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Abbot government 75–7, 80, 107

Abbott, Tony 6, 75–6

ABP 108

action groups 207

Adani 84–5

adaptation 135–9

Adelaide 11–12

Adélie penguins 50

Africa 196–7

African Development Bank 197

Agassiz, Alex 36

Agee, Ernie 181, 182

air pollution 16–17, 87

air separation plants 178

AirCarbon 171

airline industry 93–4

albedo 137, 143

albedo modification 148–9, 157

alcohol 160

algae fuels 93

alpine regions 50–1

Amazon rainforests 58–61

American pikas 52–3

Anglo American 84, 202

Antarctic ice 31–4, 181–4

Antarctic Peninsula 49–50

Antarctic Treaty 182

Antarctica 182–3

Arctic 62, 63

Arctic ice 30–1, 47–8, 49, 71, 182

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) 58

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) 27

Atmospheric Trust Legal Actions 210

atomic bombs 71

Ault, Tony 26–7

Austin Energy, Texas 102

Australia 8, 9–10, 11–12, 82–6, 122, 191

Australian National University 107

Australian Open Tennis Championships, 2014 6–7

Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) 207–8

Bass, Ed 35

batteries for electric vehicles 128–9, 130

BBC World Service 7–8

BG 202

BHP Billiton 84

biochar 160–4

Biochar Company 163

biofuels 93–4, 160, 163–4

Biological Carbon Capture and Storage (Bio-CCS) 158–9

biomass 158–9, 163

Biosphere 2 35

Birol, Fatih 110, 186, 198–9

Bloomberg New Energy Finance 101–2

Box, Jason 63

BP 107

Branson, Sir Richard 152, 153

Britain 198

Burt, Chris 26

bushfires 13–16, 53

BYD 130

California 16, 25–6, 120

Canada 15, 17, 114–15, 191

carbon budgets 105–6, 108

carbon capture and storage (CCS) 158–9, 174–5, 177–8

carbon capture and storage (CCS) plants 178–9

carbon dioxide (CO2)

         biological removal 151–2, 154–5

         capture 158–9, 167–8

         chemical removal 154, 155–6

         compression 178

         concentrations 18–19, 35, 55–6, 153

         removal 149–50

         storage 146–7, 180–4

         and water 172–3

carbon emissions 70, 187, 193, 200–1

Carbon Engineering 168

carbon price 70–1, 109, 120, 174

carbon resources 109

carbon storage 157–8

carbon tax 70, 76, 80, 119–20

Carbon Tracker 106, 189

Carbon Tracker Initiative 86

carbon withdrawal 152–3

carbonate ions 35, 39–40

cars 192–3 see also electric vehicles (EVs)

