in the Pentax shot. In 2007, around the sixth anniversary of 9/11. CT* ran a piece about this “mystery” plane, as did the Discovery Channel, and showed its fi again. [3]
The photograph clearly shows a four-engine, swept-wing Boeing, with a large h_u_i starting from the cockpit and ending about halfway aft. There’s another smaller hue p top of the larger hump. It doesn’t take a 747 captain to easily identify the plane as aEoei 747, except maybe it would take one to determine that it was at about 15,000 feet. 3 plane is painted white with a blue stripe down the center of the fuselage with an Amciric flag on the tail.
e smaller hump is a special modification known to have been made for NORAD’s y advanced reconnaissance plane, called the E4-B. Within that smaller hump is a te tracking system that would allow General Arnold “to see what United 93 was to do.”
it if he could see United 93 at 274 miles out, he could surely see American 77 taching right beneath. In fact, he could have seen all of the raiders* attacks, in real time, Boston to Washington to way out over Pennsylvania.
ie questions are difficult to ask without adding some sort of profanity. If General Id could see American 77 approaching, why didn’t he notify the fighters at Langley or below at Andrews?
typical White House fashion, they have refused even to discuss the planes existence. it testifying under oath. Who’s going to make them?
eneral Arnold has since retired.
g? 42 United 93
To illustrate the aviation challenges faced by the hijackers, consider the one ca; which they failed to hit the intended target. This is the story of Ziad Jarrah at the con of United 93.
When United 93 departed Newark, 179 miles from Washington, the Boeing climbed out within a huge high pressure area. Captain Jason Dahl made an announcer to the passengers about the flight to California, giving the planned route and the we£ forecast for San Francisco; he asked the passengers to relax and enjoy the flight a switched the seat belt signs off.
Because Washington is southwest of Newark, the 757 reached cruise altitude of 35, feet just 112 miles due north of the Capitol building — prime position for the hijacke begin the assault. At the top of his climb, Captain Dahl set cruise speed at .82 Macli; i the twin jet engines were pushing the plane away from its target at 510 miles per hem
It is easy enough to visualize how things might have started out on that day in 2 Perhaps the New York-based flight attendants could be overheard chatting on the out, would have been taking pride in their service, treating all the passengers, Muslim Christian and Jew, with respect and dignity, not knowing or caring which belief came ^ which body.
Ziad Jarrah, sitting in seat IB, had learned only parts of the airliner that he was plan to fly. For his mission, he didn't need to know anything about the sophisticated i electrical and hydraulic systems but he surely knew that the so-called automatic pilct i damned complicated. In fact, on the 757 there are three autopilots that can be switd between navigation and display modes. It must have taken a great deal of instruction insure that these first time flyers of heavy airliners had a solid understanding and mis of their relatively short missions. You can bet that if Prince Turki al Faisal was runr this operation he had to be satisfied that it didn’t turn into a fiasco. There was no room errors and no room for indecision. This was as risky a mission that had ever been atterp Failure would (and may still) end in a hanging.
ery commercial airliner is operated with a dependency on a checklist for every il operation, every abnormal operation and every emergency operation. Obviously, jackers were trained well and surely their instructors had developed a checklist for to follow. Most certainly, the United 93 and American 77 hijackers had one similar
etty damn simple. Right?
e plan was relatively simple. As clearly demonstrated on the two WTC flights, if the al plan stayed on schedule, and the pilot/hijackers executed without major delays, flying portion would only be about 15 to 30 minutes in duration. For example, in the d WTC flight, the hijackers commandeered the cockpit at the ideal time and only had the plane for nine minutes. The first WTC flight (AA11) was commandeered over ly, New York and the pilot/hijacker’s flying portion lasted only 31 minutes. The idea o be finished quickly, before the USAF fighters could intercept them.
e tactical plan was basic and quick. If executed to perfection (like the two WTC hits) uld be impossible to defend against this attack. The plan was nearly flawless. In the wing jet world of heavy airliners we have a term for nearly. We call it a disaster. As an
airline captain, there are a few key words you never want to hear from your co-pilot, of them is “nearly.” Another is “almost.”
As for United 93, the obvious error was item number one on the checklist: S cockpit no later than 30 minutes after takeoff. The timing of the takeover was extre critical. Based on the cockpit recordings and telephone reports from the American 11 : attendants we know that the cockpit breach was non-violent. In other words, they c kick the door down or hold a knife to a flight attendant’s throat to gain entry. This 1 two plausible options.
Option 1: Before 9/11, the cockpit was loosely secured by universal door keys that issued to every airline pilot and ground maintenance and service personnel. Basicall lock and key was primarily to prevent passengers from entering the cockpit by mi during flight.
For example, when I left Eastern for United in 1989, the same key that opene« cockpit door on all Eastern Airlines planes would open all cockpit doors on United p] There were virtually thousands of these keys around the airline industry and little c that the Saudi Minister of Aviation or employees of a Saudi aviation firm would have a to these keys. If I were the “mastermind” of this attack, I would have used this option
However, It is possible that the planners were not aware of the key option. The se option for getting inside the cockpit would be casing the flights and observing tha flight attendants on early morning flights usually delivered food or drink up to the co by opening the cockpit door within the first thirty minutes after takeoff This wou a risky choice because the pilots may have already had breakfast and coffee before checked in for the flight. In 20 years of experience I’d say that the chances of the opening anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes after takeoff was about ninety percent. N almost one hundred percent.
As for United 93, we now know that at 20 minutes after takeoff, the plane was i ideal takeover position just 112 miles north of downtown Washington. At that pol they had a cockpit key, or if the flight attendants had brought up breakfast to the pilot hijackers could have executed the remaining items on the checklist and would be bu on every television set in America within the next 12 minutes.
But it didn’t happen that way.
It appears that Mohamed Atta (on the first WTC hit) may have had the uni-cockpit key. He had breached the cockpit quietly just 14 minutes after takeoff It worn relatively early for the flight attendants to be bring up breakfast or coffee just 14 mi_ after takeoff - but not illegal or impossible and it can’t be ruled out.
Normally, especially coming off the east coast, the pilots are busy with navigation, calls and instructions, climbing, leveling off, climbing again, turning, etc. Missing an alt assignment by a thousand feet is one of those nearly things, especially if there is opp direction traffic, so the pilots are constantly setting and rechecking each other’s work, we reach our final cruise altitude, it is not wise to bring any distractions into the cockp fact, until we get above 10,000 feet, we operate in a “sterile cockpit” under FAA remila
-l prohibit any conversation unrelated to the actual flying of the airplane. The flight dants are not allowed to enter or call the cockpit anytime an airliner is under 10,000
► what happened on United 93? We know that the delay of an additional 20 minutes r a P er ^ ect P lan into a failure. The delay could have been as simple as the hijackers tting or losing the cockpit key. Surely they were in a stressful environment, hoping ar security, hoping there would be no surprises or mechanical failures, no unforeseen s. Oh, and they would end this mission with suicide. They were planning to kill selves and thousands of people. It would be understandable if they had misplaced the l key at the exact moment they needed it.
" studying the ATC transcripts and cockpit voice recordings of United 93, we know hey breached the cockpit after a flight attendant had opened the door. The hijackers Led in behind her. [2] So the by the time the hijackers either planned or for some n reverted to Option 2, United 93 was 23 minutes past the ideal takeover point. This in’t be a big deal on, say, a bicycle, but on a 757 moving at 500 miles per hour, it doesn’t come close to nearly or almost; they were now 170 miles off the attack profile.
le blackbox data revealed that the pilot/hijacker dialed in the navigation frequency for lington National Airport. At the ideal takeover point, when they were just 112 miles of DCA, that frequency would have led them straight to the nations capital.
it that’s not what happened.
reality, because the cockpit breach was delayed, by the time Jarrah dialed in the ency for DCA, that frequency was out of range. Consequently, he had nothing to the autopilot to for navigation. He didn’t have a navigation or descent plan from 300 out so he attempted to execute the plan as if he were still back at 112 miles north of lington. That “nearly” worked.
ie flight recorders told the story. Instead of clearing what Captain Dahl had ammed on the flight management control panel at the originally planned time — i minutes after takeoff Jarrah didn’t get this done until 52 minutes after takeoff, 70 miles off the tactical plan. Someone had trained him to reset the FMC (Flight igement Computer) using a non-standard method, which indicates that he received iformation somewhere other than the Boeing flight manual. [2] He immediately set rget altitude to 10,000 feet and changed the autopilot from the normal cruise mode to ical (up or down) speed mode, which overrides the altitude selected for the autopilot. m see from the flight data recorder that he mistakenly set the vertical speed selector ite of 1,800 feet a minute up — instead of4,000 feet a minute down. [3] This mistake xle his altitude setting to 10,000 feet and instead of descending as he expected, the es powered up, and the plane began a climb into thin air, too thin for the plane and its
0 pounds of west coast fuel.
e 757 teetered near a stall as it climbed above 40,000 feet and warnings began to
1 and the yoke began to shake. At this point, he was in no man’s land — behind the r curve in a dark blue sky and still 265 miles from his target. Jarrah had about 10 ds to discover his mistake before the aircraft would stall; once the plane stalls and
breaks into a spin, it’s all over but the crying. The cockpit warning “stick shaker” activ Both the captains and copilot’s yokes have motors that shake them — the last wa; before the plane falls out of the sky.
Just seconds before the stall Jarrah, to his credit, found his error and re-set the vei speed to 4,000 feet a minute down and the aircraft slowly recovered speed and t descending to 10,000 feet. This crosscheck and correction tells us that he had been trained. But he slipped up again. He began to execute the flight plan as if he had not w too long and was back in the ideal window.
Luckily for America, the occupants of the Capitol Building and eventually the se ; of truth, the murderous assault on the surprised crew was delayed until 43 minutes takeoff, and by the time the cockpit was under the hijackers’control at 9:32, Jarrah’s I for his target was now 10:12, a full hour over the tactical plan.
Given that a successful, flawless attack would have been completed between 8:45 9:10, the conspirators must have been in an extreme state of anxiety as the time clickec 9:10 to 9:15 to 9:30.
As we examine the testimony from federal investigations we see a distinct patte misstatements, fabrications, cover ups, conflicting stories and disinformation that all h around 9:05. The common thread of all these discrepancies is that they all originated the very people that Steve Pieczenik had mentioned as part of a stand down and a fals< attack from the Bush White House**: Dick Cheney**, George W. Bush** and Condole Rice**. In hindsight, these discrepancies counter the official reports and testimony of and file employees at FAA, FBI and the flight data recordings and summary reports the NTSB.
The delay on United 93 presented another major problem for the hijackers: T supersonic fighters based at Andrews and Langley and Dover had abundant tinr scramble and defend the skies over Washington and the east coast. In fact, by 10:0C entire world was aware of what was taking place. The element of surprise was gone and' the communication capabilities of2001, even the passengers in the cabin understood the hijackers intended to do.
As we focus on events between 9:02 and the time United 93 finally crashed Shanksville at 10:02, we see a series of odd reactions from Cheney**, Bush**, R Rumsfeld**, and Rove** which are consistent with an inside job that had gone wrong.
Because of the delay, even the passengers were getting information about the at: on New York and knew they needed to stop these guys. As Jarrah descended, lost, the unknown, it became obvious that he had missed his window and the hijackers ne: to revert to plan B, ending it before the passengers got them. The cockpit voice reco picked up the final words. In Arabic: “Should we finish it?”The recorder also picked ll) passengers slamming the beverage cart against the cockpit door as Jarrah disconnecter autopilot with chants of “God is great!” and rolled the 757 on its back. Recorded airs began increasing to 300, 350,400, 450, 500, and the vertical speed rate was pegged o over 30,000 feet per minute (down) at impact, 114 miles from the capital. United 93 the only plane that missed its target.
signed To Fail
b 9/11 Commission was formed in 2003. Philip Shenon, the New York Times her was assigned to cover the Commissions investigation. In 2007, Shenon published lazingly insightful book entitled The Commission.: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 igation , which documents the stonewalling and undermining from the Executive th** endured by the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Joint Inquiry throughout federal investigations. [1]
> Shenon relates, the Commission staff was capable and dedicated in its investigation, he basic first steps were executed competently, with the collection of thousands of ;of records and reports. The Commission’s chairman, Republican Thomas Kean, the ■t governor of New Jersey and his vice-chair Lee Hamilton, a Democratic congressman, My tried to keep this project free from politics and to maintain a high level of integrity. Tvould later confess that they were unable to overpower the White House**. As they :in Without Precedent , “the 9/11 Commission was designed to fail.” This is coming the two vice-chairmen. But, to American voters, if its not reported past one or two cycles in the national news, it simply didn’t happen.
