
In preparing this volume I have received invaluable assistance from my greatly esteemed friend, Dr. Eshref Shevky, who served as director of the Tewa Basin Study in New Mexico and is now with the John R. Haynes Foundation in Los Angeles. I also wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following individuals: the late Arthur Shapiro, who helped me with some of the research; Fred Ross, formerly with the American Council on Race Relations and now directing the important work of the Industrial Areas Foundation among Spanish-speaking people in Los Angeles; Louise Evans and Charles Graham of the Colorado Civic Unity Council; Dr. Norman Humphreys of Wayne University; Dr. Ruth D. Tuck of the University of Redlands; and Alice Greenfield, who served as secretary of the Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee. For help in preparing the manuscript, I am indebted to Ross B. Wills and Margaret O’Connor.