Carson, Rachel 73–4

Castello Aragonese 37

cement production 170–1

cements, carbon negative 170–1

Chalon Sombrero 138

charcoal 159, 160–2

China 80–1, 114, 130, 188–9, 191, 192–4

China National Coal Association 80

Church of England 108

clathrates 61–2, 63, 65

clean energy 100

climate action networks 215

Climate Action Tracker 193

climate advisory organisations 214

climate change 6, 8, 52, 70–1, 87–8, 103–4

         adapting to 135–9

Climate Change Authority 76

Climate Commission 7, 76, 85, 205–6

climate communicators & research

         organisations 214

Climate Council 76, 206

climate models 4–5, 60

climate scientists 4, 7, 25, 43, 54, 73, 74

climate youth movements 215

Climategate scandal 72–3

climates 5–6

Climeworks 167

Clinton, Bill 122

coal 78–88, 186

Coal India 79, 196

coal reserves 108

coalminers 85–6

Columbia University 35

conifer forests 53

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 144, 146

Cool Planet Energy Systems 163

Copenhagen Accord 74, 75

Copenhagen climate summit, 2009 72, 187

copper poisoning 40

coral 35–6, 39, 44, 45

         bleaching 44–5

Crane, David 101

Crutzen, Paul 140–1

Cryosat 2 spacecraft 32


cyclones 28

Davis Strait 48, 49

Day After Tomorrow (film) 52


         electricity generation 87

         heat-related 10, 11, 19

Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project (DDPP) 202

Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 76

Department of Energy, US 122

Department of Water Resources, California 26

Derbigum 168–9

desalinisation plants 24

Deutsche Bank 123

diatoms 144

divestment 106–8, 111, 208–9

divestment organisations 215

droughts 23–4, 26–7, 60

economics 70–1, 119–20

El Niño events 23

electric vehicles (EVs) 127–31, 193

electricity companies 124–5, 209–10

electricity demand 115, 130–1

electricity generation 79, 86, 87, 114, 194, 203

Elkman pumping 33

emissions reduction targets 74, 200–1

Energy Action Coalition 207

energy efficiency 81

energy utilities 121, 124–5

EPA 158

Europe 11, 86

European Space Agency 32

European Union 188, 191

evaporation 9, 21–2, 28

extinction 43, 54

Exxon Mobil 202

Figueres, Christiana 112

fires 13–16, 53

Fish and Wildlife Service, US 53

Flannery, Tim 7–8, 205–6

Fleischer, Maximillian 173–4

floating connectivity 136

floods 22

fly ash 170

foraminifera 97

forests 159–60

fossil fuel industry 108–10, 111–12

fossil fuels 78, 94, 105–6, 108

France 11, 117, 129

frogs 54

Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant 115–17

Full Circle Biochar 163

Galilee Basin 82–3, 84, 85

gas 78, 99, 101–4

gas reserves 98, 108

Gentoo penguins 50

geoengineering 140, 146–8

George, Russ 145

geothermal energy 197–8

Germany 70, 116–17, 121–2, 130–1, 209

glaciers 33, 136–7

Glencore 84

Glickson, Andrew 57

Global CCS Institute 179

Global Green Economy Index 77

global warming 25, 43, 135

         limit to 2°C 86, 105, 152–3, 185–6, 189, 194, 202

Gold, Eduardo 138

golden toad (Bufo periglenes) 54

Gore, Al 197

Government Pension Fund Global 108

Goyal, Piyush 79, 196

Great Barrier Reef 36, 43–6

green bonds 111

greenhouse gases 6, 8, 9, 21, 30, 74, 119–20, 202

greenhouses 137

Greenland ice cap 30

Greensand 169

Gulf Stream 57–8

GVK 84, 85

Hadley Climate Centre, UK 58

Hahn, Otto 97

Haida 145–6

Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation (HSRC) 145–6

Hancock, Lang 71

Hansen, James 204

Harper, Stephen 71

Harvard Medical School 87

hayfever 17

health risks 16–18, 19–20, 87

heatwaves 6–8, 10–12, 13–14

Helm, Dieter 98–100

hemispheric differences 5–6

Hepburn, Samantha 210

Heyward, Clare 148

Höhne, Niklas 189–90

HSBC 120

Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang 63

human influences 8

Hunt, Greg 6, 210

Hurricane Sandy 29–30

hurricanes 27–8, 29–30, 64–5

hydro power 81, 197

ice caps 181–4

ice melts 30, 31–4, 64

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), NSW 82–3

India 79, 83, 85, 194–6, 198

Indonesia 197–8

innovation 89, 91–2

insects 17–18

Institute of Health Sciences 148

Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals (IAGP) 147–8

Integrated Gasified Combined Cycle (IGCC) methods 178

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 3–4, 28, 31, 33, 62

International Atomic Energy Agency 113

International Energy Agency (IEA) 79, 198, 202–3

International Union for the Conservation of Nature 48, 54

iron 18

iron fertilisation 143–6, 149

iron ore 71

Japan 115–16

jet biofuels 93–4

Jiang Kejun 100

Johan Heinrich von Thünen Institute 160

Juska, Evan 188, 191

kelp 38, 39

Kemper County CCS power plant 179

Kirkpatrick, Randolph 96–7

Knutson, Thomas 8

Kolb, Elizabeth 54

krill 50

La Niña events 23

Langdon, Chris 35–6

Lash, William 119

Leakey, Richard 43

Leggett, Jeremy 103

lemuroid ringtail possum 51–2

Levant, Ezra 100–1

Lewin, Roger 43

lime 169–70

litigation 210–11

lugworms 40

Lyme disease 17–18

Mackay Conservation Group 210

Martin, John 144

Mayor, Alfred 36

McKenzie, Amanda 206

McKibben, Bill 106, 203

McKinsey 110, 123

McMichael, Tony 19

media 72

Melbourne 6–7, 10

