The Japanese Giant Hornet.
It just takes one scout to find a colony of European honeybees, mark it with a pheromone, and invite thirty of his buddies over.
These killing machines are capable of destroying a colony of thirty thousand bees in the space of a few hours.
Then, they take the spoils. They gorge themselves on the honey and carry off the larvae to feed their young.
National Geographic

Premier Gor sat in his circular office staring up and frowning at the portrait of himself hanging over the grand stone fireplace. He would move it soon, but not just yet. He activated the virtual screen again and rechecked his notes. All in order, just as they had been a short while earlier. He deactivated it, looked at the portrait and sneered.
He had assumed this political position two years ago and enjoyed the trappings of the top job. But today, he was nervous and apprehensive.
She was coming.
Everything was in order, though. She would find little to criticise. As usual, Gor had carried out his job expertly. She had known his worth from their early academy days—the master planner.
Within four years he had embedded himself into this society and assumed the highest political position. Phase one was now complete. The rest of his Cadre was about to arrive, signalling the commencement of phase two.
Things were about to get interesting.
This new world presented an excellent challenge—technologically advanced and strong-willed; they would not be easy to break. All of the dynasties would wager grandly in this high stakes game.
She would be pleased.
The receptor plate on the floor to his left started to shimmer. She was coming. An opaque globe formed over the plate then evaporated to reveal her standing there—tall and with her usual imperious look.
Gor stood up. ‘Madame.’
‘Carffekk.’ He felt her orange-hued eyes locking on to him. ‘Premier Gor. Happy to see you again, though your appearance is somewhat fragile.’
‘This is a copy of an elderly specimen. I assure you, I am very much here.’ They both grinned.
‘Good. Food and drink first, then show me your plans. I’m eager to get underway. And, after that journey, I need satiation.’ Again she grinned, baring sharp, needle teeth. ‘And what will be my role in this world’s downfall?’
‘I have two powerful women in leading positions for your consideration. Both are close. So once you’ve chosen, we can invite her over.’