]i official inquiry into any vital failure of U.S. intelligence or defense should come as a |:r of course. On 9/11, we are talking about multiple vital failures.
most effective obstruction to justice turned out to be the placement of Philip Zelikow :9/ll Commission’s Executive Director. Zelikow, a former member of the National ity Council for the first President Bush and co-author of the 1995 book that discussed xmation of world power, entitled Germany United\ Europe Transformed. [2] His coir was a fellow staffer in his days working for Bush 41, the National Security Advisor** 11, Condoleezza Rice. No conflicts of interest here.
j likow was a member of the Bush transition team and, incredibly, the author of the V paper that the White House used to justify a preemptive American invasion of Iraq thorship that Zelikow and the White House obscured from Kean and Hamilton. The Commission staff would describe Zelikow as a “White House mole.’Tn keeping with ale, and despite the fact that he had promised not to communicate with the people b investigating, Zelikow maintained daily contact with Karl Rove** (as confirmed by : records) as he controlled the final edit of the report. [3] In short, the White House liLCcessful in planting a loyal member of the neoconservative, pro-war group at the op of the 9/11 Commission where he could and would change the entire face of the ice.
The phone records documented nearly daily calls from Zelikow to Rove and to during the time when evidence was beginning to reveal a solid relationship betweei hijackers and high levels of the Saudi government. [3]
This and other Saudi evidence was abundant and damning, but it never saw the of day under Zelikow. Gone was the evidence of a direct line between the 9/11 terrc and the government of Saudi Arabia that congressional investigators had uncovere hindsight, the congressional investigation was obstructed by the forming of the Commission.
Philip Zelikow formed and announced nine teams for the new investigation. [4]
» A1 Qaeda and it’s history » Intelligence collection » Counterterrorism policy » Terrorist financing » Border security and immigration
» The FBI and other domestic law enforcement agencies » Airport and transportation security » Emergency response in New York and Washington » The federal government’s emergency response
There seem to be several subjects woefully missing. Most notably, considering that ! was obviously an aviation based event, one might expect testimony of NTSB investigi and pilots. Not one aviation expert ever made it to the 9/11 Commission hearings to dis the feasibility of this coordinated air attack.
After 9/11, a wall of resistance was thrown up by the Bush administration, with 1 President Cheney in the lead. Helped by distractions of Anthrax scares, a “global on terror”, two Middle East wars and distractions promoted daily by American r organizations - the administration has succeeded in fending off a close look at the conj evidence. Still, the Cheney group had a major problem after the Congressional Inquiry discovered the Saudi team and all of it’s logistical and financial support. We know Cheney tried to intimidate a U.S. senator who led the inquiry’s investigation. If an^ with judicial authority ever read the classified version of the report, Cheney would be t< Solution: Capture an “al-Qaeda conspirator” and have him confess!
Ultimately, the evidence that September 11 was an al-Qaeda operation rests eati on the confessions of one man, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. The current history text bc have already been written and distributed to our next generation throughout America, new history is based entirely on the “special activities**” relay of information provide< the 9/11 Commission as told by KSM. There’s no mention of the Saudis. None. We ] know that KSM, as he’s been dubbed in various reports, learned the hard way to remen his role in 9/11. [5]
"liked and with his feet bound to a wooden board, KSM’s lower half was elevated and itts of water were slowly poured into his nasal passages. Unable to breathe, with water :r:ng his lungs, he would have been sure that he was drowning. The natural human ton is to survive and the only way to survive is to tell the aggressor whatever he wants or. It’s that simple.
lie main reason we don’t use water boarding here in America is that it simply doesn’t lie truth, only words to stave off imminent death. After two years of this treatment deep deprivation, snarling dogs and humiliation, KSM also ’’confessed” to every evil inder the sun over the past 15 years - to planning dozens of other attacks around the
U [6]
1c later learned that his interrogations were videotaped, but the tapes mysteriously shed. Thanks again to a special ops interpreter**, we were told that KSM was some of a “super terrorist” or “terrorist entrepreneur.” Like what? How? He went to North olina Agriculture and Technology for a few semesters and lived in Pakistan so therefore the mastermind of 9/11? Oh, and his fat hand kind of looks like the fat hand that’s ing a journalist’s severed head by the hair in a photograph. Meanwhile, when he’s not embering journalists, hes busy masterminding a four-airliner aerial attack against the ajon and taking down the World Trade Center. KSM the super-terrorist. When we bd the evidence we discovered that there were no pictures of him in the United States, lane tickets, no Customs or Immigration records, nothing. [7]
'June 2008, KSM appeared in a military court at Guantanamo. Shackled and rambling lerently, his initial complaint was that the court-appointed artist had botched his profile, fically that his nose was drawn much too large. After the vanity issue, his next complaint mother crazy ramble about having been tortured for the previous five years. [8]
esident Bush informed the nation in a September 2006 speech about the success of the r board. Referring to another detainee, Abu Zubaydah, al-Qaeda’s so-called planning , Mr. Bush said, We knew that Zubaydah had more information that could save :ent lives, but he stopped talking. As his questioning proceeded, it became clear that he eceived training on how to resist interrogation. And so the CIA** used an alternative procedures. I cannot describe the specific methods used — I think you understand why” a pause - “but I can say the procedures were tough.”[9]
ish continued, “After he recovered, Zubaydah was defiant and evasive. He declared his dof America. During questioning, he at first disclosed what he thought was nominal jnation - and then stopped all cooperation. Well, in fact, the ‘nominal’ information he Jos turned out to be quite important. For example, Zubaydah disclosed Khalid Sheikh laimed - or KSM - was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.” [10] Oh, this is how round out. Okay. Some guy we tortured told us.
tilip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, over objections from t.mmissions staff, controlled the contents of the final report to us.The report concluded £SM was the “mastermind” of these attacks, but if you read closely, the commission’s asions - or assumptions - were based entirely on testimony received from our friends cial activities**.
Remarkably, just like the first federal investigation was unable to watch or partici in the questioning of the FBI informant** in San Diego, no investigators were all: to talk with KSM or even with KSMs interrogators**. Trust us, they said to the ) Congressional Inquiry, to the 9/11 Commission, to the media, to the world.
The 9/11 Commissions staff was able to insert in the final report an incre disclaimer, within a warning-style box that precedes a third-party confession from li The twenty pages that follow this disclaimer constitute the official conclusion frori 9/11 Commission about how KSM (as told, by KSM through unnamed members ofsp activities**) masterminded 9/11. Third hand testimony now forms the official versi< history.
From the 9/11 Commission final report: [11]
“The following chapters on the 9/11 plot rely heavily on informal obtained from captured al-Qaeda members ... Assessing the ti of statements by these witnesses ... is challenging. Our access them has been limited to the review of intelligence reports * * ba on communications received from the locations where the acl interrogations take place. We submitted questions for use in interrogations, but had no control over whether, when, or how quest: of particular interest would be asked. Nor were we allowed to tali the interrogators* * so that we could better judge the credibility of detainees and clarify ambiguities in the reporting. We were told that requests might disrupt the sensitive interrogation process.”
[end of disclaimer]
This testimony wouldn’t be allowed in traffic court, but in the post-9/11 world, thisi we need in order to know who massacred 3,000 people on 9/11. The New York City Department lost 343 men; the NYPD lost 23; nearly 200 people jumped to their d from the burning towers; United and American lost 33 crew members and 314 passer-airport security was defeated; the United States military was defeated; the Arne economy was ruptured; and all Americans who travel must submit to pat downs ari treated like potential mass murderers. The Bush Administration has sold that a rei^ terror, a tactic used in the French Revolution, loomed and must be stopped by finding killing all terrorists.
The commission report describes, in great detail, the thinking of Osama bin Lade told by mastermind KSM. For example, the report states: [12]
“During the summer of 2001, KSM approached bin Laden with! idea of recruiting a Saudi Arabian air force pilot to commandeer aS<i fighter jet and attack the Israeli city of Eilat. Bin Laden report! liked this proposal, but he instructed KSM to concentrate on the 9 operation first.”
D FLAG - In the summer of2001? Are we to believe that KSM had the 9/11 attack lpletely organized that he was ready to take on yet another attack?
j one clear constant in White House behavior before and during 9/11 is inaction, fterward, there was no action to give the 9/11 Commission subpoena power it needed to the truth. With the aid of then White House counsel Alberto Gonzalez**, Bush heney were able to set the ground rules for their own interrogation.
; two men who had failed us most in Americas defense were able to demand an >gation without an oath. Cheney demanded, and the commissioners obliged, that vould be no documentation of this interrogation, no tape recorders, no stenographer, en a pencil or paper allowed for handwritten notes - and they, Bush and Cheney, ided to be interrogated together. [13]
w let’s go back to the first encounter between the Saudis and the hijackers at that :e” meeting at that Los Angeles restaurant in January of 2000. Throughout Shenon’s ibout the 9/11 Commission, we see the same see-saw battle between real evidence ered by the investigators and staff, countered by unfounded assertions by upper levels Intelligence Community**. In this case, we see that someone on the commission ad read about that meeting and the meeting that transpired at the Saudi Consulate Tore the Saudi agents drove directly to a restaurant where they met two hijackers, n wrote about two 9/11 Commission investigators, Raj De and Michael Jacobsen as *aveled to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2004 to interrogate the Saudi diplomat who had ith the hijackers’Saudi handler in Los Angeles in January of 2000. His name: Fahad mairy.
i following passages are from The Commission , beginning on page 308 and ending on 11 :
imairy was the young Saudi diplomat who had worked at the country’s consulate in ngeles in 2000 and 2001 and who appeared to be a middleman of some sort for the 11 hijackers who had lived in San Diego. Mike Jacobsen and other investigators had led a long dossier on Thumairy, much of it built on evidence that Jacobsen had found in FBI files.
5 evidence gathered by the commission suggested Thumairy had orchestrated help ; hijackers through a network of Saudi and other Arab expatriates living throughout ern California and led by Omar Bayoumi, the seemingly bumbling ‘ghost employee” tudi aviation contractor. Although Thumairy had denied in previous interviews with II** that he knew Bayoumi or the two hijackers, the Commission’s investigators had evidence and witnesses that proved he was lying. The Commission’s investigators had :d to Saudi Arabia to confront Thumairy with his lies.
J most intriguing, potentially damning evidence against Thumairy was found by en in a group of classified FBI reports** prepared in 2002. The reports detailed the of the interrogation of an Arabic-speaking taxi driver from Los Angeles who had
been arrested on immigration charges a few months after 9/11. The Tunisian driver linked to Thumairy in the FBI files, apparently because he had done chauffeur work the consulate.
The driver was shown a series of photographs of young Arab men and asked i recognized any of them; the driver surprised the FBI questioners and quickly picked oul two hijackers - HazmiHazmi and Mihdhar - before realizing what he had done. He nervously backtracked and denied knowing the pair.
Thumairy had a problem in insisting to the FBI after 9/11 that he did not know Bayoi because Bayoumi acknowledged that he knew Thumairy.
The Saudi government had made the arrangements for Thumairy s interrogation, and S minders joined in on the conversation. They were most certainly there to make sure Thun said nothing that compromised the Saudi government. He demonstrated remarkable cal the start of the questioning. He spoke in Arabic through an interpreter at the beginnit the conversation, but later, as the questions became accusatory, he switched to English fc answers.
Thumairy told the story he told before to the FBI* and that it was “ridiculous” to try to him to some sort of Saudi government support network for 9/11.
“I do not know this man Bayoumi,” he said. He certainly did not know Hazmii Mihdhar, the hijackers, he insisted. Another commission investigator, Raj De, intern 1 Thumairy, “your phone records tell a different story... We have your phone records.”
Thumairy was silent for a moment. The expression on his face was one of shock, is when De explained that the commission had obtained FBI records that documtf numerous phone calls between Bayoumi and Thumairy. Bayoumi had called Thumairy s 1 number at least ten times, and Thumairy had called Bayoumi s cell phone and home more often - at least eleven times in December 2000, nine months before the attacks. “S* still don’t remember Mr. Bayoumi?” De asked sarcastically.
Thumairy began to sputter. “I have contact with a lot of people.”
Isn’t it interesting that the spike in phone calls in December of2000 coincides with the that the hijackers moved from San Diego to the desert in Arizona? Something else hapf in December of2000: George Bush’s son, George Junior, was declared to be the Preside the United States** by the United States Supreme Court after losing the overall count b] one million votes but winning the Electoral College count. The deciding and confoui swing to victory came in Florida, where the historically accurate exit polls indicated Bush had lost. The first indication of an election bamboozle came, not surprisingly, fror News** when they reported that the election was not over, that Florida was not done cou votes. A recount ensued over the next three weeks and ended when the Supreme ( stopped the process, even after hundreds of allegations of a massive voter fraud, of tu away low income voters, of ballot stuffing and miscounts.
Incredibly, the “Bush For President” election team in Florida was chaired by the people entrusted to count the votes: the new president-elect’s own brother Jeb Bush was the Governor of Florida and his mental case Secretary of State Kathleen Harris.
