Most of us spend the majority of the day sitting. We ride to work in a car, bus, or subway; we sit in front of an office computer working and then we ride back home only to watch our favorite television shows seated comfortably on the sofa. For many of us, the television has become our best friend and primary source of entertainment and babysitter for our children. Our bodies suffer because we sit for fourteen or fifteen hours or more a day. It weakens our heart, slows our metabolism, and compromises our muscle strength. We used to sit when we needed a break from our hectic day, but now we sit more than 80 percent of our waking hours.
The way we diet and exercise today does not work because it’s unnatural. We can’t just be sedentary for fifteen hours a day and think thirty minutes on the treadmill, only burning about 250 calories, is all the physical activity we need. We should be burning calories through constant physical activity throughout each day. Additionally, when we try to diet by selectively eliminating entire food groups, we often fail because we need all the foundation foods if our bodies are to stay healthy and lean. Our bodies thrive off nourishment and sustenance, not starvation and deprivation. A decade ago, there weren’t half as many gyms as there are currently, and yet we didn’t struggle with obesity the way we do today. A century ago, people managed their weight because they moved; they moved to find food, they moved while they worked, and they moved for recreation. The modern electronic age has made us lazier than ever. At work, we don’t even walk right down the hall to talk to a coworker. Instead, we use email or text messages. Our fingers are the only body parts that might possibly be gaining muscle strength and endurance.
The DHEMM System isn’t an anti-exercise program, nor am I proposing that you do not exercise. Exercise is great for your overall cardiovascular health but is not a major factor in weight loss. In this book, we discuss the real factors that produce rapid and sustained weight loss. I believe being physically active is important but that strenuous exercise—thirty to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise—is not a requirement for losing body fat. More physical activity throughout each day is what you need to eliminate excess body fat. So, the goal is simple: get moving and become more active, and you will enhance both your weight-loss efforts and your overall health. And getting moving does not necessarily mean going to the gym.
In this chapter, we want to discuss how you burn calories throughout the day doing everyday activities, as well as tips for achieving a higher level of fitness. You burn calories while you walk from the subway to wherever you’re going, while you clean the house, while you go grocery shopping, and while you dance and have fun. What we won’t focus on is going to the gym or working out as the primary method for getting physically active. If you’re like me, you struggle to find time to go somewhere to work out. Going to the gym to work out for an hour does not necessarily make us physically active. Being physically active involves the big and small movements we make throughout each day.
It’s important to note that you should continue detoxifying, eating clean and balanced foods, and using the nutritional supplements discussed in Phases 1 and 2 to serve as your lifelong plan for maintaining permanent weight loss and optimal health.
So what’s your excuse for not being physically active? First, we want to make sure that you overcome the common excuses that many people give for not being physically active. Here are the top five excuses:
I don’t have enough time. Many people lead very busy and hectic lives that begin from the moment they wake up until they lie down at night to go to sleep. This causes many people to use lack of time as the reason they are not more physically active. Many men and women in the corporate world say their work schedule is too hectic. For many women, it’s work, the kids, and the household that keep them too busy to get active. However, in this chapter, you’ll learn easy and effective ways to get more physically active without going to the gym or finding hours of time to work out. If you have committed to getting slim and healthy, then you will need to also make the commitment to incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Just think about how much time you spend watching your favorite sitcom or reality show. If you can do that, you can find time to get active. Even if you just incorporate short bursts of activity throughout the day, it will yield you very good results. As an example, when you go to the mall or grocery store, choose the parking spot farthest away from the door to ensure that you walk a few extra steps as you go about your daily routine. Just taking a ten-minute walk will clear your head and allow you to think, refocus, and get your mind right. So, instead of stressing about trying to find an hour to go to the gym, try to find ten minutes here and there to move throughout each day.
I’m too tired. This one is a catch-22 situation because if you were more physically active, you’d have more energy, but until you get more physically active, you don’t have the energy to get started. During this time, it is so important to gradually get physically active so that you don’t push yourself too hard. The more you move, the more your metabolism and hormonal levels will improve, allowing you to get even more active. Expect your energy levels to improve first, and then over time, you’ll begin to activate and strengthen your muscles with the recommendations outlined in this book. I promise you that pressing through your fatigue will help you regain the energy you need throughout each day.
