Chapter 10

In the morning, Kai woke up feeling like he did something wrong last night, but luckily he didn't have time for soul-searching. He remembered that Beatrice was waiting for him, and, looking at his watch, realized that he had almost overslept their meeting.

Arshad, Toyami, Maksud, Gifar, and Beatrice's fiancé Winfrey were sitting at tables with food in the garden. They had breakfast, and at the same time, Arshad was solving their business projects with Winfrey. Winfrey sat with his back to the house and therefore did not see what the rest of those sitting at this table saw, but they saw how Kai was climbing the facade of the building from the second floor to the fourth, dexterously jumping from one balcony to another, pulling himself up on the crossbars with flags and clinging for the protrusions of the building.

Everyone saw this but made indifferent faces, and Arshad, almost choking on his food, began to enthusiastically talk with Winfrey about their deal.

Where Kai climbed - everyone knew that Beatrice was leaning out of the window, her brown hair fluttering in the breeze.

Finally, Kai reached his goal and they hid inside the room.

Arshad exhaled nervously. Maksud and Gifar lowered their eyes so that it would not be seen that all this amused them very much. Toyami, although he was sitting with an impenetrable face, also lowered his eyes, realizing that he was ready to laugh at such an act of his friend.

An hour later, everyone was watching the opposite picture, how Kai was returning from Beatrice's room the same way.

When Kai disappeared into the second floor window, Mr. Winfrey got up, he had tried to do it before, but Arshad constantly found reasons to detain him and, of course, Winfrey could not argue with the Sheikh and remained at the table. Realizing that he could go, he took his leave and went towards the palace.

"I'm going to kill him!" Arshad's eyes threw lightning.

"Whom, Winfrey?" Maksud asked in a feigned incomprehension.

"You know whom. A hero-lover, indeed!"

Arshad abruptly got up from the table and walked towards the palace, accompanied by Gifar and Maksud. Then he stopped and turned around.

"Sorry, Toyami, I have things to do. I want to ask you: do something with Kai so that he doesn't behave like that. OK? You can kill him yourself - I give permission."

Arshad left without waiting for an answer.

Toyami was already smiling openly, remembering how deftly Kai climbed the wall of the palace.

He found Kai in the library. He again read with enthusiasm and did not even hear how Toyami came.

"What are you reading?"

"Here," Kai showed the cover of the book. It was an ancient book, judging by its condition, with Arabic letters. "It's a very interesting philosophical thoughts of Ibn Rushd."

"Why him?"

"Averroes is the last major representative of the Arab-speaking Peripatetism - the basis of the entire Muslim philosophy of the Middle Ages, it is interesting to me."

Toyami mysteriously looked at him, Kai was embarrassed by this look, and then he remembered yesterday and was completely confused.

Toyami did not understand Kai's confusion and decided that it was he who had a strange influence on him.

"I will not distract you, read," he went to the exit. "Well, Arshad is very angry with you for this morning."

Kai just nodded, embarrassed. He was grateful now to Toyami that he just left. Kai couldn't see him next to him right now. This feeling of guilt ate into him, even though he convinced himself that he had nothing to blame himself for.

Then he was found by Ivari, who passed on a message from Beatrice that she would be in the garden after five in the evening, at which time her fiancé would play mini-golf with the Sheikh.

"I am now your messenger of love," proudly calling himself that, Ivari, dancing, left the library.

Yes, now only through Ivari they could keep their connection with each other. The Sheikh asked all the guests to hand over their mobile phones, and if it was necessary to talk, then it was possible to do this only in a specially designated room. This was not an option for Beatrice and Kai. But another thing was Ivari, who by his appearance clearly could not arouse suspicion in anyone, it was too clear from him that he loved men. His cutesy manner, plump lips, swinging hips, and languid looks - this spoke to everyone about his addictions. Therefore, he freely communicated with all the girls who arrived here, but his communication was with them as with girlfriends - about dresses, jewelry, and fashion. The companions of the girls were not jealous of him and did not worry about their girlfriends.

