10. Funeral for an Emperor
1. Alexandre Glais Bizoin regarding the return of Napoléon’s remains: Journal des Débats, May 1840.
2. Lamartine quote by Guy Antonetti, Louis-Philippe (Paris: Fayard, 2002), p. 817.
3. Alphonse de Lamartine, 25–26 May 1840—before the Chambres des Députés, Journal des Débats, May 27, 1840.
4. Journal des Débats, May 13, 1840.
5. Thiers unstintingly and uncritically praised Napoléon’s reign in his twenty-volume Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire. This work, like his earlier history of the French Revolution (of 1789), was strong on dogma, anti-royalist rule, anti-Socialist, and anti-pure republicanism, while generally weak on facts and historical accuracy, substance, and judgment. Karl Marks described his works as “historically unfair.”
6. For an eyewitness account see the articles by the correspondent of the London Times, December 15–17, 1840, as well as those of The Morning Chronicle, the Moniteur Universel, and the Journal des Débâts—for the period 8–17 December 1840.
7. Hugo quotations are from the notes taken that day: “15 décembre 1840, Funérailles de l’Empereur. Notes prises sur place.” Choses vues—in Oeuvres completes, Histoire (Paris: Robert Laffont, 1987), pp. 808–809, 815.
8. Le National, 16 déc. 1840.
9. Delphine Gay Girardin seconded in her husband’s paper, La Presse, 16 déc. 1840.
10. Louis Philippe quote receiving the coffin. Quoted from the official newspaper, Le Moniteur Universel, mercredi, 16 déc. 1840.
11. Victor Hugo’s poem, “Le Retour de l’empereur.” Quote, Note, Dec. 15. 1840 in Hugo’s “Funérailles” article, quoted above, op. cit., Oeuvres Complètes, p. 815.
12. Louis Napoléon, from his Idées Napoléoniennes and cited by Giraudeau, op. cit., vol. I, p. 80.