-eady forgotten? And one more little tidbit: The Bush campaign was represented in the :me Court by the law firm led by our old friend James Baker**, one of the founders of ew, up and coming Intelligence Community**. [14]
the final report of the 9/11 Commission, the Executive Director Philip Zelikow was ling to mention the Saudi spies. Instead he concluded that the sworn enemies of [ Prince Bandar, al-Qaeda, without any evidence of aviation expertise or the planning raining that they would have needed, had somehow foiled every element of national Lty. [15]
me of the most effective maneuvers to distort the truth is the absence, in Zelikow’s report, of an accurate timeline for the morning of 9/11. The testimony of key players .roven to be distorted, perhaps deliberately, including that of Air Force General Larry Id, who would produce more questions than he would answer.
r hen the 9/11 commission staff and its investigators uncovered the gross negligence e administration, Zelikow went into cover-up mode, while those who had been npetent in defending the nation ran campaign ads to frighten voters. Dick Cheney be known that voting for Democrats would increase the chances of another terrorist t - while the commission staff was discovering a complete breakdown of protocol in efense of America.
ie evidence against Bandar was hidden in the final report because Zelikow argued it was not conclusive. Yet, third-hand unverifiable testimony from KSM, the most ireh sourced of all of the commissions evidence, was central to its conclusions. Hard nee on the Saudis was excluded, and the very shaky testimony of KSM was used to in the entire plot. The phraseology of the commissions acceptance of this testimony is tingiy similar to the phraseology of the media’s meek, virtually automatic acceptance - alleged Osama bin Laden tapes. [16]
ne ilternative explanation for the omissions and distortions in the report would be incompetence and ineptitude. However, incompetence can be virtually ruled out denng all the evidence, notably the continuous call for war and the deliberate use of >ssiHe means to achieve that war, by the same people who were being investigated. The cowled final 9/11 Commission report was, in the end, a cover-up.
^ 44
9/11 Commission Chairmen Speak Up
As we have seen, the tales told by a tortured prisoner, without trial or jury have be; the official account of American history. Virtually every major media account is identi the tortured “testimony” of KSM.
Once again, true patriots, like the chairman of the 9/11 Commission, former Repul governor of New Jersey Thomas Kean and his vice-chairman, congressional Democrat Hamilton have been nearly shut out by our big six media conglomerates. Like the chaii of the Congressional Joint Inquiry, they have been trying to reach the American taxp; but have met a brick wall of resistance from our media. They first wrote a book to u ( they also felt strongly enough to write the following op-ed in The New York Tim January 2008:
Stonewalled by the C.I.A.
Published: January 2, 2008
MORE than five years ago, Congress and President Bush created 9/11 commission. The goal was to provide the American people i the fullest possible account of the “facts and circumstances relatix the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001” — and to offer recommendat to prevent future attacks. Soon after its creation, the president’s c of staff directed all executive branch agencies to cooperate with commission.
The commission’s mandate was sweeping and it explicitly include< intelligence agencies. But the recent revelations that the C.I.A. destr< videotaped interrogations of Qaeda operatives leads us to conclude the agency failed to respond to our lawful requests for information a the 9/11 plot. Those who knew about those videotapes — and did nol us about them — obstructed our investigation.
There could have been absolutely no doubt in the mind of anyone a C.I.A. — or the White House — of the commission’s interest in any an information related to Qaeda detainees involved in the 9/11 plot. Y< one in the administration ever told the commission of the existen. videotapes of detainee interrogations.
When the press reported that, in 2002 and maybe at other times, the LA. had recorded hundreds of hours of interrogations of at least two eda detainees, we went back to check our records. We found that we i ask, repeatedly, for the kind of information that would have been titained in such videotapes.
The commission did not have a mandate to investigate how detainees ire treated; our role was to investigate the history and evolution of Qaeda and the 9/11 plot. Beginning in June 2003, we requested all )orts of intelligence information on these broad topics that had been aned from the interrogations of 118 named individuals, including ;hAbu Zubaydah and Abd al Rahim al-Nashiri, two senior Qaeda natives, portions of whose interrogations were apparently recorded i then destroyed.
Che C.I.A. gave us many reports summarizing information gained the interrogations. But the reports raised almost as many questions they answered. Agency officials assured us that, if we posed specific istions, they would do all they could to answer them.
lo, in October 2003, we sent another wave of questions to the C.I.A.’s Leral counsel. One set posed dozens of specific questions about the orts, including those about Abu Zubaydah. A second set, even more rortant in our view, asked for details about the translation process he interrogations; the background of the interrogators; the way the jrrogators handled inconsistencies in the detainees’ stories; the ticular questions that had been asked to elicit reported information; way interrogators had followed up on certain lines of questioning; context of the interrogations so we could assess the credibility and leanor of the detainees when they made the reported statements; the views or assessments of the interrogators themselves.
he general counsel responded in writing with non specific replies, agency did not disclose that any interrogations had ever been >rded or that it had held any further relevant information, in any i. Not satisfied with this response, we decided that we needed to stion the detainees directly, including Abu Zubaydah and a few other captives.
i a lunch meeting on Dec. 23, 2003, George Tenet, the C.I.A. director, us point blank that we would have no such access. During the ting, we emphasized to him that the C.I.A. should provide any iments responsive to our requests, even if the commission had not ifically asked for them. Mr. Tenet replied by alluding to several iments he thought would be helpful to us, but neither he, nor anyone in the meeting, mentioned videotapes.
meeting on Jan. 21, 2004, with Mr. Tenet, the White House
counsel, the secretary of defense and a representative from the Jus Department also resulted in the denial of commission access to detainees. Once again, videotapes were not mentioned.
As a result of this January meeting, the C.I. A. agreed to pose some o J questions to detainees and report back to us. The commission conclr this was all the administration could give us. But the commission n< felt that its earlier questions had been satisfactorily answered. So public would be aware of our concerns, we highlighted our caveat page 146 in the commission report.
As a legal matter, it is not up to us to examine the C.I.A.’s failui disclose the existence of these tapes. That is for others. What we do k is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constiti body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction
Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton served as chairman and chairman, respectively, of the 9/11 commission.
(end of op-ed)
The chairman of the Congressional Joint Inquiry wrote a book and tried to tell u; 9/11 was a Saudi operation. Now we see that both heads of the 9/11 Commission been trying to reach us with news that the “confessions” were never verified. As pointe earlier, three of the four political heads have all called out to us. Where’s the fourth?
:neys Bogus Shoot Down Order
Vt days after the attacks, on Sunday, September 16, 2001, Vice President Cheney i somberly tell the story of having made the toughest decision of that past Tuesday, interview from Camp David with Tim Russert, on “Meet the Press.” Referring to the ion about whether or not to order fighter jets to shoot down passenger planes, Cheney “Well, I suppose the toughest decision was this question of whether or not we would :ept incoming commercial aircraft.” [1]
ussert followed up: “And you decided ...”
We decided to do it” - referring to himself and the president.
ussert: “So, if the United States government became aware that a hijacked commercial ler was destined for the White House or the Capitol, we would take the plane down?”
fe,” said the somber White House veteran. “The president made the decision on my mmendation.” Cheney said that Bush had relayed the decision to Cheney in one of their )hone calls that morning.
Now, people say, you know, thats a horrendous decision to make,” he continued. “Well
Jifortunately.as even the commission report makes clear (if you make the extra effort to wet the dots), Cheney was delivering false information to millions of American viewers. v( will see, there were seven separate phone logs on each call from Cheney to Bush and e of them chronicled any discussion about shoot-down authority or even scrambling to. [ 2 ]
t would take a study of the recovered black boxes to discover the mistakes made by the cl team, but Dick Cheney’s stalling was the cause of the delayed reaction of the fighters, lithe hijackers began to experience delays, the military had executed a competent «se by scrambling two F-15 Eagles from the nearest base to the hijacked flight. But as atack began to encounter delays, all of this competency vanished.
At9:02, after the second hit on the World Trade Center, everyone knew that this was an oiterrorism and yet American 77, would continue for 46 minutes straight to the Pentagon hat any interference from Air Force fighters. In testimony to the 9/11 commission :sigators, Air Force Colonel Robert Marr said that American 77 had “dropped below niar so nobody could see him.” But when we checked the FAA radar reports and the DTted black box recordings, we found this to be completely false. [3]
American 77 was hijacked at 8:52 at an altitude of35,000 feet. Although the transp. was turned off by the hijackers, the plane was visible to defense and FAA radars approached the nations capital from 8:52 until impact at 9:38 - 46 minutes!
An unidentified target, essentially a very large missile, was bearing straight fc Pentagon at 500 miles per hour on all defense radars for over a half hour at a time the nation was under a fierce aerial attack and nobody saw it? Then we get an Air colonel attempting to cover a most obvious blemish by saying that the plane was I radar coverage. It now becomes obvious that the planners did not plan for American 7 United 93 to still be flying after 9:10.
Keep in mind that radar coverage in this area covers anything above 500 feet and ; time, UA93 was at 35,000 feet. This statement that American 77 was below radar co\ is preposterous. [4]
The black box recording clearly indicates that at 8:55, the plane had reversed course to Washington at 35,000 feet and started a descent to 24,000 feet - well within return of every radar. At 9:15, the plane had leveled off momentarily at 24,000 feet until 9:2C it began another descent to 9,000 feet.
At 9:38, after AA77 completed a highly advanced steep turn and descent from 2,50( just three miles from its impact with the west wall of the Pentagon - the 200,000 p airliner was still within clear radar contact. [5]
American 77 was in radar range the entire flight. The black boxes recorded the air just prior to impact at an incredible 482 knots, 530 miles per hour. The redline airsp« this altitude (sea level) is 355 knots. Perhaps only airline pilots can appreciate this incr< speed, but hitting that target at that speed reveals a history of advanced flight training
The official records prove that no shoot-down authorization was ever passed to the fi pilots. At 10:45 a.m., a full hour after American 77 hit the Pentagon, here comes the U. Force to protect Washington. They were part of the 113 th Wing of the District of Cok Air National Guard, launched out of Andrews in response to information passed to i not by the White House, but by the Secret Service. The first of these fighters was airbo 10:38, two hours and seventeen minutes after American 11 was declared a hijack. [6]
As the commission report states: “General David Wherley- the commander of the I Wing - reached out to the Secret Service.”The guidance from Wherley was to send j aircraft, with orders to protect the White House and take out any aircraft that threa the Capitol. General Wherley translated this in military terms to flying ‘weapons free’ is, the decision to shoot rests in the cockpit, or in this case in the cockpit of the leac He passed these instructions to the pilots .” [7] It appears that General Wherley dicb the memo to stand down but this order was like calling the fire department an hou* your house had burned to the ground. That order to protect Washington would have effective after the second plane hit the WTC at 9:02, when everyone on earth knew the was an attack and not just a “twin engine airplane” with a “terrible pilot” that had eras i
Cheneys solemn statement to a stunned nation on “Meet the Press”was that he a -president had decided to shoot down incoming airliners. However, the White House r^
|fincoming or outgoing phone call. Seven separate logs were kept on the Cheney-Bush on 9/11. The Situation Room keeps one. The Secret Service keeps one. The White p switchboard keeps one. Four separate logs were kept by military officers working K White House. There were seven separate logs chronicling the length, the time, the :ct and all pertinent information for the calls between Cheney and Bush. [8] There was ndence on any of the logs that a shoot down was even discussed, much less authorized. :n the vice president said, The president made the decision on my recommendation,” an raise another red flag. [8]
rother rather obvious attempt to deceive came from Scooter Libby’s notes, between land 10:18 a.m. His note read: “Aircraft 60 miles out, confirmed a hijack - engage? VP? csh Bolton): Get President and confirm engage order.”This may have been one of the “t post-attack deception tactics; everyone on the raider side knew that UA93, the last efour, had crashed 10 minutes earlier. [9] And speaking of Mr. Irving Leibowitz, who himself Scooter Libby, he (is one of many interesting directors in the Project for a New rcan Century that we will examine in the next chapter) would later be convicted of sing an American Intelligence agent that had exposed another Cheney embellishment ding more false assertions of WMD. Leibowitz, would be sentenced to 30 months in nbut George W. Bush would commute that sentence and he would remain free as a icted felon. [9] The law just doesn’t seem to work for these guys.
ORAD records indicate that it wasn’t until between 10:14 and 10:19 that messages a lieutenant colonel at the White House were being sent saying that Cheney had rmed fighters were cleared to engage inbound aircraft if they could verify the aircraft lijacked. However, the order was not passed along because the NORAD commander that such an order could not come from the vice president: Protocol demanded it come the President to the Secretary of Defense to the combatant commander. This order was s and Cheney, a former Secretary of Defense, must have known that it was an invalid . [sn t it interesting that all the competency in fighter jet scrambling returned just after st of the four hijacked planes were confirmed to have crashed? [10]
' Andrews squadron’s “weapons free” directive came two hours late. The impact of the nilitary defense was exactly the same as if there had been no U.S. military defense at it hijackers’ tactical plan either displayed an uncanny inside knowledge of our military less or relied on inaction by our Commander-in-Chief, or both.
element of surprise - complete surprise, across the board - was to have been the its success as a truly long-term, world-changing event. If the plan had been executed :dy, the footprints of the tactical planners may have never been discovered. “If” being lerative word.
they had all struck at once, the disposition of the fighter jets would never have come lay. There would be no conversation about the shoot-down orders that weren’t given, zarre hiding and delaying inside the classroom, the NORAD responses, the E4-B ig the capital before the Pentagon was hit, Cheney making the “horrible decision” that In’t actually make and on and on. They all could have said - and I believe they were sed to be able to say - “Gee, it was over before we could do anything.”
t that’s not what happened.
