I am grateful to those who helped me bring this book into the world. I am grateful to the whole Grewal family for welcoming me into their family and sharing with me their culture and their love; to Isvinder Singh Grewal, Arshdeep Jawanda, Sattar Izwaini, Tracy Sterk, and Eric Aamoth who helped me understand other points of view; to Sarah Jane Lapp, Amy Alyeshmerni, Sidney Higgins, Kim Fay, Kris Ruff, Dureen Ruff, Jill Muller, Heather Capen Cox, and Michael Swinney who read early versions; to Christopher Little and Emma Schlesinger who provided expert feedback over the course of multiple versions; to Madeline Baugh, Emmy Harrington, Amy Perry, Holly Prado, Molly Ann Hale, and Charlie Davis who encouraged me and kept me on track; to Barbara Baer who read each step, believed in the story, and showed me the way; to Kelly Huddleston and David Ross who delivered it over the line; to the bus drivers of the Metro 96 line who unknowingly hosted my writing studio; and to family—my children Nirvair William and Sukhdev Josh, and especially my husband Lali—whose love made it all possible.