Participation in this project has been a highlight of my academic and translating career, and I need to thank several people who have helped bring it to fruition. I would like to thank John McGlynn of the Lontar Foundation, who has been a great supporter of my forays into translating Indonesian fiction, and first introduced me to the work of Intan Paramaditha. Tiffany Tsao offered wonderful editing suggestions and played a key role in connecting us to TLB/Brow Books, who have been terrific to work with as publishers. Many thanks to TLB’s Sam Cooney, Elizabeth Bryer and Dzenana Vucic for their infectious enthusiasm and thoughtful reading of the stories, which has led to significant improvements. Sora Kim-Russell also read several of the stories, and her sharp translator’s eye has made for a better collection. I also want to acknowledge my many fine colleagues at Victoria University of Wellington and the New Zealand Centre for Literary Translation; it’s great to have such a congenial work environment.