^ 46
False Flag Operation
In asserting that there is much more to 9/11 than the official story would have us be and that responsibility must lie with a group or groups other than al-Qaeda, we have fo< mostly on two of the three classic criteria usually involved in establishing guilt.
Out of the triad of “means, motive and opportunity,” the evidence we have been discu pertains to means - the physical and logistical ability to carry out these attacks - ai opportunity - the circumstances that made the attacks possible at a certain place and We have touched on motive only indirectly.
For any persons wishing to execute such an attack and blame it on al-Qaeda, a h plausible motive makes the terrorist group an ideal scapegoat. Never mind that no on even tried to explain in any detail how al-Qaeda managed to do it; the situation is much as if you wanted to murder your neighbor Bob and pin it on crazy Fred at th< of the street, who has been threatening for years to do Bob in. When Bob is finally h if you play your cards right, who’s going to believe it wasn’t Fred? Al-Qaeda has expr hostility to the United States and is accused in bar bomb attacks on our embassies in A. and the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen. Then, supposedly, we get a fatwa from “Osama bin L that is used by the Intelligence Community** as a declaration of war.
In looking at the possible responsibility of any other group, it will be understand very difficult for many Americans to consider, even for an instant, that this attack < have been planned and directed by high-profile Americans. Even with my backgrou “black operations” - black operations under the direction of Vice President Bush, no le still had some hope, at first, that my darkest suspicions might evaporate in the strong of the evidence. These would be unthinkable black ops indeed. My fear now is that th< conspirators remain at large and have the ability to conduct future spectacular ever further their political cause.
It is impossible to know to what lengths people will go for power - but it is now that 9/11 has been used in the recent elections in a subliminal fashion. In the 2004, 2008 and 2010 elections, mysterious reports of Osama bin Laden surfaced in the Ame media via the Intelligence Community** just prior to the elections and completely van afterwards. In 2010, the Intelligence Community** floated a plot, supposedly “back bin Laden” that an attack was planned on the Eiffel Tower in Paris one week befoi election. In October of 2004, a video of “bin Laden” surfaced just before George W. was re-elected in early November. We were later told that bin Laden was killed in M 2011 in a house full of women, children, marijuana and pornographic magazines. Is ai paying attention?
en with all the slip-ups, they have been able to control the media’s focus with false :s about al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Fear seems to out-power logic.
we grant the hypothesis that 9/11 may have been an ultimate case of dirty tricks, a r punch designed to deceive the world and to grab power, it is worth examining who i power as a result and then how they used it. The short answer, of course, would be ush Administration** which used fear and hysteria to establish a new all-powerful h of government calling itself the Intelligence Community*’. As a direct result of tacks, was to push war with Iraq and this brings us around to address the big pink ant in the living room, the one behind Bandars cigar smoke rings: the oceans of black hat lie beneath the Iraqi and Iranian sands. Let’s look at the setup and remember that ind Saudi Arabia are (were) competitors in the oil market. An alliance with Saudi a and American oil companies would constitute an opportunity' to control much : world’s economy with profits remaining obscured from the American taxpayers, alism is wonderful if you own all the capital.
ur months before 9/11, in May 2001, Dick Cheney delivered the “National Energy ” report to President Bush, a report that had been shaped by the work of Cheney’s y task force, led by our friend James Baker and Enron CEO Kenneth “Kenny Boy” lush’s top campaign contributor in the 2000 election.The Baker task force produced a t,“Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century,”in April 2001. [1]
cording to the Baker report, Saddam Hussein became a swing oil producer bv turning oil taps “on and off” whenever he felt it was in his interest to do so. During these ds Saudi Arabia stepped up to the plate and provided replacement oil supplies to the st. Hussein, the report says, used his own “export program to manipulate oil markets.”
ie report’s implications are clear: “the national energy security of the United States low in the hands of an open adversary and the Saudis might not make up the ence in the future.”The Baker report recommends: “The United States should conduct imediate policy review of Iraq, including military, energy, economic and political/ matic assessments ... Sanctions that are not effective should be phased out and replaced highly focused and enforced sanctions that target the regime’s ability to maintain and re weapons of mass destruction.” Military intervention is listed as a viable option. [3]
hen Vice President Cheney handed the official national report to President Bush, ibinet members who formed the National Energy Policy Development Group were as its authors. A closer look reveals that the Baker report was the mainframe. In the dmost every major policy action in the Baker report was incorporated in the national t. [4]
r December 2002, post 9/11, a neoconservative “independent working group” led by ssadors Edward P. Djerejian, the former ambassador to Israel and founding “director”
- Baker Institute, and Frank G. Wisner, an Enron board member and personal friend iypt’s Hosni Mubarak, wrote a guide for the president that described American actions an Iraq war. They had created a “perfect” war on paper: The war was presumed to have •red. It was a fast, smooth war. It ended nicely. There were no complications.
Titled “Guiding Principles for U.S. Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq,” the report wa sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the James A. Baker III Institui Public Policy of Rice University. The report warns the president (with an astoni: foresight): “Western anti-war activists, the Arab public, average Iraqis and internal media have all accused the United States of planning an attack on Iraq not to dism weapons of mass destruction, but as a camouflaged plan to steal’ Iraq’s oil for the sa American oil interests.”The solution: “any repairs, future investments, oil exports and of oil must be made transparent and involve both international and Iraqi oversight Okay. Sure. Now who is doing their accounting?
The report then gets down to the nitty-gritty. “Iraq has the second-largest prove reserves in the world (behind Saudi Arabia) estimated at 112 billion barrels with as ma 220 billion barrels of resources deemed probable. Of Iraq’s 74 discovered and evaluate fields, only 15 have been developed.’Tn the western desert “there are 526 known struc that have been discovered, delineated, mapped and classified as potential prospects in of which only 125 have been drilled.” This is the mother lode. To hell with going « when there’s another oil kingdom to be enjoyed. Occupation of Iraq would be a 1 step forward for the oil kingdom that the Bush family had been developing since le Connecticut for the rich oilfields of west Texas in 1951. [6]
But great American dynasties apparently cannot live by oil alone; to ensure the gr< wealth and consolidate it, even into the furthest imaginable future generation, they power. In the pursuit of power, the destinies of George W. Bush, a small group of Ame so-called “neoconservatives” and the Saudi royal family, fronted by Prince Bandar, be intertwined.
At the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the United States decided it was too risky to it Baghdad or attempt an occupation, even though there were nearly one million coa troops and contractors in the sand. This decision came over loud objections from F Bandar, who would remain upset for 13 years, until his friend’s son finally attempte occupation, but with fewer than 200,000 troops. [7]
Also among the malcontents in 1991 were the neoconservative future membe something that called itself Project for a New American Century, or PNAC. PNAC founder William Kristol, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld and others were screamir a push into Baghdad. [8]
George Bush had been fired by the American voters after one term despite a temp spike during the Gulf War. One thing was certain: The fall from power by the B Bush team was going to be corrected; a detailed plan for that purpose was taking i during the Clinton years. The neoconservatives were meeting and “thinking” about a to revolutionize America. Sometime around 1997, we can see that a distinct plar forming.
In 1998, members of PNAC, including Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, ^ to President Clinton urging him to remove Saddam Hussein from power using diplomatic, political and military power. The letter argued that Saddam would pose a t to the United States, its Middle East allies and oil resources in the region, if he succc
intaining his alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. The letter also argued in Iraq war would be justified by Hussein’s defiance of U.N. containment and his tent threat to U.S. interests. [8] In essence, this group was searching for a reason to “ and occupy select Middle East nations with our military. When we step back to we see that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz didn t have to write persuasive letters, they were nited States Secretary of Defense and the Deputy of Defense.
her reports from conservative think tanks, like Stanfords Hoover Institution, the ican Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation, had the attention of those avored using America’s great military power to carve out an empire and keep America ourse of global domination. [9]
e Council on Foreign Relations, advising the new president in June 2001, stated, am Hussein and his regime pose a growing danger to the Middle East and the United i.The regime cannot be rehabilitated. Therefore, the goal of regime replacement should n a fundamental tenet of U.S. policy options.’’This paper advises the president there ree red lines that Saddam Hussein might possibly cross. If he crosses any one of them, 11 gain the support of the Arabs and the Turks against him: “first, Iraqi military threats lcks on allied forces; second, Iraqi threats or attacks on neighboring states; third, Iraqi Ition and deployment of weapons of mass destruction or their use, including nuclear, ical and biological weapons.”This sounds like a rough draft for George W. Bush's dire ngs in the 2003 State of the Union Address. [10]
idence suggests that 9/11 was a classic “false flag” attack - probably the bloodiest, horrendous, and most cynical false flag gambit in world history. The most celebrated trator of false flag incidents was, no surprise, Adolf Hitler, as when he ordered the tg of Germany’s parliament building, the Reichstag, in 1933 and blamed it on the lunists in order to dramatically enhance his power.
is was only brought to light by documents obtained by the Allies after the war and timony at the Nuremberg trials. Hitler and his lieutenant, Reinhard Heydrich, used : flag attack to justify the Nazi aggression that triggered the Second World War. The itz incident on August 31,1939, was staged to look like a Polish attack on a German station. Later in 1939, Stalin used a false flag simulation of a Finnish attack to justify ing Finland.
1962, Operation Northwoods was planned by the U.S. Department of Defense to a war with Cuba; it involved a scenario to hijack a passenger plane and blame it on It was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nixed by President John F. Kennedy, and came to light through the Freedom of Information Act.
for the North Vietnamese attacks in the Gulf ofTonkin in 1964, whatever happened, n’t strictly a false flag. But its many now undisputed false elements should prove nary concerning what is possible in our democracy.
^ 47
The Project For A New American Century (PNAC)
For a detailed declaration of war including a description of a premeditated Ame military invasion and occupation of the Middle East, we look to a “policy” paper tha written and published by pro-war ideologists in the late 1990s. Just like the insightful traders in the week prior to the attack, we see that one group wrote a paper so accun the description of a “proposed” U.S. Armed Forces strategy since 9/11 that it raises se suspicion. In other words, their proposed invasion into the Middle East mirrors the 3 strategy that has occurred.
Let s take a close look at something called The Project for a New American Cent pro-war “think tank” comprised of top neoconservatives who have an interesting histc promoting military conflict using American armed forces. Beginning in 1996, this \ began a concerted effort, a campaign, to begin an American military invasion into In 1996, Richard Perle, a defense lobbyist and a longtime Bush-Cheney** supporter, comj a report that proposed regime changes in order to restructure power in the Middle E; favor Israel. The report was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Re ah called for removing Saddam Hussein from power, as well as other ideas to bring chan the regional] The report was delivered to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahi head of Israels right-wing, hard-line Likud Party. This raises two questions. Who the 1 Richard Perle and why is he asking the head of Likud to remove the Iraqi president?
Perle gained notoriety in the publishing business under Conrad Black, now serving for criminal fraud, who was for a time the third largest newspaper magnate in the wor Black controlled Hollinger International, the publisher of major newspapers includin Daily Telegraph (UK), Chicago Sun Times (U. S.), Jerusalem Post (Israel), National Post (Gan and hundreds of community newspapers in North America.
Two years later, in 1998, Perle recruited more members into his movement incli Donald Rumsfeld, Scooter Libby, Paul Wolfowitz, former CIA head James Woolsey**, Abrams**, and John Bolton** who were among the signatories of a letter to President Cl calling for the removal of Hussein with American military forces. Clinton rejected th< but the “project” continued with another paper that was even more aggressive in their p of war.
On January 16, 1998, members of the PNAC, including future U.S. defense sec Donald Rumsfeld and his future deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz, drafted an letter to President Bill Clinton, posted on its website, urging President Clinton to re Saddam Hussein from power using U.S. military power. They argued that Saddam ^ pose a threat to the United States, its Middle East allies, and oil resources in the r< if he succeeded in maintaining what they asserted was a stockpile of Weapons of Destruction.
lother key PNAC document, and the intellectual centerpiece for neoconservative n policy,published in 2000,is titled “Rebuilding Americas Defenses.” [3] In hindsight, aper appears to be the blueprint for the Post 9/11 World written by the very people vould direct our Intelligence Community**, our Executive Branch** and our military be Post 9/11 World.
|ck in 2000, this think tank argued that the United States must be prepared to take ry action and that Americas way of deploying armed forces was obsolete. Defense ing and force deployment should go toward placing forces at new permanent military in Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia, to shape security in critical regions of orld. After identifying “hostile regimes” as Iraq, Iran and Syria, the authors advocate dical new doctrine of the preemptive use of force. Notice that in 2012, these three ries remain as hot-spots in the Middle East.
at proposed doctrine is now known as the Bush Doctrine and investigators have fied the main author as Philip Zelikow, the White House’s** Director of the 9/11 nission, the same Philip Zelikow that has written the official 9/11 history.
ere are many shocking statements in “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” and one is the dng: “The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to circumstances before crises emerge and to meet threats before they become dire.” smoke, they want to control the future by shaping circumstances?
e signers included a who’s who of the future administration, such as Dick Cheney, Id Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, Jeb Bush, Mr. Scooter Libby, im Bennett and Josh Bolton. Most alarming is the representation we see from the ican media. On the list of around one hundred cosigners of this manifesto, we see at ry top, an interesting name: William Kristol, listed as the “co-founder” of the Project 'Jew American Century.
lliam Kristol?
hy is William Kristol writing America’s foreign military policy? He’s the cheerleader x News for the kill-every-Arab for the sake of saving Israel type hardliners, or hawks. >ls positions are interesting but the vast majority of Israelis favor a more peaceful nee.
is leads us to the Likud Party, who has cash flowing like the Jordan River into ington, D.C. via the political gold mine of AIPAC, a house of mirrors of financial that makes the bank bailout look silly. AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Action nittee is the leading campaign contributor to federal candidates in your congress. If tor, say like Lindsay Graham wants to keep his job, it would be wise to sing AIPAC ons.
e night before Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress in he held a black tie gala in Washington, promoted wildly by AIPAC. Seventy-seven hundred United States Senators were there for the Party! More than likely, both >rs from your state were there. [4]
Likud has broken the code: Buy the United States Congress!