mental health 19

Merkel, Angela 117

Met Office, UK 59–60

methane 61–3, 165–6

methanol 160

Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) 158

Miller, Stanley 172

Modi, Narendra 79, 195, 196

Mooallem, Jon 49

Morales, Benjamin 137–8

Morrison, Gordon 108

Mount Lewis, Queensland 51

Murdoch, Rupert 72

Musk, Elon 126

Myers, Samuel 18


National Academy of Engineering 148

National Academy of Sciences, US 148

National Climate Assessment, US 135–6

National Research Council, US 148

National Solar Mission, India 195

natural gas 94–5, 98, 102, 178

natural gas plants 86

Nelder, Chris 128

New Energy Finance 102

Newlight Technologies 171

Newman, Campbell 84

Newman, Maurice 120

Nobre, Carlos 61

Norphel, Chewang 136–7

Norway 107–8

nuclear power 113–18

nuclear power plants 113–16, 118

nuclear waste 118

Nummulite fossils 97

N’Yeurt, Antoine De Ramon 165, 166

Obama, Barack 190–1, 195

Obeid, Eddie 82–3


         acidification 35–42, 64

         and carbon capture and storage (CCS) 166

         carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in 146–7, 180–1

         and iron fertilisation 143–6, 149

         rises 30

Oden (icebreaker) 62

Office of Climate Change, Queensland 51

oil 78, 89–90, 91–2, 94–5

oil reserves 108

oil wells 90

olivine 168–9

Oxford University, Stranded Assets Program 186

oysters 38–9

paint 137, 138

Pakistan 114

Paris climate summit, 2015 74–5, 187, 190

Pastoruri Glacier 137

patents 125

penguins 49–50

pension funds 107–8

Perth 11, 24–5

pH levels of oceans 38

Phoenix Energy 163

photosynthesis 151–2, 154 replication 173–4

pikas 52–3

pine bark beetle 53

Pine Island Glacier (PIG) 33

plankton 143–4

plastics, carbon negative 171

polar bears 46–9

polar vortex 12

politicians, sceptical 69–70, 72

possums 51–2

power stations 178–80, 186, 187–9

Powers, Bill 101

PricewaterhouseCoopers 185

Queensland floods 22–3

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service 51

rainfall intensity 21–2

reafforestation 156–7

reflective particles in stratosphere 140–3

reflectiveness 137, 138

Renault–Nissan Alliance 127

renewable energy 114, 121–2

renewable energy organisations 215

Renewable Energy Target 76

Rezwan, Mohammed 136

Rignot, Eric 33

Rio Tinto 84

Roberts, Ellen 210

Rockefeller Brothers Fund 107

rocks, weathering of 154, 168

Royal, Ségolène 117

Russia 11, 114

salmon 145–6

São Paulo 61

Sarulla project 198

Saville-Kent, William 45

sawdust 137–8

sea creatures 37–8

sea floor, methane concentrations 62

sea urchins 40

sea-level rises 30, 31, 32, 33–4, 56

seals 47, 48, 49

seaweed (Laminaria japonica) 40–1

seaweed farming 165–6

shale gas industry 98, 103

shale gas wells 90, 99

Shell 107

Shepherd, Tony 70

Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangtha 136

Siberia 62–3

Siemens 117, 173

Silent Spring 73–4

silica 144

silicate rocks 168

silicon solar cells 122

Smith, Sam 190

smoke 16–17

snow 22, 25–6

Soil Reef 163

soils 157–8

solar blocking 147–8

Solar Citizens 207

solar panels 122–3, 126

solar power 100, 102, 114, 122, 195, 197, 203

         costs 122–3, 125

         with storage 125, 126

solar thermal 203

SolarCity 126

Solidia Technologies 170

soot particles 143

South Africa 197

SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) 141–2

Standard & Poor’s 109

Stern, Lord Nicholas 190–1

stratosphere 140–3

sulphur 140–3

Sunfire 172–3

Suslon 195

sustainability initiatives 110

Sweden 114

Taneja, Narendra 196 tar sands 108

Taylor, Mitch 48

temperature, increase of average 8–10, 56

Tesla 127–9

third-way technologies 151–2, 156, 174–6

ticks 17–18

tidal energy technologies 198

Titanus bismarcki 97

toads 54

Tohidi, Bahman 180

trading schemes 174, 192

Trancik, Jessika E. 125–6

transmission networks 121–2

trees 156–7, 159–60

troposphere 28–9

Turkey 79–80

United States

         carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 187–91, 193–4

         cars 192–3

         Clean Power Plan 188

         and coal 86

         and gas 102–3

         greenhouse gas emissions 119–20

         hayfever 17

         and oil 89–90

         weather 9, 10, 12, 24

         wind power 122

United States Geological Survey 49

University of California 38

Urey, Harold 172

van der Hoeven, Maria 186

Van Rompuy, Herman 188

Vector 209

Veron, Charlie 44–5

Virgin Earth Challenge (VEC) 153–4, 161

volcanos 37, 142

Wallace, Alfred Russel 4

Walley, Joan 111

water based fuels 172–3

Water Corporation, WA 24, 25

water storage 137

water vapour 21–2

Watson, James 91

wave and tidal energy technologies 198

Weart, Spencer R. 73

weather 6–8, 9–10

weathering of rocks 154, 168

Weaver, Andrew 201–2

West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) 33

Westpac 208

wetlands 164–5

white paint 137, 138

Williams, Steve 51

wind changes 34

wind power 100, 101–2, 114, 122, 123, 194–5, 203

Windpower 2014 conference 101

Wood, Mary Christina 211

wood ash 159

wood chemistry 159–60

Wood Mackenzie 81

World Bank 111, 138

Yamal Peninsula, Siberia 62–3

Youth Climate Movement 207

zinc 18

zooxanthellae 45