ArchieT: Scenario: twenty years from now, most people will have been thoroughly analysed and will use lifestyle apps to help them through the complexities of life.

Submarine: You mean, the programs will know better than I do which job, partner and sport suit me best, what I should eat and what line of business I should be in? Will an invisible hand steer me in the right direction?

ArchieT: But you’ll still believe that the algorithm’s decisions are your own.

Nightowl: And who’ll be steering the programs?

Teldif: Nobody. No human at least. They’ll have become too complex for any human to understand.

Snowman: So, in the future, software will relieve us of any decisions, making all society’s decision-makers, politicians, managers, etc., superfluous.

Peekaboo777: Oh stop! You make the scenario sound so appealing!