Therefore, Ivari in the role of such a messenger was invaluable.

Everyone was busy that day, each in his own way. Kai saw that Toyami and Ivari regularly disappeared, retired for quite a long time, he was glad that his friend was not bored here.

Arshad was also constantly busy with guests who wanted to communicate with him, mainly on business matters, so Gifar and Maksud were always with him.

Kai was left to himself, but Beatrice brightened up everything in his life. They had time to retire in the garden while Winfrey played mini-golf, and then Kai again went to the library and spent time there until the evening gala dinner, which was again a concert, but Arshad no longer asked him to sing. He understood that the Sheikh wanted to leave his singing as an exclusive program for the next time.

That evening he met Beatrice again, but very quickly and very violently, slipping away on the way to his room. She went behind the niche where Kai was waiting for her, and they quickly slipped into one of the semi-dark halls. Arshad watched this picture, glad that Winfrey was very keen on talking with one of his guests.

Kai returned to his chambers tired and happy. And he was also glad that today Arshad did not call him anywhere, this added some positive to his mood. After relaxing baths and evening drinks from Maksud, he quickly fell into a restful sleep.


The next day was just as intense, he again climbed out of Beatrice's window in the morning - it turned out that in the morning Winfrey had mini-golf, they took advantage of this circumstance. Now Gifar found him doing this, and then he told Arshad, knowing that it was foolish to hide it from him.

The whole day was just as rich - in solemn events, regular feasts, and an entertainment program in the form of performances by artists. Kai regularly disappeared from these programs either retiring in the library or with Beatrice. Toyami and Ivari also regularly disappeared and then returned with happy faces. Only Arshad did not have time to have fun at his holiday, since the role of the owner of the palace imposed certain obligations.

In the evening of this day, Maksud, finding Kai, led him along.

"Where are we going?"

"Arshad wants to see you."

Seeing that Maksud was leading him immediately towards the night quarters, Kai was surprised.

"And what about bringing beauty? I'm not dressed for this ..."

"It's all right as it is," Maksud smiled at him. "You are already beautiful. Let's go to."

Kai resigned himself and followed Maksud, without asking any more stupid questions.

Maksud, again opening the doors for him, pushed him inside.

Going to the chambers, Kai saw Arshad sitting on the carpet in the company of three girls who caressed him, and two more young men were reclining a little further away on pillows, also caressing each other lazily.

Kai froze in embarrassment upon seeing this picture.

"Ah, my beautiful desert rose! Why have you frozen? Come in, sit down. Delight my eye with the contemplation of you," Arshad gestured to the large pillows in front of him, scattered on the carpet.

"I, maybe, not quite on time?"

"You are just in time that you crumple there, like a little one, come in, sit down."

Kai saw that it would not be possible to leave, and sat down opposite Arshad on the carpet in Turkish style.

Girls and boys, not hiding their curiosity, looked at him, while not at all embarrassed by their almost naked outfits and just continuing their lazy caresses.

"I'm very angry with you. And you know why. All this time I have been observing the picture of your disobedience to me. Although I've asked you very much and explained why this Winfrey is so important to me, and what? You do not care. You spit on my requests," Arshad raised his voice, the girls froze, the boys also stopped fondling each other. "For the second day, I see your climbing through her windows. You cuddle openly with her in the garden or the hallways of the palace. You are not listening to me again!"

Kai also froze, shrinking, remembering what open disobedience to the Sheikh could lead to.

"What? Are you shrinking all over there?! Scared? So be afraid! For your behavior, I have already thought of a punishment for you. And you will perform it, or I will be very angry already for real!"

Kai looked inquiringly at Arshad, trying to understand what his punishment was.

Arshad waved his hand, a servant came in and put a tray with a cup of hot chocolate in front of Kai.

"Here, you must eat all this at my presence."

