13. A Pure New Holy Republic: 1848
1. Viscount Palmerston to Marquis of Normanby, Feb. 28, 1848, Evelyn Ashley, The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston (London: Richard Bentley, 1867), vol. 1, pp. 178–182.
2. Léon Faucher’s article in the newspaper, La Revolution Démocratique et Sociale, December 17, 1848, were reprinted in Faucher’s Correspondance (Paris: Hachette, 1967), v. I, p. 234; Thirria, op. cit., vol. II, p. 475.
3. Anna Muhlstein, Baron James, The Rise of the French Rothschilds (New York: Vintage Books, 1984), p. 177.
4. Lord Rothschild, The Shadow of the Great Man (London: Stellar Press, 1982), p. 49.
5. Michel Carmona, Haussmann (Paris: Fayard, 2000), pp. 177, 179. Carmona cites the 1846 figure for Paris: population 945,000, of which 650,00 lived below the poverty level. National literacy rate between 14 and 43 percent.
6. Michel Carmona, Morny, Le Vice-Empereur (Paris: Fayard, 2005), p. 112.
7. Morny’s article in La Revue des Deux Mondes, Jan. 1, 1848, Carmona, Ibid., p. 108.
8. Carmona, Morny, pp. 109–110.
9. Carmona, Ibid., pp. 110–111. Authorization for the 22nd finally came through, but too late. Louis Désiré Véron, Mémoires d’un Journaliste (Paris: E. Dentu, 1873), vol. IV, p. 233, vol. VI, p. 127; Jean Hippolyte Villemessant, Mémoires d’un Bourgeois de Paris (Paris: Librairie Nouvelle, 1856), vol. 5, pp. 239 ff.
10. James de Rothschild to nephews, Feb. 22, 1848, RAL [Rothschild Archives, London] 109/65.
11. Carmona, Morny, p. 115. Morny’s grandmother, Adélaïde, had been a close friend of the king and his late sister, an intimacy later shared by Flahaut, Morny, and Fanny Le Hon. Emily-Jane was the daughter of Morny’s father, Gen. Charles Joseph de Flahaut, and his Scottish wife, Margaret Mercer Elphinstone, 2nd Baroness Keith (the daughter of Admiral Lord Keith).
12. Maxime Du Camp, Souvenirs d’un Demi-Siècle, Au Temps de Louis-Philippe et de Napoléon III (Paris: Hachette, 1949), p. 90.
13. Carmona, Ibid., pp. 110, 112.
14. Carmona, Ibid., p. 112.
15. Carmona, Ibid., p. 9.
16. Morny to Emily, Carmona, Ibid., p. 112.
17. Ghislain de Diesbach, Ferdinand de Lesseps (Paris: Perrin, 1998), pp. 77–78, 81. Ferdinand de Lesseps to Mme. Delamalle, 5 mars 1848.
18. Lamartine quote: “La République nouvelle, pure, sainte, immortelle, populaire et transcendante, pacifique et grande est fondée.”
19. Prosper Mérimée to Countess de Montijo, Carmona, Morny, p. 115. Morny quote, his letter to Emily, March 1, 1848, Ibid., p. 112; Véron, op. cit., vol. IV, p. 233; Henri d’Alméras, La Vie Parisienne sous Louis-Philippe (Paris: albin Michel, 1920), pp. 213 ff; Eugène Pierron, Virginie Dejazet (Paris: Ollendorff, 1856), pp. 188 ff.; Louis Girard, Napoléon III (Paris: Fayard, 1997); Frédéric Loliée, Frère d’Empereur, Le Duc de Morny et la Société du Second Empire (Paris: Emile-Paul, 1909).
20. Jasper Ridley, Lord Palmerston (London: Constable, 1970), pp. 583, 584, 589. For the Trelawny quotes, The Parliamentary Diaries of Sir John Trelawney, 1858–1865, ed. T. A. Jenkins (London: Royal Historical Society), Camden fourth series, vol. 40, 990, p. 221, entry dated Aug. 7, 1862. David Brown, Palmerston, A Biography (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1012), p. 232.
21. Brown, op. cit., 2003.
22. Palmerston to Normanby, Feb. 26, 1848, Ashley, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 76–78.
23. Brown, op. cit., p. 307; Ashley, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 78–82.
24. John Fane, Earl of Westmorland, K. Bourne, The Foreign Policy of Victorian England, 1830–1902 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970), p. 191.
25. Palmerston to Colonel Secretary Henry George Gray, 3rd Earl Gray, March 28, 1848, PP GC/Gr/2408 (Palmerston Papers, Southampton University Library Archives); and Brown, op. cit., p. 307.
26. Morny to Emily, Carmona, Morny, pp. 112–113.
27. Alexis de Tocqueville, Souvenirs (Paris: Gallimard, 1942), p. 93.
28. Nathaniel Rothschild to his brothers, Feb. 23, 1848, RAL 109/65.
29. Victor Hugo, op. cit., Choses Vues, vol. II, p. 172.
30. Muhlstein, op. cit., pp. 175–176.
31. Carmona, Morny, pp. 116–117; and also Carmona’s Haussmann, pp. 66–68.
32. Muhlstein, op. cit., p. 181.
33. James de Rothschild to nephews, June 4, 1848, RAL 109/66.
34. Rothschild to wife Bette, March 4, 1848, RAL 109/65.
35. Carmona, Morny, p. 115.
36. James de Rothschild, to nephews, March 17, 1848, RAL 109/65. All the figures for the House of Rothschild are not available, but those for 1828 give the Frankfurt branch (Amschel), that of Vienna (Salomon), Naples (Karl), and Paris (James), a total capital of £19,693,750 each, while Nathan’s London bank reached £28,200,000. Muhlstein, op. cit., p. 221.
37. Léon Faucher, op. cit., vol. I, p. 234.
38. Muhlstein, op. cit., p. 182.
39. James de Rothschild to nephews, May 1, 1848, RAL 109/66.
40. Nathaniel Rothschild to brothers, June 9, 1848, RAL 109/66.
41. Muhlstein, op. cit., pp. 183–184.
42. Muhlstein, Ibid., p. 168, regarding that loan.
43. Nathaniel to brothers, June 4, 1848, RAL 109/66.
44. Palmerston to brother William Temple, Sept. 1, 1850, PPGC/TE/335; Brown, op. cit., p. 314. The Palmerston Papers, Southampton University Archives.
45. Ibid.