About the Author


JULIE MORGAN hails from Burleson, Texas, and growing up in the country with big tractors and bonfire parties, she would daydream about far off lands, hoping to get inside their worlds one day.

Now residing in sunny Florida, she spends her free time with her daughter. She tells people her daughter is the light in this dark world. You’ll find them putting together puzzles, playing games, or reading stories about animals or princesses.

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GRACEN MILLER is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person in southern society. When not writing, she’s a full-time lacrosse mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband of over twenty-five years. She has an unusual relationship with her muse, Dom, but credits all her creative success to his brilliant mind. She’s addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels, horror movies, Alabama football, and coffee... addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She’s convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and when blending coffee and writing together it generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs and Dom’s aggressive demands. Gracen writes is multiple genres—paranormal romance, paranormal erotic romance, rock star contemporary romance, and dystopian romance.

To learn more about Gracen or to leave her a comment, visit her website