Kai looked at the chocolate, then at Arshad. Then he decided that he did not quite understand what the punishment was, or, rather, what the joke was. He took the cup in his hands and looked for the spoon.

"There is no spoon, you will eat with your fingers and lick the cup with your tongue. Come on - I want to see this. I hope this is not too harsh punishment for you?" Arshad's tone softened.

Kai decided that of all, this was probably not the worst punishment that Arshad could come up with. He decided not to be indignant about such a desire of the Sheikh, it was better to eat this chocolate than to provoke his real anger.

He tried to figure out if the chocolate could be drunk, but it was too thick and viscous. Realizing that he could not cope with this task without the help of his fingers, Kai dipped his finger into the chocolate, felt that it was hot, so it would not be possible to eat it quickly.

He began to eat. He dipped a finger and then licked it, licking the viscous liquid spreading over the skin. He was carried away by this occupation. The chocolate was very tasty, so gradually, without looking up, he ate with enthusiasm. The cup was small, chocolate smeared on its walls, he raised the cup to his lips and began to lick its walls with his tongue, and finally, raising his eyes to Arshad, froze when he saw his eyes - they burned with the fire of undisguised desire.

Arshad, apparently, was holding back all this time, while the guy was eating this chocolate so childishly cute, but now the man rushed to him like a lion at its victim, knocked him over on his back, right on the carpet, the cup flew off to the side. Arshad's lips dug into his. He kissed the guy, licked, sucked his lips, and then again penetrated deep into and there enjoyed the taste of chocolate.

Kai lay sprawled on the carpet under Arshad and did not even try to resist it. How long this insane passion lasted - he did not remember. At some point, he thought that Toyami was kissing differently. He thought about it ... about Toyami and his kisses ...

Arshad pulled back and looked at Kai.

"Tell me who you were thinking about: Beatrice ... or Toyami?"

According to Kai's reaction to the name Toyami, Arshad saw everything at once, he laughed and, getting up from him, returned to his place to the girls who were waiting for him.

"Well, what are you lying there for? Go. Consider that you have redeemed your guilt before me for your behavior, my beautiful rose.

Kai got up and, not looking into Arshad's eyes, left the chambers. The thought of what he was thinking of Toyami when Arshad kissed him strangely hurt him. But why not Beatrice? After all, it was so good with her, and she kissed so skillfully, and in general, he was very happy with her. As it turned out, Beatrice was not only a relaxed girl in sex but also very smart and well educated. She had her own point of view on everything, so he talked to her and argued about everything. She could perfectly hold a conversation about politics, art, poetry, events in the world, and theatrical novelties. Kai was very interested in spending time with her, in the intervals between outbursts of their passion, they talked a lot, talked and argued, however, then their disputes grew into passionate hugs, and in general it was awesome with Beatrice. So why didn't he even remember about her now? Why did he remember Toyami?

Well, Maksud intercepted him in the corridor and took him to his room. Now Kai did not want to see anyone and communicate with anyone. He eagerly drank Maksud's tinctures and fell asleep, sweeping aside all thoughts ...


The new day brought with it the hustle and bustle of the ongoing holiday, communication with guests, and a long-awaited meeting with Beatrice, whom Kai had missed since the morning. They retired to his room, realizing that they would not find her here. Ivari graciously promised to keep everything under control and to warn in advance about Winfrey's return from the game of bridge.

Time flew by for them imperceptibly, they dissolved in each other, eagerly tormenting and reveling in passion. Then they heard a knock on the door and Ivari's voice that Winfrey was returning. Beatrice quickly dressed and, under Ivari's control, slipped out into the corridor.


After a gala dinner, at which everyone was supposed to be present, Kai seized the moment and quietly left, deciding to go back to the library. On the way, Ivari caught him in one of the corridors and dragged him into the side hall, closing the door behind him.

"Today at eight she will be waiting for you at her place," purred Ivari. "Winfrey will go to play cards, and you will have plenty of time."