There’s only about five hundred of them.
Researching William Kristol brings out some interesting connections. He’s the s< Irving Kristol who was considered the “godfather of neoconservatism.” He is the edit chief for the pro-war, pro-Likud Weekly Standard and has repeatedly called for Ame military support for Israel by promoting a deeper American military invasion into Iran. V President Obama is trying to exit the Middle East, Kristol is calling for an escalation ai invasion into Iran. Why is William Kristol involved in the organization of pro-war advc to form the foreign policy of the United States? Isn’t this the business of the Ame Congress?
Let’s look at some passages of their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” that was publ one year before 9/11: [5]
Throughout this 70 page publication, we see a troubling pattern emerge. For sta the authors offer a narrow view of America’s world presence. They lambast the Cl Administration policies as inadequate and short-sighted. They conclude that a theor “transitional” period was needed to re-tool America’s military into a cleaner, moder fighting force with four main objectives: Protecting our homeland, fighting and wir multiple theater wars, maintaining control with constable forces (occupation) and to trans the American military by exploiting the revolution in military affairs. The main authors as cosigners were the very people who had control of the Bush Executive Branch** d and after the attacks. Beginning with Cheney, we see that he was actually in control c White House response of the attack from a bunker under the Oval Office. There were t contributors to the PNAC paper who would be Bush cabinet members on 9/11.
In the Introduction, there is a clear objective to promote “Secretary Cheney” as the 1 of this entire policy.
The Introduction states:
“In broad terms” the authors write, “we saw this project as building on the defense str of the Cheney Defense Department in the waning days of the Bush [41] Administrate
It would be some coincidence that the authors who were out of power in 1997 wher began to draft this policy paper were all in power positions beginning in January 200 in position to execute the invasion plan described in great detail. After wishing in print new Pearl Harbor” to expedite the “revolutionary change” they deemed necessary, this “ tank” provided a vision of how that revolution would be executed.
The objectives were clear. This group planned a multiple-nation invasion and occup of key Mid-East nations using a new type of military force equipped with Predator d and a new covert guerilla warfare. Today, this type of a new military is in place with p companies like Blackwater** who have direct ties to this PNAC group and have over 10 mercenary soldiers on private no-bid contracts roaming the Middle East.
e head of Blackwater**, Eric Prince is executing the plan as written. Blackwater** has ;ed it s name to something called Xe, to throw us off the trail but make no mistake, utfit is being run by Eric Prince and a guy named Cofer Black, a career Intelligence nunity** Director who now heads a major “consultant” firm for the Intelligence nunity**. Take time to search Cofer Black.
lis group forms the heavy, dark arm of the Intelligence Community** and there’s ng vague about their intention: Keep America at war for the next one hundred years onquer the Middle East with force. As we look back, we see that they wrote of a ma; the American taxpayers were unwilling to fund this adventure. So they wrote on > 1: “the transformation would be a long one— absent some catastrophic and catalyzing „— like a new Pearl Harbor.” It is shocking to think that another Pearl Harbor could 3 Ught of as any type of long term benefit to Americans— but to actually write it and >h it— highlights a group who actually offered their intention to bring about their itionary change. Further, when that “new Pearl Harbor” happened, this think tank he reins of the US Executive Branch and control of the Intelligence Community**. >ost attack direction has been executed exactly as written in “Rebuilding Americas ises.”
though there are other equally suspicious concurring reports dealing with oil reserves targeted nations by the same group, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”best explains the re of this pro-war group, recognized as “hawks” around Washington. In the paper we lOtive and by connecting this group to the founders of the Intelligence Community** is a direct link to means and opportunity.
hindsight, Cheney was in that White House bunker on 9/11 with two PNAC ibutors, his chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and Josh Bolton. Consequently, we compare the testimony of these players with the actual chronology, we discover a ict pattern of deceit that began before the attack was completed.
aeney lied repeatedly about his actions during the military response to the attack. He le charge to war using the attack to frighten and hotwiring Iraq to the attack. He tened the head of a federal investigation. He provided critical disinformation to the a about bin Laden, Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction. He warned us about rax and a possible “mushroom cloud” that needed an immediate military response, imped to conclusions and rushed us into war. He ordered torture and humiliation spects. He stonewalled any investigations into the military failures that allowed 9/11 :ceed. He led the charge to open Guantanamo and the opposition to close it; and to ; the prisoners to justice. He warned that it was too expensive to hold a trial in the U.S. laimed that America was too vulnerable to imprison any “terrorist” convicts.
3 ? 48
The Dark Alliance
When we plug in the Project for a New American Century as the initial plannt the Post 9/11 World and the Saudis as the executioners of the attack, under some of contract from the Bush-Cheney Intelligence Community’ 16 *, virtually all mysterie solved.
The Osama bin Laden “fatwa” thats been used to “prove” his guilt doesn’t hold a c to the written manifesto of PNAC. This paper not only declares war but it also expc means, a motive and a plan of attack that was actually executed as written.
When we revisit the Iran-Contra fiasco, we see the same names associated with 9/ a rather damning report from special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. [1] Note that G: Bush saved himself from jail by pardoning the four men that executed his plan. The n was led to Reagan who was certainly not in the loop while the evidence screams of a h; on conspiracy using bribes, money laundering, drug trafficking, illegal arms sales and only knows what else that was not found. As we re-read Walsh’s report to us, notice three splinter groups conspired to circumnavigate our congress:
Saudi Arabia led by Prince Bandar was the source of at least $30 million fun through offshore accounts in the Caymans, the Bahamas and Switzerland to the Cor
A right-wing splinter of Israel that brokered arms sales to Iran through BCCI, F Bandar and “the Enterprise.”
A right-wing splinter from the United States that controlled the Intelli] Community’s Special Activities Division** and formed “the Enterprise”, a underg-i network of criminal activity with their own bank (BCCI).
Now let’s take a look at Fox News. We see that the alliance above has deep root; Fox News. PNAC members are seen daily as “contributors” but are actually the megaj for the ideology of right-wing tactics. They are pro-Wall Street, anti-labor, pro-war, Muslim, pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian. They are openly pro-Republican and anti-01 anti-Democrat. Their 9/11 coverage consisted of over 10,000 (false) claims of fij Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, 50,000 national reports on Osama bin Ladei have “convicted” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as the 9/11 “mastermind” by showin middle of the night raid picture of KSM over 12,000 times nationwide. The netvwi owned by one of Netanyahu’s best friends, Rupert Murdoch.
After Rupert Murdoch, the next leading stock-holder for Fox News is Prince Alw bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns News Corp.’s shares.
Lets take a look at PNAC associations with Bush Administration:
ter the election of George W. Bush in 2000, a number of PNAC’s members or lories were appointed to key positions within the President’s administration. Any quent searches and research on all of these individuals lead to connections with 9/11 :ts. These names (in alphabetical order) are some of the highlights:
Elliott Abrams- Convicted on two counts of lying to Congress during Contra, Abrams was the “Special Assistant” to President Bush and or Director for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations il-2002), Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for ■ East and North African Affairs (2002-2005), Deputy Assistant to President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy :egy (2005-2009) (all within the National Security Council). Steve senile called him out as one of the planners of the false flag attack of
Richard Armitage- Deputy Secretary of State (2001-2005)
John (Josh) R. Holton- Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control International Security Affairs (2001-2005), U.S. Ambassador to the ed Nations (2005-2006). Bolton and Cheney were running the White se response on 9/11.
Dick Cheney- Vice President (2001-2009)
Eliot A. Cohen- Member of the Defense Policy Advisory Board (2007-
3 )
Seth Cropsey- Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau** 2002-12/2004)
Paula Dobriansky- Under-Secretary of State for Global Affairs (2001-
Aaron Friedberg- Deputy Assistant for National Security A ffair s and ctor of Policy Planning, Office of the Vice President (2003-2005) Francis Fukuyama- Member of The President’s Council on Bioethics 51-2005)
Zalmay Khalilzad- U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan (11/2003 -)05), U.S. Ambassador to Iraq (6/2005 - 3/2007) U.S. Ambassador to United Nations (2007-2009)
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby- Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the ed States (2001-2005)
Richard Perle- Chairman of the Board, Defense Policy Board Advisory imittee (2001-2003)
Peter W. Rodman- Assistant Secretary of Defense for International jirity (2001-2007)
Donald Rumsfeld- Secretary of Defense (2001-2006)
Randy Scheunemann- Member of the U.S. Committee on NATO, Project transitional Democracies, International Republican Institute Pail Wolfowitz- Deputy Secretary of Defense (2001-2005)
Dot S. Zakheim- Department of Defense Comptroller (2001-2004) Robert B. Zoellick- Office of the United States Trade Representative 01-2005), Deputy Secretary of State (2005-2006), 11th President of World Bank (2007-Present)
Is this not alarming?
3 ? 49
Occupied By Wall Street
On September 10,2001, a corporate revolution was in progress. The employees of l Airlines had begun to bypass the Wall Street players. Led by members of the Airline Association through a long and difficult struggle, in 1994 they had gained control company from the investment banks. The battle of lawyers and bankers was a tooth-an affair that few Americans could see, but with billions of dollars at stake.
On September 10, 2001, United was a promising new prototype of the Arm corporation. Employees felt confident that they had finally brought an end to insider that siphoned hard-earned profits into shell corporations and sweetheart bonuses. If An ever recovers from the grip of Wall Street, the United ESOP would be a great prototy an honest and equitable corporation owned by it’s employees.
The pilots had led a fight in the 1980s, during the first Bush administration, when cor raiders were bidding on the airline with the intention of splitting off its assets and s them piecemeal. The pilots mounted their own bid in defense and drove the threat away, the elder Bush re-election defeat, and changes at the Department of Labor, it became pc for the pilots and mechanics to relight their effort to take United into a stock ownershij using 25 percent of future salaries and another 10 percent in future retirement fund result was 55 percent ownership in UAL Corp. and seats on the board of directors.
By 2001, the employees had turned the company around with logic and efih Performance reports and customer satisfaction were at all-time highs. Employees felt tha careers were secure; retirement and health-care benefits led the industry. The proud j who built and operated the airline were all heavily invested in their own performance.
Passengers raved about the turnaround in service and a fresh new energy circled the via the industry’s greatest fleet through its top-ranked hubs. The success of the Em Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP, offered a new model to employees of other large Am corporations. At United, the future was bright. On Wall Street, the bankers were bittei
By 2008, United Airlines teetered on the edge of its second bankruptcy in seven Because of the attacks on United airplanes and our employees on 9/11, UAL stock some strangely insightful investors had foreseen, from $80 a share until it was worthless The first blood shed on 9/11 was that of airline pilots, who had trusted that goveri intelligence would at the very least keep us informed of major security threats. Four! pilots were murdered with knives across their throats and lay dying as their planes were c and their passengers killed in an attack blamed on foreign terrorists. Let s not forget tf
the aftermath, the Bush administration spoke about saving the airlines while loting exactly the opposite result. They formed the ATSB, or Airline Transportation Lization Board, announcing it as a compassionate move toward the United and rican employees. In reality, the board was three political appointees whose only advice or the employees to take massive pay and benefit cuts - before they spun United into ruptcy court. There was not one dollar offered for the recovery of United or American ties. The recovery was employee compensation concessions under the new boss, same p old boss.
fl labor agreements were shredded as Wall Street regained control of the company eissued new stock with a new symbol. The employees lost all of their investments tirement funds were terminated. Pilot salaries have been slashed by more than 50 nt. In 2011, the company leads the airline industry in customer complaints. Health->enefits have been slashed. Changes to working conditions have been draconian and e is at an all-time low. Crews are searched at the same TSA checkpoints as passengers. \s Wall Street enemies are back in total control, with their very own former oil industry >, who, after leading United through bankruptcy by slashing employee compensation, >ensated himself with a S43 million bonus - a slap in the face to all who had sacrificed tvive the federal bankruptcy.
any employees find their homes in foreclosure, having been unable to keep pace with ig salaries and rising costs. Oil companies and Saudi Arabia now regulate United’s 3 lan and control its profits through an unregulated oil market. No further major rations have converted to employee ownership. Across America, oil companies in record profits as the middle class sinks in red ink. The unions, the last obstacle gotiating with large corporations have been severely weakened which has a domino across the American labor market. Wall Street is back in total control of wages and ensation, using terrorism as a reason to rise air fares and a cornered oil market to keep b off the books.
teran pilots can look back to the days of great airline men, when the CEO would roam irline, speaking with all the employees and lifting morale. Those days are gone. Most d employees have never seen their CEO as he focuses on the bottom-line numbers ie believes are all that count. Sadly, he’s an all too typical CEO in a new world of sweet options and golden parachutes.
ese changes were made possible by the work of two hours within a beautiful fall ng, the day America lost its compass and its wits - the day when the Post-9/11 World reated through bloodshed and fear.
