Chapter 40 - Ventar's Sphere

Ventar's Sphere

Earth - Space/South Africa - 2013, Tuesday

The Cast

On Ventar’s Sphere - Jake, Stevos, Hondry, Kobios, Prince Ventar, Maot

On Mancer’s Battle Cruiser - Sub Commander Brawn, Captain Rapha, Commander Mancer

Ventar’s silver sphere was approaching Earth very cautiously, aware of the Trun battle cruiser in orbit around the planet. The cruiser was in geosynchronous orbit above the Republic of Ireland, so Kobios approached from the other side, keeping the Earth between them. Stevos, Hondry, Maot and Jake were around her flight station, discussing the limited range of actions open to them now the Trun were on the scene. Prince Ventar was sitting at the table ignoring them, deep in thought.

‘Tauriar’s Life Team must be in the country of Ireland,’ said Jake. ‘Why else would it be there, stationary?’

‘But, they don’t appear to have found them yet,’ Hondry said. ‘They are doing nothing,’ He waved his arms with animation. ‘They haven’t released any search or recovery ships.’

‘I agree with you.’ Kobios was looking at Hondry. ‘They appear to still be searching. If the team are under cover of a shield, they may never find them in this technologically dense environment.’

Ventar lifted his head and looked over to the group. ‘I think they have people already here, spies perhaps. They may be trying to contact them. They may be the ones that know the location of the Princess’s Life Team.’

‘Will they be in Ireland?’ Kobios asked.

‘One would have thought so,’ replied the Prince. ‘But I’m not sure. We need to keep out of sight for the time being.’ He put his head back in his hands and continued concentrating, completely ignoring the others again.

They all went quiet for a while, sifting through their thoughts.

A few minutes later the Prince sat bolt upright. ‘I’ve found Tauriar!’ he exclaimed, an anxiety in his voice the others had never heard before. ‘She is in danger. We must go to her immediately.’ He was accessing a holographic map of Earth. ‘Here, South Africa. Go. Now.’

‘What about the Trun ship?’ Stevos asked, while Kobios entered the new course heading into her flight computer.

‘Forget about them,’ Ventar replied. ‘There is something infinitely more dangerous in South Africa.’

Sub Commander Brawn double-checked the reading on his surveillance screen, then shouted over to Captain Rapha, ‘Unidentified vessel—I’m pretty sure it’s a sphere—detected in the planet’s southern hemisphere. It’s on a tangential heading—it appears quite random.’

Rapha and Mancer were immediately behind Brawn, studying the sphere’s trajectory.

‘It may be a ruse or a decoy to get us away from here,’ Rapha stated.

‘I agree,’ Mancer said. ‘Despatch a fighter,’

‘I suggest two.’ Rapha looked at Mancer who nodded his agreement. ‘Sub Commander, send 3W fighters two and four immediately.’

Kobios entered the Earth’s atmosphere at the last possible moment, slowing down considerably. They still had one hundred and fifty miles to go and would arrive in approximately twenty minutes. Soon they would be able to pinpoint their exact position.

Ventar was pacing around, apparently concerned. He approached Kobios. ‘Drop me off here, just outside of the city of Durban. I can’t do what I need to do on the ship. Now please, Kobios. Lives are at stake.’

Kobios looked at Stevos, who looked back questioningly.

‘Leave me, then carry on and rescue Tauriar. Come back for me later.’ Ventar could see them both readying themselves to protest and added, ‘I’ll take my father with me.’

‘He’s helping me fly the ship,’ Kobios protested. ‘We’re all doing two jobs, as it is,’

‘I’ll take my mother with me.’

Stevos was still frowning.

‘Give her a laser pistol then!’

Stevos could see the desperation in Ventar’s eyes. She nodded to Kobios.

The sphere landed, and Ventar and Maot disembarked, moving away quickly as the ship prepared for immediate take-off.

Two minutes later and all was quiet.

Ventar sat down, cross-legged. He looked up at Maot and smiled. ‘Please do not disturb me, Mother.’ He looked back down and was soon in a trance.

Maot, brandishing her pistol, looked in every direction. Seeing nothing, she let it drop to her side. She sat down on a nearby rock, thinking how hot it was and wondering what the heck was going on.