"Thank you, Ivari," Kai was about to go but felt that Ivari grabbed his hand.

"Thank you - this, of course, is good, but all these days I have been doing so much for you, handsome," Ivari approached him and ran his hand over his embroidered robe. "And when will there be gratitude for my efforts?"

"What do you want?" Kai now saw very close in front of him those almond-shaped eyes and plump slutty lips of Ivari.

"A kiss."

"Then call Toyami, you will present him this kiss."

"No. Now I won't give it up," Ivari suddenly abruptly hugged Kai around the waist and drew him to him. Continuing to hold him with one hand, with the other he gently touched his cheekbones. "Then it was a political move, but now I want to do it myself."

"But you love it when men kiss you."

"I love everything and I can do everything for a man, and when he wants, I can take a man and please him, being in him."

"Ivari, is it possible without details?"

"You've asked yourself," Ivari’s hand continued to touch Kai’s face, "so you don’t mind a kiss?"

Kai lifted his chin as he was shorter than Ivari and looked into his eyes.

Ivari slowly began to bring his lips to the guy's ones. Then, touching them, he began to bite them a little, then suck and run his tongue over them.

"You were talking about a kiss," Kai whispered.

"And this is a prelude to a kiss," Ivari whispered into his lips and continued his work, slowly running his tongue over his half-open lips.

Kai decided that Ivari was ready to show the master class. And it really was. After a while of such caresses, Kai's breathing quickened, his heart began to beat faster. Ivari felt how Kai softened, the tension went away, and then how he literally hung in his arms - apparently, his legs were no longer holding him.

Then Ivari bit his lips with a depraved vulgar kiss, no longer bumping into resistance. Kissing Kai, Ivari realized why he was driving Arshad and Toyami crazy, and even him. And it was not about his beauty, it was about how sensual he was in the hands of the one who hugged him. This feeling of his fragility and the way he responded to caresses, it all drove him crazy. This feeling of power over him, the power that could not be gained over him in any way, it turned out, could be won like this, pressing to his lips, and it was intoxicating and maddening.

Ivari pulled away from his lips, he, as if spellbound, looked at those half-closed eyes, framed by long eyelashes, which trembled so, casting a shadow, and these lips, still waiting for a kiss.

"So ... what are you doing here?"

It was Toyami's voice.

Ivari drew back from Kai, who flinched and looked down in embarrassment, realizing that Toyami had seen enough.

"Well, what is it called? Two of my friends have retired and are kissing".

It seemed to Kai that there was no jealousy in Toyami's voice, but, on the contrary, a strange excitement.

"I demand atonement in front of me!"

"I’m ready," Ivari, who had previously stood without moving, turned to Toyami. "What can I do for you?" he gave his voice the most depraved notes.

"Keep kissing him, I want to see it."

Ivari and Kai looked at Toyami at the same time and saw that he was not joking. Strange lights danced in Toyami's eyes. Ivari was the first to grasp the essence of Toyami's desire. He knew what desires men have. He quickly walked over to Kai and drew him to him, hugging him around the waist.

"You’ll allow me to continue, right?" he whispered against his lips. "Otherwise because of you I will lose Toyami."

Kai was stunned by everything that happened and did not even have time to answer Ivari when that pressed his lips and continued his depraved kisses.

Kai heard footsteps and saw out of the corner of his eye that Toyami was practically standing next to them, watching.

Well, it was already too much, Kai jerked several times and, maybe, even too rudely pushed Ivari away from himself. He, without looking anyone in the eyes, quickly slipped past Toyami and left the room, not quite understanding everything that was happening.

Ivari did not become lost in such a situation, seeing the extreme edge of Toyami's excitement, he knelt in front of him and began to quickly open his robes.


