Hanlon had slipped inside the dark kitchen through the unlocked door. She had a small flashlight the size of a pen, but there was enough light from the moon to see. There was an open door into the hall of the house opposite the one that led into the yard. From the inside of the house she could see bare wooden stairs leading up to the top floor and a door off on either side. She risked a quick glance. One door was in darkness.

Through the bottom of the other one she could see a strip of flickering light and hear muffled shouts and explosions. She guessed that someone would be watching an action movie. Hanlon’s sensitive nose caught the sickly smell of weed and the more acrid tang of cigarette smoke in the hall. The house itself smelled musty, of age and disuse, of damp and coal and a hint of blocked drain. She remembered what Huss had said about the house belonging to an old farmer; it certainly had that look and feel about it.

The kitchen was dominated by an ancient, soot-encrusted range that had stood there for probably eighty years. It was coal-fired and the flue obviously leaked. The scent of coal dust was overpowering.

She wished she had some idea of how many people there were in the house. Joad had texted Huss earlier to say that neither Dimitri nor Belanov were at the house on the Woodstock

Road. She shone the torch quickly round the table. There on a chopping board was a large ham, half of it hacked away, and the remains of a supermarket Black Forest gateau. Another gateau with a breadknife sticking out of it, like Excalibur in the stone, stood next to it.

Protein for the muscle-building Dimitri, and no prizes for guessing who had wolfed down a cake and a half with what looked like 500 ml of extra-thick double cream. Belanov’s distinctive spoor.

So, at least two of them; almost certainly more.

Encouragingly, there were two empty bottles of vodka on the table too. The more drunk the Russians were, the better.

Hanlon moved to where the pantry should be, through a low opening to the side of the kitchen. She shone her torch at a door that barred her way.

This looked promising. Nothing high-tech like the door of the warehouse in Slough. Nothing formidable like Albert Slater’s metal-plated, hinge-bolted portal that it would take a battering ram to knock down. Just two big bolts, brand new by the look of things, top and bottom, and the old-fashioned keyhole by the handle. Enough to keep a man locked in, but not enough to keep a woman like her out. No sign of a key, though. She quickly ran the torchlight over the walls just in case there was a key hanging on a hook. Nothing. She did notice, though, that the walls of the farmhouse were heavy stone. In here there was no sound whatsoever from the deafening TV.

Quickly she drew the bolts back, top and bottom. She tried the door. It was locked and there was no give on it. Sod it, she thought. She put the muzzle of the rifle against the keyhole, angling the gun so the bullet would strike where the metal of the lock connected with the frame. She slid the safety off. Before she pulled the trigger, she thought with grim amusement

of the time she had spent with Mawson practising shooting at tiny targets half a kilometre away. No need to be gentle with the pressure on the trigger now. No need to check her stance or regulate her breathing. Missing was not a possibility. Being blinded by shards of wood or splinters was, though. She screwed her eyes shut and turned her head away as she pulled the trigger.

The bang was like a clap of thunder to her ears. Thank God for the shooting on the TV down the hall. She broke open the rifle and put another round in. This was going to be a serious problem. How quickly could she reload a rifle? Ten seconds? Five? But she wouldn’t be facing a stationary target, and Dimitri, Belanov and anyone they had with them would be armed. She was guessing handguns, automatics. She was pinning her faith on their drunken marksmanship and her ability to hit what she was shooting at. Plus she had Huss, and while she didn’t like her, she trusted Huss’s ability with a gun. Huss was capable of bringing down fifty to a hundred odd clays fired at different speeds and heights, Huss had shot rabbits, pigeons and foxes. She’d certainly be capable of hitting two lumbering Russians at spitting distance. Danny she discounted. She had seen his heart wasn’t in it and anyone who felt like that was not going to arrive early at the party.

She wished she’d taken his gun.

She pushed the door. The old keyhole had looked worryingly intact but the bullet had wrecked the lock, shattering the century-old mechanism. The door swung open easily enough and she shone the torch in.

‘Hello, ma’am,’ said Enver. He was sitting on the floor, propped against the far wall. Relief flooded through her. Not dead. She shone the torch on him. Christ, he looked terrible.

‘Can you get up, Enver?’

He was sitting down, propped against the wall. She leaned over and took his arm. He gasped with pain. His hands were handcuffed together.

‘Pull me up,’ he said with gritted teeth. He hissed with the effort as he straightened up, and then he was on his feet. She looked down at the shackles binding his ankles.

‘Can you move?’ she whispered.

He nodded. ‘Yeah.’ He shuffled forward slowly. That would have to do for now. He was in no fit state to move faster anyway. ‘Come on, we have to get out of here. For God’s sake be quiet.’ She turned and moved to go into the kitchen. As she did so, the headlights of a car illuminated the outbuildings as the

Mercedes turned into the farmyard.

Hanlon froze. The car stopped and its horn sounded. She and Enver crouched out of sight below the top of the massive kitchen table as hoarse shouts came from the front room, followed a couple of seconds later by three men running through the kitchen into the yard. None of them had looked left in her direction, though they’d passed a scant metre away from where she and Enver were hiding.

Hanlon rose from her crouch and stood up in the kitchen, just as a fourth man switched on the light.

‘Well, well,’ said Arkady Belanov, a huge grin spreading on his face. ‘Look who it is.’ He raised the CZ 85 automatic in his hand, her face clearly triangulated by the sights on the gun, and pulled the trigger.