Natalia wasn’t sure what to expect when she stepped into the local B&B, but for it to stand for Bourbon and Brothel wasn’t it. Although considering who ran things in this town, nothing should surprise her at this point.
The atmosphere was heavy with pheromones. She had been inside brothels before but not one active like Voodoo Mama’s. The walls were the color of dark blood, and they appeared to be breathing, or maybe it was magic, like an optical illusion. The walls oozed as if they were actually bleeding. Were they? She didn’t want to touch them and find out.
In the far corner was a piano that played on its own. She moved closer to it and ran a finger over the wood then looked at her finger and was pleased it came across clean.
“I’ll be right there,” she called to Eddie and Rachel.
The pair stopped on the ascending stairs to wait.
In her mind, she pictured a man with a bowler hat, early Victorian clothing, dirty from lack of a shower, sitting at the piano playing while the bar was busy with poker players, bar fights, and prostitutes wooing men for their money.
She smirked when two women crossed the floor in front of her wearing lacy bodices, matching skirts, and hair to their waists.
Two for three so far. Where’s the poker players?
“Sheriff Enzo, we’re so happy to see you again,” one of the ladies called.
Natalia turned around, and Sheriff Enzo stepped into the brothel. She backed into the shadows to hide from his sight. Glancing up the stairs to Eddie and Rachel, she waved them on.
Eddie nodded and Rachel raised her brows. She shrugged, then followed Eddie.
She turned her attention back to Enzo. He was embarrassed earlier when Phuck knocked him on his ass, and her calling him on it didn’t help matters. The last thing she wanted was for him to be wounded any further.
Enzo’s pride didn’t appear to suffer too much at the moment though. Both women hooked an arm on either side of his waist.
“We’ve missed you,” said hooker one.
“You should come here more often, you know? Don’t let Phuck try to take away your town,” hooker two told him.
“That’s right,” said one. “You’re the man with the gun and the badge. You’re in charge, sugar. Why don’t you put the law down on us today, show us how strong you are?”
Natalia rolled her eyes. It was one thing to cower to a man who held your life in the palm of his hands. It was another to be coddled by women just to have what’s left of your ego stroked.
“Listen,” Enzo started. “Don’t treat me like a lesser man. I can hold my own just fine.”
“Sure you can,” said two. “Let’s not talk about him. We’re here for you, and you alone.”
“Yes,” said one. “You’re the best to come through here. You’re sweet, damn good with your pistol, and not so bad with a gun.” The woman giggled.
Natalia pressed her lips together to keep herself from laughing. Good lord, is this how they treat him here? Build up his confidence just to have Phuck eat him alive? He seriously needs to man up and remember who he is.
As soon as Enzo was out of sight, Natalia rubbed her thumb across the edge of her room key and headed upstairs. The sounds of sex filled any chance of silence in the air, and the smell of pheromones didn’t go unnoticed. She placed a finger under her nose, not from any stench, but from inhaling demon sex. It was toxic, and addictive. The last thing she wanted was to lose her inhibitions in the hallway. As a two-natured creature, her sense of smell was heightened. She could pick up on someone’s mating scent a few miles away. Being holed up in a brothel? She didn’t stand a chance.
As she ascended the stairs, she had an image of herself bent over, butt-ass naked, and Phuck behind her, thrusting his cock inside her as hard as he could. He’d grab her hair and yank her head back. He would be in control of the one who’d vowed to never give up the control.
“Shit,” she whispered and shook off the overwhelming sensation of sex.
She made her way down the hallway, ignoring the portraits of past rulers in New Orleans. She found her room and slipped her card into the slot. It lit green, and she grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. She closed herself in and exhaled a long breath, but the reprieve was short-lived. The damage was done.
Her body grew hotter by the second. She had a longing for someone to come after her, claim her body. She needed a release like a dam holding water from flooding the plains. She needed to either get fucked, or fuck something up. That’s all there was to it.
With a groan, she pushed off the door and walked across the room. Eddie had dropped off her luggage. She caught her own attention in a mirror, then paused and stepped back. She looked at herself and raised a brow. Her blue eyes glowed her shifter gold.
Natalia stared at herself for a long moment, her chest heaving with heavy breaths brought on by the stress of needing sex. She removed her top and skirt, then stood in her bra, panties, and pumps. She reached up for her hair and took it down from the twist it was in. Her locks bounced down around her back, the feel of her hair teasing her skin as if someone’s breath had fanned across her bare skin.
Natalia closed her eyes. The image of Phuck was in the forefront of her mind. The man could potentially ruin her in the best way possible, if she were to allow it to happen.
She also thought of Enzo. If he manned up and grew some balls, he’d bring sexy back in a way she longed for.
Enzo in front of her, Phuck behind her.
“Fuck,” she groaned and tilted her head back. Her nipples hardened in her bra. She swiped her fingers over her taut breasts and shuddered at the sensation.
She flinched and looked behind her. Someone whispered her name, but she was alone in her room… Wasn’t she? She took a few steps toward the bathroom and peered inside. It was dark, but with her heightened senses, she could see just fine.
What is it you want?
She gasped at the whisper next to her ear. She turned around, but no one was there. Natalia frowned and remembered the same thing had happened at the cemetery. A female’s voice had whispered in her ear, but this time, it was male. Then she recalled something Voodoo Mama said when she’d checked in: “What’s your pleasure?”
She lifted a brow.
I’m in New Orleans. I’m surrounded by demons. Of course shenanigans would happen. Why wouldn’t they? Phuck made it obvious he’s interested. Voodoo Mama owned the hotel.
As if on cue with her mindset, the walls in front of her shifted from solid to transparent, like a wall filled with fog. On the other side, stood the corporeal embodiment of men… Three of them.
She grinned and took a step closer. Maybe it was the lust in the air causing a hallucination. Maybe someone had slipped her something in the Painkiller drink when she wasn’t looking. Whatever it was, the fantasy had just taken a nice turn. She smirked at the prospect of it all.
Natalia had never objected to a one-night stand or setting up a friends-with-benefits type of situation. She wasn’t looking to settle down and definitely enjoyed sex, if not more than most women. She’d had a threesome before. Once with two men, another with a man and another woman. She had yet to experience three men at once though.
Tell us what you want, Natalia.
“What do I want?” she repeated. “What I want is to lose myself. What I need is no strings, no relationship, no boyfriend. That’s what I want.”
In a room nearby, Sheriff Enzo was probably getting what he came in for, a lay by the women of Voodoo Mama’s B&B. She could do the same with these men.
When the fog behind the walls began to clear, the three men stepped forward. All three tanned, one blond, two brunettes, slight beards on each, and all three naked and hard as a fucking rock.

“Can she sense us?” Phuck asked.
Amorette shook her head. “Not in the least. She thinks she’s in there with three hot-as-fuck men, but actually she’s alone. It’s a fantasy playing out in her head.”
Phuck sat back in his chair and waved off the Voodoo Priestess. He glanced down to his lap while Vikki—Amber, whoever the fuck the woman was—sucked his cock. He didn’t care who she was so long as he could watch Private Dick fuck herself.