Kai walked along the corridor, trying not to think about what had happened. In general, nothing happened. Well, he kissed Ivari. Now, in general, for him, a kiss with a guy had become as commonplace as with a girl. He used to be shocked by this, but now ... What was surprising when all his friends were like that? So he became the same. And Ivari was a good kisser. Kai even liked it ... and this weakness in the legs ...

Kai pushed those thoughts away from him again.

"Toyami, why is he acting so strange? Was he drunk? And what did I want from him in general - jealousy? To whom, to Ivari or myself?"

Kai again realized that he was confused, completely confused about what had happened and what he wanted. When he reached the glasses of champagne on the trays of the waiters, he drank two in one gulp, and then went to the guests to watch the performance of the magicians on stage, deciding that being alone was not an option at all now otherwise he would completely drive himself crazy.

Later, meeting with Beatrice distracted him from all his thoughts.

The next day passed without much incident. By the evening, many guests began to leave, return on helicopters provided by Arshad through the desert to civilization. Beatrice and her fiance were also returning that evening, which she informed Kai when they met.

Kai also having warned Arshad in advance, was returning today. The colonel was already waiting for him in the garrison, there was another urgent task there. Toyami, referring to the affairs in his camp, said that he would fly away this evening.

Arshad did not detain them, realizing that they had spent so much time with him, he remained on the continuation of his holiday since many guests invited by him had not yet planned to leave.

Kai said goodbye to Beatrice long and tenderly. They exchanged phone numbers, and Beatrice promised to see him soon in Kamrat, as her fiancé often had business negotiations there, and he usually took her with him. After kissing hotly and for a long time, they parted, hoping not for long.


Kai flew through the desert in a helicopter with Toyami and other guests. The helicopter was specially equipped for the transportation of VIPs. Everything inside the cabin was comfortable and elegant. Everyone sat down in his place, there were not many people, so each took a separate chair. Kai saw Toyami take a seat in front of him, although the seat next to him was also vacant. Kai suddenly had a strange desire to feel Toyami's presence next to him, he really wanted him to just sit next to him. The presence of Toyami next to him strangely filled the void around him, he felt it, and now he so wanted to fill this void ...

Kai sighed and tried not to think about it anymore.

Toyami saw that there was an empty seat next to Kai, but he decided not to impose his society on the guy now. Moreover, his unrestrained act when he asked Ivari to continue kissing Kai, it was not clear how it was regarded by him, and now he did not know the guy's attitude towards him. Before that, everything was too complicated. And now it had become even more difficult ...

On the plane, they also sat separately from each other. Upon arrival, everyone said goodbye to each other. Toyami also said goodbye to Kai almost officially, they shook hands, and each went to his own car. Kai had his jeep here, driven here in advance, Toyami was waiting for a Mercedes with security.

Returning to his camp, Toyami found Kodji in his tent, who was already exhausted, waiting for his arrival and the story of how everything went. Toyami did not torment him with a long wait and began with the main thing - this was Kai's life, which he had heard about from the guy's story. At first, Kodji was cheerful, but then gradually his face was darkened by what he heard, and at the end of the whole story, he was sitting with a sad face on the couch, looking in front of him with detachment.

"Poor boy, how I feel sorry for him," Kodji sighed, "I understand that even Arshad with his money cannot buy him back from them?"

"No. In Russia, everything is decided by ties, not money."

"Then hope for Prokhor, when he really will become an influential person in their world and will be able to resolve this issue."

"Yes, the only hope is for Prokhor, but all this may not work out soon," Toyami poured himself and Kodji whiskey into a glass and put ice. "Drink. That's really sad. With all this, Kai is comporting himself well."

"Yes. He's great. He is very strong - he hasn't fallen to pieces," Kodji drank from the glass. "Well, I understand everything about him, now tell me how it was with Arshad. By the way, I am very glad that you are now his friend."

"Ah, I'm glad too. Arshad is a wonderful person and a very interesting conversationalist, well, and we also have common interests and hobbies."

"I've already guessed that he has the same perverse tastes as yours. Did you have a good rest there?"

