amai Shona word for “mother”
cassava Large thick root; tastes like a potato when cooked
Chipangano Youth brigade of Zimbabwean political party
dhoti Wraparound linen cloth worn by men
Ghuma-ghuma Criminal gang that preys on refugees
Jozi Slang word for city of Johannesburg
kak Slang Afrikaans word used to mean “nonsense”
kraal Circular African homestead
kwerekwere Derogatory term for foreigner; word is imitation of how different African languages sound to the local ear
madala Old man, elder
MDC Movement for Democratic Change, an opposing Zimbabwean political party
pungwe Mandatory rally held for propaganda purposes
sadza Mush made from meal produced by grinding corn
shambok Animal-hide whip used to herd cattle
spaza Small general or convenience store in South African townships
wena Slang African word for “man” or “guy”
Zed Abbreviation for ZANU PF, Zimbabwean political party