From: Ed Minkley <edminkley@gmail.com>

Date: Saturday, 7 February

To: Covington Green <greenworldcov@gmail.com >

Subject: Trouble



Hey Cov,

That new project sounds amazing. Mara wonders if you’ve heard of these guys – asiacleanwater.org. She said it looked like they were also working in Tamil Nadu so maybe you could hook up. She loves hearing about what you’re doing. In fact, your Minkley fan club is growing, you flash bastard. It would do her so much good to get away and do some NGO work like you’re doing sometime.

On to more pressing matters. As you suggested, I did my hard-to-get act last night. I was nervous so I had a couple of jars before, poss one too many. I only meant to be Mr Hard Man towards Sam but as she was with the others, I managed to not only annoy her but also piss Mara off. Quite crappy of me, I think. Maybe not your best advice. Or, more likely, not my best move putting it into practice right at that moment. Anyway I went on to that party with the crazy vixen girl. She was all right in the end. Wasn’t all over me like the proverbial rash the whole evening. Actually I got chatting to some suits about what you’re up to. They might be keen to kick some funds in – so my night wasn’t a complete waste of time!

As requested, I’ve attached a photo of sisters with crazy niece and nephew. You must be really desperate, mate, to want to see a photo of my family though. We’re nowhere near as flash as your one ;)

Oh, and one of the vixen. See what I mean?