"Yes. Imagine, he made me a gift so that I would not get bored there," Toyami paused, looking at the intrigued look of his friend. "His name is Ivari - I had no time to be bored with him."

"Is he so good?"

"Yes - very much," Toyami's lips stretched into a sweet smile.

"O! Well, come on, you will tell me about Ivari later," Kodji licked his lips, anticipating this story. "And what about Arshad - did you guess his game in relation to Kai?"

"Not really ... he does his best to promote my relationship with Kai, but at the same time, I see the way he looks at him. For some reason, he is sure that he will never lose Kai, even if I'm with him."

"In this life, you can't be sure of anything," Kodji sipped his whiskey again. "I think time will tell everything."

"And I've decided the same, so I’m not dwelling on this and I’m not going to spin Arshad’s cunning plan."

"You’re right about this one. You just need to live. Now tell me about Kai."

"There he met Beatrice, she is French, she came with her fiancé, who is doing business with Arshad. Beatrice is a very beautiful and sweet girl, smart and overall looks very seductive. By the way, the two of them look great," Toyami drank his whiskey. "It was very funny to watch their secret meetings. He even climbed out the window to her. Arshad swore wildly at him, did not want his relationship with her fiancé to deteriorate because of this. But Kai was unstoppable, I saw them cuddling everywhere."

Kodji paused and then looked at Toyami.

"I hope you’re not jealous Kai to Beatrice?"

"What are you, it's stupid to be jealous to a woman. On the contrary, I am glad that he was distracted and entertained," Toyami, after a pause, added. "But I envied her."

"It's good that you perceive everything this way. I'm also glad for him that he had a good time there," Kodji smiled. "I can imagine Arshad's anger when he saw all this."

"Yes, Arshad's face was terrible, believe me!" Toyami laughed too.

"And how is your relationship with Kai?"

Toyami finished his whiskey and poured more, he was silent for a long time, Kouji did not rush him.

"I haven't told you everything yet," Toyami looked at Koji. "Ivari was the connection between Kai and Beatrice, he asked for this service from Kai for a kiss - I caught them doing this and told Ivari to continue ..."

"What have you done! Toyami! Leave your perverted ways to a certain kind of institution."

"I know that it was impossible to do it, but then I got so turned on, seeing how Ivari kisses him. I stood and watched - feelings overwhelmed me, I ceased to control myself ..."

"Toyami, you could have lost him. He is not ready for such perversions; he is not ready for anything at all. You should restrain yourself. I know it turns you on. But here is another case. Or do you no longer care whether you lose him or not?"

"How can you say that! No, I care, and now I reproach myself for not holding back," Toyami drank all the whiskey in one gulp and poured more.

"And what happened between you during this time?"

"Well, you see - nothing! Our relationship has not moved off the ground. You know about Las Vegas when I kissed him there, I also managed to kiss him in the palace near Arshad, but it did not lead to anything. Although no, it did. Now he does not deny that I am his friend, like that, and even humbly tolerates my company. And it's all."

"Everything is not easy with him ..."

"Yes, everything is very difficult with him ... very difficult. He has a principled position in relation to men, and this is due to his religious beliefs. He is not ready to go against his principles."

"You know, you had a lot of boys without principles," Kodji smiled slyly. "Maybe we'll go there tomorrow and have some fun?"

"I’ll think about it," Toyami’s face became pensive again. "Arshad said beautifully about Kai: we are reaching for the flame of his soul ..."

"The Sheikh is right."

They drank whiskey in silence, considering what they had said. Seeing Toyami's sad face, Kodji suggested:

"Maybe we'll just get drunk?"


Kodji knew this was the best way out of everything right now. He also despite all his experience in such matters, could not advise anything constructive. Kai turned out to be too complex with his principles and views, but that was why Toyami was interested in him. One thing Kodji knew for sure was that only time and patience could help Toyami.

They got drunk that evening ...