^ 50
Rush To War
Just before the start of the Iraq War in February 2003,1 got a call at four in the moi from our company’s crew scheduling department. My assignment was to fly a mi charter, a 747 full of Camp Pendleton Marines, from San Francisco to Frankfurt, Geri and, after a 20-hour layover, on to Kuwait.
The buildup to war was being set up by the hawks in Washington; the major: Americans, nearly fifty percent, somehow believed that Saddam Hussein was behind [1] In his State of the Union Address just the month before, the president had i a number of extraordinary statements. It may seem redundant to some to look ba them now, but I think even the well-informed reader may be surprised at the sheer and relendessness of the deception and scare mongering that was embodied in jusl speech:
The following excerpts were taken from President George W. Bushs State of the U speech on January 28,2003:
“The United Nations concluded in 1999 that Saddam Hussein had biological wee materials sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax; enough doses to kill se million people.”
“The United Nations concluded that Saddam Hussein had materials sufficie: produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin; enough to subject millions of p: to death by respiratory failure.”
“Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produ much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. In such quantities, these che: agents could also kill untold thousands.”
“U.S. intelligence indicates that Saddam Hussein had upwards of 30,000 muni capable of delivering chemical agents. Inspectors recently turned up 16 of them, de Iraq’s recent declaration denying their existence. Saddam Hussein has not accounts the remaining 29,984 of these prohibited munitions.”
“From three Iraqi defectors we know that Iraq, in the late 1990s, had several m biological weapons labs. These are designed to produce germ warfare agents and ca moved from place to a place to evade inspectors. Saddam Hussein has not disclosed I facilities.”
Tie International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon -was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb.”
Tie British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant itities of uranium from Africa.”
Dur intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength linum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production.”
Saddam Hussein has not credibly explained these activities. He clearly has much to
Die dictator of Iraq is not disarming. To the contrary, he is deceiving.”
fear after year, Saddam Hussein has gone to elaborate lengths, spent enormous sums, i great risks to build and keep weapons of mass destruction. But why> The only'
hi 6 explanation, the only possible use he could have for those weapons, is to dominate lidate or attack.” ’
Nith nuclear arms or a full arsenal of chemical and biological weapons, Saddam ;ein could resume his ambitions of conquest in the Middle East and create deadly c in that region.” y
Lnd this Congress and the American people must recognize another threat Evidence intelligence sources, secret communications and statements by people now in custody that baddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al-Qaida
Ty, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists’ lp them develop their own.” ’
lefore September 11, many in the world believed that Saddam Hussein could be
lined. But chemical agents, lethal viruses and shadowy terrorist networks are not easilv lined. *
magine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans, this time armed by am Hussein. It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to a day of horror like none we have ever known.”
Ve will do everything in our power to make sure that that day never comes.
ome have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists prants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike?”
this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words linations would come too late.”
and all
nd tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq: Your enemy surrounding your country, your enemy is ruling your country.” ’
“And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be the day of” liberation.”
“The world has waited 12 years for Iraq to disarm. America will not accept a serioix mounting threat to our country and our friends and our allies.”
“The United States will ask the U.N. Security Council to convene on February tlx to consider the facts of Iraq’s ongoing defiance of the world. Secretary of State PoweJ present information and intelligence about Iraqi’s - Iraq’s illegal weapons prograrr attempts to hide those weapons from inspectors and its links to terrorist groups.”
“We will consult, but let there be no misunderstanding: If Saddam Hussein doe fully disarm for the safety of our people, and for the peace of the world, we will 1 coalition to disarm him.”
“Tonight I have a message for the men and women who will keep the peace, mer of the American armed forces. Many of you are assembling in or near the Middle Eas some crucial hours may lay ahead.”
“In those hours, the success of our cause will depend on you. Your training has pre you. Your honor will guide you. You believe in America and America believes in you.
“Sending Americans into battle is the most profound decision a president can mak< technologies of war have changed. The risks and suffering of war have not.”
“For the brave Americans who bear the risk, no victory is free from sorrow.”
“This nation fights reluctantly, because we know the cost, and we dread the ds mourning that always come.”
“We seek peace. We strive for peace. And sometimes peace must be defended. A f lived at the mercy of terrible threats is no peace at all.”
“If war is forced upon us, we will fight in a just cause and by just means, sparing, in way we can, the innocent.”
“And if war is forced upon us, we will fight with the full force and might of the U States military, and we will prevail.”
per? What Sniper?
'e had two basic choices as Americans: Either count ourselves as weak-kneed hippies jrm into Iraq and stop the nuclear holocaust Saddam was planning as an encore to “You’re either for us or against us” was the cry from the White House.
the early morning darkness, I fought off jet lag with a long run through the wet streets ankfurt. When I returned to our hotel to prepare for the seven hour flight to Kuwait I clicked on the TV. Between the constant saber-rattling and “hopes” to avoid a war, a J report about gunfire from a mysterious sniper at the Kuwait airport. The report was all day long around the world on CNN International. Before leaving the hotel, our of fifteen flight attendants from our Washington base and the three San Francisco l pilots began a briefing in the hotel lobby. First on the list of concerns was the reports e sniper, who according to CNN had shot out windows of the Kuwait City airport a high powered rifle. Our crew bus ride to the Frankfurt airport was unusually quiet all felt a new pressure of war.
ie flight itself was a memorable one. Our flight plan had been altered to fly east of Iraq o approach Kuwait from the south. We loaded our Marines and launched for a scenic >ver the Alps, down the Italian boot, over the Mediterranean, over the Sahara as the et, across Egypt and the Red Sea before approaching Kuwait from over the Persian As we cruised southbound, I made an announcement and invited our Marines into ockpit if they desired. For six hours, we enjoyed a constant stream of visitors, men vomen from all over America who were being sent to establish pre-war electronic lumcations. Most of them were in their twenties except for the officers, who showed of gray and enjoyed the First Class sleeper seats on the main deck.
ich soldier was physically fit, courteous and respectful and there was a subtle display confidence and intelligence. But it was an innocence in the young faces that has ned with me throughout this conflict.
ey were all under the distinct impression that they would take care of business in the t and be back home within two, maybe four weeks, tops. These impressive men and m were so full of life, as they headed into the unknown with American flags stitched eir shoulders.
ese Marines believed in themselves and in the leaders who had sent them. They were and one other thing was evident: They were eager to perform what they had been to do, and would rather be here, on the way to battle, to defend the United States aerie a, than anywhere else on earth.
Most were interested in the jumbo 747-400’s cockpit and asked intelligent ques about its state-of-the-art communications and navigation systems. Passing over Rom< Mt. Vesuvius, there were five or six heads moving around to get the unique view fron monster flight deck windows.
Each Marine would make sure that the next could get a view and politely rotated c the prime positions to allow enough time for the next person to get a moment. Ther< mild joking and bursts of wonderment as we jetted south. The flight attendants were we desert fatigue hats and taking pictures of the Marines as they came through.
Personally, I had all kinds of conflicting feelings as I spoke to these men and womer my days off before this trip, I had been researching the military record of their Commai in-Chief. Details of his service, or the absence of it, was disgraceful. George W. Bush no intention of serving our country and had used his father’s political influence to get a position in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. He would be tr: as a fighter pilot but would never use this training or even leave the airspace over Hou After refusing to take a physical exam that included drug testing, he was discharged his unit.
Somewhere in the flight, one of the Marines made an ironic comment about his uni stuck with me: “First to go, last to know.”
Descending through 18,000 feet, we turned off all navigation lights and had the Ms pull down their window shades to make the jumbo jet invisible to possible missile oper We descended over the dark waters into Kuwait City’s sea of lights along the north rim < Persian Gulf; all three of us looking out for surprises and for an airport on the northeas; of town. I held this Boeing 747 and four hundred Marines in my hands as we approx from the south to land to the northwest on Runway 33 R.
We touched down in the desert and taxied to the military ramp on the north e Kuwait City International. I was surprised to see that our Boeing 747-400 was one dozen jumbo jets, including three British Airways L-1011 Tristars, a Continental B 777, a Northwest 747 and few other 747s from charter outfits around the world. It lc like Kennedy Airport at rush hour.
There was little doubt that America had committed to fighting a major war.Throu^ the taxi to the military ramp area, our heads were on a swivel looking for signs of the s who had been reported all day on CNN International.
Flying the 747 is an alluring job. We take off from one world and seem to lane completely different one. The plane weighs nearly one million pounds, holds 60,000 g: of jet fuel and burns an average of one gallon per second during 14 hours of fligh" transformation seems slow, cruising over the Pacific or the North Pole below, but whe door opens at the destination, you instantly know where you are, whether it’s Hong 1 Sydney, Beijing, Seoul, Bangkok, Frankfurt, London or San Francisco.
As I unbuckled to make my way through the Business Class upper deck to the leading to the main deck, there was a tension that seemed unfamiliar. Instead of s
;ss suits and our usual globe-trotting executives pulling brief cases from the overheads, were identical gray desert fatigues and Marines pulling rifles from the bins. I made my own to the main entry door to meet whoever would be there to open it.
the door opened, the essence of this region, and a sudden insight into the entire ling conflict, smacked us all in the face. The unmistakable waft of petroleum quickly ;d the cabin as if we had landed in the Permian Basin of west Texas. Instantly, my face :e a teenager’s with an oily sheen blocking my pores. The warm silky air reeked. Everyone i around with the same expression, as if we’d all had this moment of epiphany.
ere was a collective groan followed by a church-like silence as the Marines made their om the softest seats they would see in months, away from edible food and drink. Some valking away forever from the last purely American aspect of their lives, the last little ent of home, of America.
wanted to meet the security first. A Marine sergeant in a camouflage combat helmet d the door and saluted me. I held out my hand and received a Marine shake that felt le man was made of stone. I followed him down to the tarmac as the Marines swiped dentification tags at an electronic box attached to a Plymouth minivan parked at the n.The first two dozen Marines proceeded directly to our cargo hold, where the sergeant ed a few inaudible grunts. The Marines charged the cargo as if it were Normandy.
ey began tossing the thousand duffel bags while I asked the sergeant about the sniper.
/hat sniper?”
:>ld him about the all-day CNN reports.
i laughed, explaining that he was the head of perimeter security and that if there had 1 sniper, he would know. He said there had been no firing by a sniper that day, or ever, eport was “bullshit, just like the rest of this dumb-shit mission.” It should not have sed me that CNN was being used to spread propaganda, and I, even after researching riting about press manipulation, had actually fallen for it. The poor viewers back home vo choices: believe this fascinating report of a sniper shooting away at our American » or fly to Kuwait and ask the U.S. Marine Corps’head of perimeter security.
1 inconspicuous 18-wheel truck pulled up next to the airplane. Normally, the 747 takes ;t thirty minutes to be unloaded. The Marines grunted and tossed and bent and lifted rithin ten minutes the entire cargo bin had been loaded into the trailer as another cal, unmarked tractor-trailer pulled up beside the first one. In the span of one minute, lr hundred Marines from our flight jogged up a ramp and into the trailer, and the rear door was pulled down. Both trucks made their way through the perimeter gate, the truck bumping along as if it too carried a load of duffel bags.
Dm the top of the stairs at the forward entry door I stood with the entire crew of 15 attendants and my three fellow aviators as we watched the red tail lights fade into a eum haze of desert darkness.
3 ? 52
Slam Dunk
Have we forgotten the “slam dunk” evidence delivered by the former CIA Dire George Tenet - the Democrat that Bush kept on board throughout his push for Actually, it was CIA Intelligence Community assets** that brought an Iraqi chen engineers claim to the world stage.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA presented to Tenet a supposed eye witness - code r. Curveball - and his story about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. Saddam Hus claimed Curveball, had developed all types of scary biological weapons. We’ve all see* video from the now infamous UN Security Council hearing, where Bush and Cheney Colin Powell to recite Curveball’s frightening intelligence in front of the entire world
We see Tenet and war-hawk John Negroponte sitting behind Powell, making sur. intelligence was known to be backed by the great minds running CIA Headquarters* the George Bush Center for Intelligence** in Washington. This testimony by Cun™ who was employed at the “secret weapons plant” for only four months, would be the Intelligence Community** push that sent U.S. troops into a shock-and-awe camp against the Iraqi people. The death toll from this false testimony is sickening.