I’m embarrassed. You might be embarrassed by being overweight or obese, but if you do nothing, you’ll surely remain overweight and will likely gain even more weight. Use your embarrassment as motivation to do something about it. Being overweight or out of shape sends a message that you are not taking care of your body and your health. Don’t hesitate to put on big baggy clothes if you feel that you want to hide your body, but by all means, get moving. You will experience so much confidence and joy when you slim down and can begin to wear more fitted clothing. You can also get moving in the comfort of your home or while at work. Getting physically active doesn’t require a trip to the gym, which can be intimidating for someone really out of shape. So, if you’re embarrassed, get over it! We’ve all been there. It’s time to let your embarrassment motivate you to create a body you can be proud to show off.
I get bored exercising. I get bored doing anything I don’t want to do. That’s life. But I had to begin to think of getting physically active as important to my health goals. Also, I think it is imperative that your physical activity be incorporated around your hobbies or things you enjoy.
One way to eliminate the boredom of physical activity is to engage in it with a friend, an accountability buddy who can help keep you motivated and help pass the time away. Also, variety is the spice of life, so mix it up and do different activities like walking, washing the car, yoga, gardening, etc. Keep doing different activities until you find the ones that are just right for you. For additional ways to get fit and sexy at the same time, see Chapter 16.
I can’t afford it. It doesn’t require money to get physically active. If you look at the list of activities I recommend for getting moving, you’ll notice that many of them are free, easy, and actually fun. If lack of money is an issue, then know that it is a false perception that getting fit requires a gym membership. It simply does not.
There are many types of physical activity. Exercise is just one type of physical activity where you set aside a time to go work out or move your body. Exercise, which has some good health benefits, is when you set aside time for physical activity that increases your heart and lung activity while also strengthening your muscles and joints. However, physical activity is actually any kind of movement. It can be big or small movement, but it is anything that gets you on your feet and moving your body. Our goal is for you to be physically active throughout the day, even if you never go to the gym to exercise or work out. The good news is that even a minimal amount of physical activity goes a long way toward improving your health and meeting your weight-loss goals. Your goal is to move from being physically inactive to more physically active until your overall fitness level improves. You don’t have to be a gym rat or bodybuilder to maintain a moderate or acceptable level of fitness.
Being physically active keeps your blood flowing and your heart pumping and keeps your mind sharp as oxygen flows to each cell in your body. Physical activity keeps your metabolism revved up throughout the day. Additionally, your muscles allow glucose (the primary source of energy from carbohydrates) to be better utilized, which will help prevent blood sugar and insulin spikes. Physical activity has also been known to improve insulin function in the body, which is especially helpful for those who have insulin resistance. A short daily walk has even been proven to reduce the risk of developing diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other diseases.
A study by Dr. James Hill found that overweight people took about 1,500 to 2,000 fewer steps a day than those who maintained a healthy weight. This means that if you can find a way to get 2,000 more steps—only about four city blocks—into your day, it could help you get to your healthy weight faster. The more steps you take, the more you speed up your metabolism and burn calories and fat. This is probably why people who live in cities maintain a healthier weight, overall, than people who live in less-dense, rural areas and drive everywhere.
To determine how much physical activity you currently get, you may want to purchase a step counter, also called a pocket pedometer. The step counter will count how many steps you take in a given day. This will give you a picture of your current level of physical activity. A step counter is inexpensive and easy to use. You just clip it onto your skirt or pants in the morning and leave it on all day until you go to bed at night. Write down how many steps you take for about three days just following your normal daily routine.
If you are taking 5,000 steps per day or less, you are considered relatively inactive or sedentary. Your goal should be to take 7,500 steps or more per day to be considered physically active, and, of course, the more the better. One way to accomplish this is to try to add 250 steps each week until you reach a level of 7,500 or more per day. In fact, as you begin to lose weight, you’ll naturally have more energy to become more physically active each week.
Of course, if your normal routine includes going to the gym, that’s even better because the extra steps and movement during your workout will go toward your daily step count. The step counter keeps you motivated because it’s a visual reminder to get moving throughout each day.
