
Who knew a silly idea between friends would turn into a brand-new world? Gracen, here’s to you, babe. Without you, The Private Dick series wouldn’t be possible.

Heather, thank you for always cheering me on, even during the darkest times. I love you.

Lindsey, you made our story what it is today. Thank you for all you do!

Brannon, your skills are amazing! Thank you for the wonderful cover.

And finally, to our readers: We hope you fall in love with the characters of this story. This story is for you!

Much love,

~ Julie

Julie, thanks for taking a chance on this new world with me. Without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

Jennifer, as always, you rock. Thanks for your friendship and support in all the things I do. Love ya!

Lindsey, thanks for making our story shine!

To our readers: I love y’all. You’re my heroes and rock stars. Thanks for your support. I hope you love Phuck, Dick and Enzo as much as we do.


~ Gracen