On March 13,2011, eight years after the invasion of Iraq, America was finally give: truth about Curveball. On a “60 Minutes” interview with CBS correspondent Bob Si “Curveball” was interviewed from an undisclosed location. He freely admitted that h< lied to the CIA and that he never saw any type of chemical weapons being prod He appeared nervous. When Simon pressed him about the highly technical aspect c intelligence, and asked him how he was able to present such detail, Curveball abr ended the interview and walked out.
Bob Simon was able to follow up with an interview of Curveball’s supervisor fror same factory. This employee of the plant - a seed-purification plant used in agricult stated that the Intelligence Community** had offered him $50,000 in cash to corrob Curveball’s claims of 2003, and he declined the money. Even as a casual observer o piece, it is quite obvious to me that someone in the Intelligence Community** appro; Curveball and told him what to say. Curveball took the bait and the money whi. supervisor didn’t. [2]
Bush gave Tenet the Congressional Medal of Freedom for his work at the George Center of Intelligence**. These are the same guys who brought us Osama bin Ladei Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. [3]
peration 40
IVhile I was flying with Barry Seal, we had several interesting conversations. As I relayed 'Aefront Airport, Barry had some wild encounters with the world’s most dangerous pit that included cocaine kingpins and Intelligence Community assassins. I wrote nsively about his dealings and eventual sting on the notorious Pablo Escobar and the ;ged up, machine-gun toting Medellin Cartel. I wrote about his early days of smuggling ijuana and explosives and his dealings with Ollie North and George H.W. Bushs secret rations south of the border. I wanted to write about a picture he twice showed me but mid not find it. Recently I learned that Barry’s wife Debbie had posted the picture ne.
)re night, as we were cruising the Lear, Seal told me a lot about a “special” operation prised of longtime gangsters and Intelligence Community** operatives that were Ived in political assassinations and other Top Secret activities. [1] He showed me a tojraph of this team taken in Mexico City and said that the picture was his Vet out of ree card.
leirly thirty years later, that photograph has surfaced, and after we plug in our Post World evidence this picture can be officially categorized as a doozie. It provides the piece to the troubling jigsaw puzzle described in the first chapter.
1 Senator Bob Graham’s two books about his time on the Congressional Joint Inquiry, rvident that he never learned who was responsible for the leak used by Cheney to send -II in to investigate and intimidate the Joint Inquiry’s staff. [2] He never knew who countering the evidence on the Saudis with tales of a shadowy super terrorist named na bin Laden. He never knew who had stuffed his final report with the nonsense about I is the 9/11 mastermind.
lut let’s take a look at the picture for a clue.
le photograph, dated 22 January 1963, was taken in Mexico City at the “La Reforma” club. [3] Debbie Seal, Barry’s wife, donated this photo to the public domain after ■ was machine-gunned down in a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, parking lot in 1986. [4] The distances of Barry Seal’s assassination were covered extensively in Lakefront Airport, among many have concluded that Seal had become a major liability to the power that nnitrated the Executive Branch**. [5] If Seal had been alive for the Contra hearings it 1 have dramatically changed the course of our last twenty years.
Mexico City, ZZ January 1963
In the picture, the first man, at front left, is assassin David Sanchez Morales (alias I Rodriquez, alias Max Gomez), who began with CIA covert operations during the failec of Pigs invasion, has been well documented as an Intelligence Community asset. Hi been identified as the assassin of Che Guerra. [6] The third man from the left is my fo boss Barry Seal. The remaining characters are all known associates of Special Activi; and/or organized crime in the 1960s. They have all been identified, but of the grt interest in this context is the fellow sitting between the assassin and Barry Seal. [7]
Here may very well be the founding members of the Intelligence Community’s Sj Activities Division**. This photo was taken ten months before President John F. Ken was gunned down in Dallas. Some independent investigators believe that this wa assassination team, nicknamed Operation 40, that pulled it off. But at any rate, let’s go to the man sitting between my former boss, Barry Seal, and the CIA assassin.
Now fasten your seatbelt.
The man sitting amongst mobsters, drug smugglers, and assassins is the final piece < 9/11 puzzle. He is a Yale graduate, a member of Book and Snake, one of those wonc secret societies linked to nearly all of our 9/11 and Iran-Contra heads. He was a Psi Uj fraternity brother of Poppy Bush’s blood brother, who was an executive at the Riggs when Prince Bandar’s money flowed to the 9/11 hijackers. [8]
In his junior year at Yale, he was recruited through Book and Snake into C< Intelligence**. Just as this photo suggests, he would become a top operative in Sj Activities during and after the Cuban revolution. [9]
I fc name is Porter Johnston Goss, born November 26, 1938. After graduating from ,he operated as a CIA officer in Latin America in the early Sixties. Twenty-five years | his career in “special activities” Mr. Goss had little trouble raising money for a role I ige. He ran for a seat in the United States Congress.
I 1 1989, Mr. Goss joined a host of secret society members who had begun to execute a I me of high political offices and top positions on Wall Street, the defense industry and 1 ia conglomerates. He crossed into the United State Congress with an impressive, well ^lced Republican campaign and would represent Florida’s 14th congressional district, ’ :h includes Lee County, Fort Myers, and part of Port Charlotte for the next sixteen H. [ 10] What a coincidence that the 9/11 hijackers were training throughout 2000 right I ongressman Porter Goss’backyard in Jeb Bush’s state.
■ ot surprising is that Congressman Porter Goss** was known as a staunch advocate of the ■ligence Community**, consistendy and emphatically defending Central Intelligence** litrong budget increases (red flag) for the agency. [11] For sixteen years, Porter Goss** lin Intelligence Community** sleeper within our Congress, one of the many who would I and vote for all types of legislation on behalf of their covert network**, and slip Bcial appropriations to it.
1 1997, when Chairman Cheney’s Project for anew American Century was formulating rica’s military strategy, actually wishing aloud for a “new Pearl Harbor”, Congressman h took over as chair of the House Intelligence Committee.[12] Goss was now in ion as the investigative authority to monitor the Intelligence Community** for the : preparation, duration and aftermath of the 9/11 attack.
ht’s take one last look at the Congressional Joint Inquiry. We have seen that Senator Graham was the co-chair from the Senate but the co-chair from the House was less e. His name: Congressman Porter Goss**. Perhaps this provides the mysterious source where all the false intelligence about Osama bin Laden originated. Perhaps this is KSM was identified in the Inquiry’s report as the 9/11 mastermind without a shred ifiable evidence.
I rter Goss has become a legendary figure in the “special” dark side of American l y. As reward for his efforts, he was named by President George W. Bush to be the I Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the last Director of Central Intelligence. Ilhis appointment came after Goss co-sponsored the USA PATRIOT Act, extending l ach of the Intelligence Community** into the privacy of all American citizens. [14] linlawful act is just another unpleasant offspring of the 9/11 attack.
a celebratory Oval Office atmosphere with photographers snapping away, Porter resigned as Director of the CIA on May 5,2006 with a smiling, winking President ? e W - Bush - [!5] His work was done. One way or another, he will go down as a legend I first post-revolution head of the new Intelligence Community**.
^ 54
The Media Bamboozle
As a close observer of the media bamboozle of sealing off Americans from th.< truth of this travesty, I can at least tell you how to detect when you are being lie basically, any time you are exposed to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. This inc such American icons as 7 he Wall Street Journal', Fox News, the New York Post, the Nczi Geographic Channel, News of the World, The Times (London) and The Australian.
When you hear the key words terrorism, Osama bin Laden, KSM and al-QaecL yourself on high alert and listen closely - hear the disinformation that will surely foil*
On the U NBCNightly News', anytime “justice correspondent” Pete Williams (not B reports on his specialty, terrorism, he is telling you what the Intelligence Commui wants you to believe. His reports are so full of nonsense that it’s hard to fathom why ar would believe any of them.
For example:
On July 12,2011, Pete Williams led off his broadcast with a typical fear tactic, a bre; story from “U.S. Intelligence officials” about the new al-Qaeda threat: Suicide terrori* said were developing the new technology of implanting bombs inside their bodie; boarding airplanes! He then presented a graphic of a terrorist detonating the hypoth bomb by pushing a button on his leg!
Now, imagine what a bomb this size would actually destroy - and then imagine wh: TSA** would have to do to ensure that every airline passenger in the world had not ins an explosive inside his body before showing up for a TSA** pat down. Good Lord! Bi years after 9/11, this “news” led off the Nightly News.
On July 15, 2011, Pete Williams read a story, citing U.S. intelligence officials, : more intelligence recovered from the house “where bin Laden was killed by Navy Se mother lode of propaganda for years to come. According to “the officials,” said Will they learned that bin Laden was planning attacks on President Obama, Air Force Marine One and General Petraeus’ helicopter.
Okay, if you say so.
It’s simple: Support President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder in their <f.t to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to justice in the United States federal court syste
In the process, expect a firestorm of resistance and note who is opposed to usin^ir justice system. Expect Senator Lindsay Graham, Senator Joe Lieberman, Congres !in Peter King, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, John McCain and Scooter Libby to id the opposition. Fox News will scream hysterically of terror and fear but try not tret distracted.
After our courts with subpoena authority confirm that KSM was not involv«in 9/11, Senator Bob Graham may present his committees findings on the Saudis anae obstruction of justice by the Intelligence Community**. If KSM is found not guilty dito an absence of true evidence, Bush and Cheney can be tried as war criminals. Expecnd embrace a series of criminal trials as we purge America of domestic enemies and ck down the trillions that were stolen from your treasury.
The call to action is simple: Demand a trial for KSM.
President Obama has repeatedly called for this trial only to be shouted down b;he Intelligence Community**. Obama promised to change Washington but your obligon did not end with a simple vote or a S20 campaign contribution. Listen carefully tour president and our attorney general when they explain why these trials have been obstrusd. This is the key to the recovery. Bring KSM to trial. Televise it. Give immunity to none. Cut no deals. Stop treating the Bush Family as royalty and treat them to our syste of justice.
The next decade is critical. The Post 9/11 World was a silent revolution base on deception, fear and intimidation. This needs to be countered. The good news is that ere is a better system and it’s been in place for 235 years. We have, not only a right, b an obligation as American citizens to defend our constitution.
It’s this simple: Bring KSM to trial in the United States. The rest will happen wit'iue process.
Remember that?
Appendix 1 liography
Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army hy Jeremy Scahill, 2007
The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation, hy Philip Shenon, (New York Times investigative author) 2008
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed, 1994
The Joint Congressional Inquiry Report, 2002
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004
Intelligence Matters: The CIA, FBI, Saudi Arabia, and the Failure of America’s War on Terror by Senator Bob Graham, 2008
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, 2008
Without Precedent: the Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission by Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean, 2007
The Prince: The Secret Story of the World’s Most Intriguing Royal Prince Bandar bin Sultan by William Simpson, 2006
The Looming Tower: A1 Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright, 2007 (Propaganda)
31* Appendix 2 Chapter Notes
Notes for this ebook are all available in greater detail at www.thebigbamboozle.com The website provides a two-way communication between the author and readers.
Chapters 1-4 introduces the Congressional Joint Inquiry and it’s report to taxpayers.
Chapter 4 is taken directly from Philip Shenon’s detailed description of Senator Bob Grahan’s effort to investigate the Saudi government connection to the hijackers. Shenon, an investigate reporter was assigned to the 9/11 investigation by the New York Times.
Much of what Shenon wrote was repeated in Senator Grahams book Intelligence Matters.
Footnotes 1-11: The Commissions Chapter 9 (pages 51-58).
Note 12: The hijackers s final preparation and flight training coincided with a series of unsourced reports delivered to Bush beginning in early 2001.
These are actual passages as published and copied directly from the Congressional Joint Incuiry report.
Chapter 5
This chapter is based on a Washington Post series Top Secret America by Dana Priest and W iliam Arkin. This four part series and subsequent PBS documentary explores the far reaching and secretive arm of the Intelligence Community.
Chapter 6
Notes 1-15: The training of the hijackers was described in the 9/11 Commission report. The trips to Las Vegas were taken from the Congressional Joint Inquiry (CJI) report.
Note 16: This comes from professional sources followed up with my two day observation at the Pinal Airpark in Marana, Arizona in the summer of 2008.
Note 17: Sources are contract pilots that have actually flown into Pinal Airpark as crew members under secret government contracts. The veteran aircraft broker provided details or airports and aircraft parked at Pinal, Victorville, Mojave and Las Vegas.
The declassified portion of the chapter was copied from the declassified version of CJI repc rt and page references are provided in the text.
18: Scahill’s Blackwater pages 40-49
20-21: Congressional Report as sited 170-175
1-4 are taken from passages in Jeremy Scahills Blackwater section entitled Blackwater s -us Aviation Department pages 253-280.