There are many great ways to get physically active without going to the gym. The goal is to make small changes in your personal and professional life that are easy to do with minimal planning and commitment. As an example, a client of mine purchased a minicycle, a set of pedals that sits on the floor or under a desk. Her goal was to use it while she sat and watched her favorite television drama. She said she kept the resistance pretty low so it wasn’t too strenuous but she constantly pedaled very slowly. As a result, she lost two pounds in the first week. So she doubled the amount of time she pedaled on the minicycle while watching TV and lost three pounds the second week. It became an easy habit because she would get in a rhythm and forget she was still pedaling after a while.
Some people have gone so far as to include portable walking workstations in their office so they can either stand up or walk on a treadmill while they work or talk on the phone. You can also use the minicycle under your desk. I personally know women who have lost pounds and inches in one week just by using a minicycle while seated at their desk for an hour or two per day. If you feel uncomfortable using a portable treadmill at work, you can stand up and pace when you’re on the phone and walk up and down the stairs throughout the day instead of riding the elevator.
Here are twenty-five very easy ways to simply get moving without working out or going to the gym. Please identify at least five to ten of these suggestions to incorporate into your routine, starting today. These activities can help you burn anywhere from 50 calories to 500 calories.
1. Take a brisk fifteen-minute walk at lunch. For instance, you could walk to and from a restaurant that you’re visiting for lunch.
2. Work in your garden; the fresh air and natural beauty are very serene and relaxing.
3. Rake the leaves.
4. Cut your grass with a walking mower.
5. Take a yoga class, especially Bikram yoga.
6. Clean out the garage.
7. Wash the floors on your hands and knees or sweep several floors.
8. Wash your car by hand.
9. Ride your bike around the neighborhood.
10. Stroller-walk your baby.
11. Park as far as you can from the grocery store or mall and walk the remaining distance.
12. Walk more briskly in the mall while shopping.
13. While watching your favorite hour-long TV show, lift hand weights or use a minicycle to help build muscle tone and strength.
14. Pace the sidelines during your child’s athletic games, which may be easy to do if you’re a nervous parent!
15. Take up a new sport or hobby, like tennis, skating, bowling, bike riding, line dancing, or volleyball.
16. Get off the bus or subway one stop early and walk the remaining distance.
17. Don’t email coworkers who are in your building—walk to their offices instead.
18. If you play golf, go without the golf cart.
19. Walk your dog every day.
20. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
21. Play jump rope, double dutch, hula-hoop, or Wii with the children.
22. While on a conference call, walk around during the call.
23. Sing or play a musical instrument.
24. Turn on your favorite song and dance, dance, dance!
25. Have frequent sex, which allows you to burn about 200 calories during thirty minutes of active sex . . . not a bad alternative to the gym!
As you begin to get more physically active, look to advance to more cardio fitness and strength training. One way to do so is to engage in activities such as fast walking, swimming, bike riding, jogging, Zumba, or any other type of aerobic exercise. This will increase blood flow and circulation, drop blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and allow your body to better utilize blood sugar. Additionally, you want to engage the large muscle groups by incorporating more strength training. Ladies, don’t get overwhelmed by the thought of lifting weights or pumping iron. You can actually build lean muscle mass without lifting weights while still achieving better balance and bone and joint strength. There are some very simple ways to activate and strengthen the muscles that can even be done in the privacy of your home. I personally like Bikram yoga because it stretches and strengthens the muscles and increases blood flow and circulation, making it a pretty complete workout routine.
After you become more physically active, you should begin to incorporate strength training into your routine, as it is key to building muscle and losing fat. Strength training uses resistance methods like free weights, weight machines, or your own body weight to build muscle and strength. Begin gradually by spending five minutes a day flexing muscles to maintain muscle mass. Since muscle mass burns more calories than fat, trying to maintain as much muscle mass as possible is very important. To actually build muscle, you can also lift weights, which is another option. However, if you don’t want to lift weights and do bodybuilding, you can help keep the muscles toned and lean by using your body weight to stress your muscles a few minutes every day.
Spending just five minutes every morning flexing your muscles reminds your brain that you need your muscles and triggers the brain to burn fat instead. Short mini-muscle activities will help with muscle toning and avoid muscle atrophy.