5-13: cited in text
x>ck trades are well documented in Blackwater and the two articles sited in the text U Street Journal and San Francisco Chronicle.
?er 8
have been obvious attempts to hide the Saudi flights out of the country after 9/11 but tter from 9/11 Commission investigator Dan Marcos lists known departures. The letter is hec J on www.thebigbamboozle.com under evidence and references. We can see thac Prince and around 100 others slipped out of Vegas and that there was no record of the departures Marcos requested more information. The followup letter has not yet been found.
1-2 are from The Commission
3-4 are crosschecks between the cited article in the Observer and dates listed nission report and Bob Woodward s State of Denial
in the 9/11
5:9/11 Commission Report
6: refers to speeches and transcripts from several videos displayed at www. rbamboozle.com
see il L£P : //khudi.pk/2011/01 /04/p rince-turki-bin-faisal-ibn-abdnl-aziz-al-sanrl/
8-9: Las Vegas flights
/d a ta.9 1 lworkinggrou p. or g/foia/91 l%20COMMlSSlQN%20RFPnRTo/„7n
k%20%28rcdact%29/ 5%2 ()AWA%20.136%20Rccord%20FAA%2()Oi,^rinn^onc
0Record%20No%201 .pdf
10: New Yorker December 2002 article
ter 9
on my ten years of research writing my first book Lakefrom Airport and first-hand ences that are backed by logbook entries and personal records.
an-Contra experiences were well described in former CIA operative Terry Reed’s >romised, Clinton, Bush and the CIA.
mgressional investigation was conducted by the Tower Commission and the quotes sited »m the transcripts of those hearings, www.thebigbamhoozle.com
er 10
hapter rehes on passages from The Prince by William Simpson and crosschecked with Baker s Stay Out of Politics.
l 'Newsweek article is available on resource page of thebigbamhoo 7 le mm
oland Amendments are congressional records.
Chapter 11
Note 1-4: Baker’s Stay out of Politics
Executive Order 12333 and EO 13355 on resource page on thebigbamboozle.com
Note 5: Domestic enemies definition “’Domestic enemies’ of the U.S. Constitution (regardess of status or position, past or present) are those who manipulate the law or lawmakers to violate the principles of freedom which our Founders ana patriots have fought for[.] [They are those who] remove the safeguards [and rights it contains]. [They are those who] distort circumvent, or in anyway threaten the [original intention of the ...] Constitution, minimize [its] sovereignties, infringe upon state and individual rights, usurp authority, advance [or tolerate] tyranny [by any branch - legislative, executive, or judicial], who conceal or promote [such treason], or provide immunity or pardons for such.”
Chapter 12
Notes 1-4, 6-7: accounts described in The Prince's Chapter Four crosschecked with congresjional transcripts during the Contra hearings.
Notes 5,8: Bush’s true involvement of Contra scandal in Lawrence Walsh Report http://wvw. fas.org/irp/offdocs/walsh/chap 28.htm
Notes 9-15 (2): Gary Webb series in the San Jose Mercury News, and hearings sited are linked on thebigbamboozle.com . Crosscheck with www.pbs.org/newshour/forum/october96/crack contra 11-l.html
Note 15: crosscheck with Wall Street article sited in text.
Notes 16-17: sited in text
Note 18: Nancy Reagan interview http://www.nytimes.com/1994/ 10/29/us/the-1994-campaign-virginia-mrs-reagan-denounces-oliver-north-on-iran-affair.html
Chapter 13
Notes 1-6,8: This chapter links to the Washington Post senes, thebigbamboozle.com /washpost Note 7: http://www.takeoverworld.info/media.html Chapter 14
9/11 Commission report crosschecked with black boxes times and home video taken of President Bush’s visit to second grade classroom.
The logs disputing Cheney s account was covered extensively in The Commission.
Chapter 15
Notes 1,2: Straight from the CJI report, thebigbamboozle.com resources Note 3: www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html
Chapter 16
Directly from CJI report
Further reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riggs Bank
fter 17
transcripts and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) crosschecked with FAA radar recordings ligbamboozle.com 6 *
per 18
t L: thebigbamboozle.com campaign ads of the 2000 US Presidential election.
\Z±^ ngt0n Pos !:P' ck kh Y 25, 2010. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/spy-[20 1 0/05/cia_group_had_wacky_ideas_to_d.html 1 y
>: there are several reports of bin Ladens death in December of2001 including links
u S l,^ obalrumblin gs-b lo g s p o t.com/ 2( )I 1/05/osama-bin-ladens-obituary-mber-2001.html 7
Her 19
:s 1-4: cited in text
ges from Time article from June 29, 1991. Entire article at thebigbamboozlexom tier 20
’ ^ 5 ATG Transcripts, black box recordings, phone calls from American 11 i ter 21
1: Steve Pieczenik bio 2: false flag definition 3: Without Precedent
4: Radio interview and press release with talk show host Alex Jones. Hear it at gbamboozle.com and
iafowars.com/top-us-government-insider-bin-laden-died-in-2001-911 -a-false-flag/ Ur 22
Commission report at thebigbamboozle.com
pit and ATC transcripts from 9/11 Commission report.
ter 23
nes and hijacker quotes were from 9/11 Commission report. ter 24
1-2: 9/11 Commission report 3: Vie Commission pages 118-121
ter 25
1-2: The Commission (Chapter 23) actual reports at thebigbamboozlexom ter 26
1-3: The Commission (Chapter 18) chronology crosschecked with ATC Commission testimony.
transcripts and
Chapters 27,28, 29
Time chronology crosschecked between 9/11 Commission report, FAA radar recordings and the black box data. Testimony of Condoleezza Rice before the commission on April 8, 2004, a cat and mouse affair where she stalled for time and dodged questions for three hours, http z jJ_ nytimes.com/2004/04/08/politics/08RICE-TEXT.html
Note that this evidence was presented in early 2004, two and a half years after the Intellige nee Community had “convicted” bin Laden in the media.
Chapter 28
The Commission (Chapter 38).
Chapter 29
Notes 1-3: The Commission (Chapter 18) crosschecked with NTSB reports, ATC transcripts and black boxes on AA77 and UA 93
Chapter 30
Transcripts from home video of Bush in classroom. See at thebig bamboozle.com Chapter 31
Note 1: Conventional Tomahawk missiles carry 1,000 pound (TNT) warheads but the 767s (AA11 and UA 175) had 70,000 pounds (35 tons) of jet fuel at impact.
ATC transcripts crosschecked with Cockpit Voice Recorder transcripts.
Chapter 32
Classroom video at thebigbamboozle.com Chapter 33
Note 1-3: This chapter is backed by numerous accounts within The Prince. As covered earlier, The Prince is a work of gray propaganda, a chronicle of shady deals but nothing that would convict the prince of any wrongdoing. A cross exam under oath would be different. The parts on 9/11 raise many questions but the author never crosses a line of complicity. Note that this book was published by an “imprint of Harper-Collins Publishers”, a News Corporation (Fox News) production.
Chapter 34
Notes 1-3 (not denoted): tactical plan chronology provided by 9/11 Commission, black box recordings and FAA radar recordings.
Note 4: crosscheck several sources www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/03/politics/ main615317.shtml
The Prince (Chapter 3)
Chapter 35
Note 1: Classroom video rhebigbamboozle.com crosschecked with black box recordings on AA77 and UA 93
e 1: Congressional Joint Inquiry report summary
t 2: Classroom video, ATC transcripts and Congressional Joint Inquiry report, The mission. See NBC Nightly News September 7, 2007 thebigbamhoozle.rom ’
if ter 37
gressional Joint Inquiry report, The Commission.
)ter 38
sroom video. ATC transcripts of AA77.
cal plan of attack displayed at thebigbamboozle.com
1: NTSB Summary report and flight profile
2: 9/11 Commission report times on F-15 from Otis
3: The Prince, page 315
n from AA77 flight data recordings, NTSB Summary report thebiphamhooyle rom ter 40
s 1-3: Bob Woodward, State of Denial
5 4,5: transcript from PBS Frontline interview with Bandar on September 25, 2001 ter 41
1-2:9/11 Commission transcripts
3: CNN video on 9/11/01 of big white plane (John King) photo of plane at rbamboozle.com
ter 42
1: FAA regulations www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/airline operators/ ;_safety/safo/all_safos/media/2006/safo06004.pdf
e tactical plan at wwwthebigbamboozle.com er 43
1-3: Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, Without Precedent,
4-11: Bush speech outside of school, Guantanamo hearings transcripts, excerpts from >peech in St. Louis, New Yorker article, 9/11 Commission final report,
12,13: The Commission (Thumiary interrogation).
14: The Commission crosschecked from James Bakers Stay out of Politics.
15: The Commission pages 307-311
Chapter 44
New York Times Op-ed January 2, 2008, reprinted.
Chapter 45
Note 1: Cheney on Meet the Press with Tim Russert on September 16, 2001 ( thebigbamb>oozle. com )
Notes 2-3 : Marr interview
Note 4: AA 77 black box data
Note 5: NTSB Summary report on AA77
Note 6: 9/11 Commission report
Note 7: Meet the Press interview, The Commission (Chapter 18), 9/11 Commission report Note 8: (2): The Prince crosschecked with 9/11 Commission report Note 9: CBS www.cbsnews.com/2100-250_l62-2885561.html Note 10: 9/11 Commission Report
Chapter 46
Note 1-4 http://www.rice.edu/energy/publications/docs/TaskForceReport_Final.pdf all reports available at thebigbamboozle.com
Notes 5-7: Baker Institute “Guiding Principals for U.S. Post-Conflict Policies in Iraq”
Notes 8-12: sited in text.
The Project for a New American Century white paper also at thebigbamboozle.com Chapter 47
Notes 1-3: Further reading “A Clean Break” www.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break:_A_ New_Strategy_for_Securing_the_Realm
Note 4: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0524/Netanyahus-make-or-break-speech-to-Congress
Note 5: link to www.Falseflag911.com /resources Chapter 48
Note 1: (must read) Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh Report on Iran Contra at www. thebigbambbozle.com
Chapter 49
United Airlines ESOP - Employee Stock Ownership Plan (1994)
ESOP description from False Flag 911 and United Airlines contract of 1997
Chapter SO
Note 1: poll results at www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/iraq/etc/cron.html
Transcripts from President George W. Bushs State of the Union speech on January 28, 2003:
ial experience, flight log records UA Frankfurt-Kuwait City Boeing 747-400 (January
er 52
1, 2: CBS “60 Minutes” Interview of Curveball March 13, 2011 George Tenant award, see thebigbamboozle.com er S3
1: personal experience as described.
1: Grahams two books outlining Saudi involvement: Intelligence Matters and Keys to the om
9,7: Porter Goss photo with Operation 40, public domain courtesy of Debbie Seal. Porter biography at thebigbamboozle.com Barry Seal biography >- as described in Lakefront Airport r. Che Guerra biography
p: Riggs Bank article and numerous references in Wikipedia M5: Porter Goss biography
don 40 picture, tne first man,
7en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David Sanchez Morales
Sanchez Morales (alias Felix Rodriquez, alias Max Gomez), who began with CIA covert ions during the Cuban Revolution
er 54
Nightly News July 12, 2011, and May 2, 2011
tteran airline captain Philip Marshall is not buying George Bush’s ar on Terror or the raid on Osama bin Laden or the phony confession HBos. In fact, after a comprehensive ten year study of the 9/11 attack, es not buying that bin Laden was involved at all.
tom his perspective as a Boeing 767 captain and former “special acuities” pilot, Marshall straps the reader into the cockpits of hijacked inmercialairliners to tell the story of the most sophisticated terrorist rack in history. He explains in layman’s terms now novice pilots at w controls of massive guided missiles were able to beat United States o' Force fighters to iconic targets with advanced maneuvering, daring *eds and a Kamikaze finish.
Int, as Marshall explains, the skill and inside knowledge the feat reared virtually eliminates al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden as the tac-ical planners. So then, who pulled off this incredible air raid? That’s tat you are about learn.
Irtned with official reports from federal investigators, Marshall breaks ivn the 9/11 attack to find the true conspirators. He follows FBI ijents who were hot on the trail of the hijackers for 18 months, from le moment they hit U.S. soil in January of 2000, until the attack. The Ml leads to their financier, Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan nrequent meetings with a “special” U.S. Agent and to Boeing jetlin-:s that were parked way out in the Arizona desert at a “special activi-es training airport.
totain Marshall then recreates the attack with official NTSB and A reports to explain that two of the pilot/hijackers executed the tac-i:al plan to perfection while two made critical errors which delayed le attack for over an hour. These imperfections led to an embarrassing ibite House stall, a fascinating reading of The Pet Goat by the Com-imder in Chief and a military stand down which allowed the attack complete.
inally, we see the top federal investigators report an obstruction of jtice frpm the Bush Intelligence Community, only to be shut out by 15 American news media. This collaboration leads to a revolving door Wall Street tricksters, the Fox “News” Channel and high members of ir very own congress.
:d if we complete the circle, it ultimately leads straight to you, the lencan voter and taxpayer.
ISBN 9781468094589