Each day you should take five minutes to do the following mini-muscle exercises to activate and strengthen your muscles:
• Sit-ups
• Push-ups
• Lunges and squats
• Standing heel raises or calf raises
• Dumbbell weights to lift arms in the front and sides, as well as leg squats
Get moving and get your heart pumping by doing things that are quick, enjoyable, and easy so that “exercise” becomes a natural part of your everyday life. Exercise isn’t something you have to go somewhere to do. You can and should “exercise” throughout the day to keep your metabolism supercharged.
Forget the “no pain, no gain” idea. It’s not true. Easy, natural movements like walking will bring you significant gain as it relates to maintaining muscles, getting your heart rate up, and keeping your metabolism revved up throughout the day.
You may not have even heard of it yet, but whole-body vibration (WBV) is the exercise of the future and could likely become as common as the treadmill is today. The WBV machine uses a vibrating plate that you stand on for ten to fifteen minutes, causing rapid muscle contractions that burn calories and provide you with muscle strength that you could otherwise get by working out for an hour in the gym. However, WBV involves no sweating or discomfort and leaves you feeling rejuvenated, calmer, and slimmer.
Many of the world’s best athletes in the NFL, NHL, NBA, the Olympics, as well as Hollywood celebrities, are using WBV to lose weight, build muscle tone and bone density, relieve back pain and arthritis, improve circulation, and speed up metabolism. As a woman, I’ve found it to be especially beneficial for burning fat and cellulite around the thighs, hips, and buttocks.
The stimulation of whole-body vibration exercise delivers quick results that are simple yet phenomenal. WBV puts the muscles in a situation where they must expand and contract continually at a rapid rate, about twenty-five to fifty times per second, which helps to strengthen them. These contractions pump extra oxygen into the cells, which allows them to repair and regenerate quickly, resulting in amazing body transformations. Keep in mind, though, that maximum fat burning and weight loss is accomplished through WBV only when combined with proper nutrition.
The muscle contractions caused by a vibration plate will probably not build as much muscle mass as lifting weights, but unless you’re a bodybuilder, it is still very effective for maintaining muscle tone and strength.
The results of a study that took place over a few years shocked many doctors globally. Research showed that vibration exercise was four times as effective as traditional exercise for weight loss. Additionally, the group of people who used WBV kept the weight off six months after discontinuing the use of the vibration machine. Those who only dieted or either dieted with traditional exercise all gained the weight back plus some.
There are two main types of WBV machines, those that vibrate up and down using a piston-like motion (lineal) and others that vibrate from side to side like an oscillating teeter-totter (pivotal). I have personally used both, and my preference is the pivotal machines. Both machines are proven to be effective, but you should research both types if you’re interested in starting a WBV routine. You can also target muscle groups by moving to different positions on the vibration machine to get even faster muscle-building results. Vibration machines are all the rage among celebrities and top athletes whose livelihood depends on their bodies being in top condition, yet they are too busy to spend hours sweating in a gym.
Here’s a quick recap of what you need to do during this phase to get physically active and to reach a higher level of fitness.
• Identify your top excuses for not moving. The top five excuses as to why people don’t get more physically active were discussed in this chapter. See if any of these excuses are holding you back, and if so, commit to overcoming them.
• Measure your current level of physical activity. To determine how much physical activity you currently get, purchase a step counter, also called a pocket pedometer, to count how many steps you take in a given day. If you don’t have a step counter, just be mindful of how much you move around each day. Your goal should be to increase your movement each day so that you get more physically active week by week.
• Select at least five ways to get moving. Choose from the list of twenty-five easy ways to simply get moving without working out or going to the gym or come up with your own ideas. Incorporate your choices into your routine starting today.
• Continue detoxifying your body, eating clean and balanced foods, and taking nutritional supplements. All of the health-enhancing activities discussed in Phases 1 and 2 should continue to be followed during Phase 3.
I want to encourage you to live life the way it was meant to be lived: active, engaged, and as a full participant. Get out of your chair, get on your feet, and go live life. Since the majority of our weight and health problems can be eliminated by following the detox guidelines, clean and balanced food recommendations, and the get-moving tips outlined in the DHEMM System, you can achieve optimal health. You will enjoy your new body, energy, health, and well-being. Get excited about your new life. It is not just about weight-loss—it’s a journey toward optimal health and wellness. You’ll love the way your body transforms, and you’ll be thrilled about your results.