Bible Study

I’ve been avoiding Paul as much as I can for the last three days. But Paul isn’t going along with the program. He wants to hang out together more than ever since my talk with Bishop. I still haven’t got proof that Randall ratted me out, but I’m convinced of it just the same.

Yesterday Paul asked if I wanted to have lunch with him. I lied and told him I already had plans with Rhonda. When I got to the mess hall, Rhonda was already eating with her roommates and didn’t have space at her table for me. Paul ended up eating at a table with people he didn’t know. I ate alone. I kept looking over at him while I was eating. He looked as sad as I felt.

But if I’m not careful, Bishop is going to separate Paul and me. At least we get to spend time together if we’re sleeping in the same room. I wish I could tell Paul the truth. The truth only seems to get me in trouble.

I get to Bible Study early to snag my favourite spot in the common area. It’s a corner seat on the big leather couch that is far away from where the counsellors usually sit.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” Paul asks, standing in front of me. No one else is sitting on the couch. I would look pretty mean if I told him no.

“Have a seat,” I scoot over an inch to make sure our legs don’t touch.

“Is everything okay?” Paul asks. “I get the feeling you’ve been avoiding me.”

“I’ve been doing some private counselling with Bishop and it’s cutting into my free time.”

“What kind of counselling?”

“It’s sort of personal.”

“Okay. You know you can tell me anything, right?” Paul looks hurt that I don’t confide in him. It pains me to make him feel this way.

“I know, but Bishop wants me to keep this between me and him.”

“Hey guys,” Rhonda says, sinking into the couch next to Paul. “Where have you been, Adam? It feels like I haven’t seen you in days.”

“He’s on a secret mission from God,” Paul says, nudging me with his elbow.

“Bishop hasn’t recruited you to blow up an abortion clinic has he?” Rhonda asks.

“That’s not funny, Rhonda,” Paul says.

“Sorry. I just came back from a lecture by Becky and Tania on how not to dress like a slut. Like it’s my job to prevent a guy from raping me.”

Martin enters the common area. “Is there room for one more on that couch?”

“Sure. Squeeze in you two,” Rhonda says to Paul and me. She pushes Paul up against me to make room for Martin. I can feel Paul’s thigh against mine. This is not a good idea.

“What about me?” Randall says.

“You snooze, you lose,” Rhonda tells him.

Randall sneers at Rhonda and sits down on the carpet in front the couch.

“I need to check my insulin. I feel light-headed,” Martin says. He pulls out his diabetes kit and starts drawing blood.

“Do you need to do that right here?” Randall says.

“Would you prefer I pass out?” Martin asks.

“Okay everyone, find a seat,” Brad says. He takes his place in the chair nearest the fireplace. Brad is carrying a Bible with some notes folded inside it. “Martin, would you please open your Bible to 1 Corinthians 7:2 and read the passage for us?”

Martin fumbles with his Bible trying to find the chapter and verse.

“Corinthians is in the New Testament, Martin,” Brad says, with a roll of his eyes. Randall giggles at Martin’s expense. Paul helps Martin find the passage.

“But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband,” Martin reads softly, almost to himself. It’s like he’s embarrassed for people to hear his voice.

“Thank you, Martin. Adam, would you please read Hebrews 13:4 for us? Hebrews is in the New Testament as well.”

“I know that,” I open up my Bible to the passage. Brad is such a jerk. “Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

“Thank you,” Brad says. “Now who can tell me what God is trying to tell us in these passages?”

Randall’s hand shoots up like a rocket.

“Randall,” Brad says.

“That sex is a sin unless you are married,” Randall says. “And that if people waited to get married before having sex there wouldn’t be so many diseases, abortions, and children without both parents.”

“Very good, Randall,” Brad tells him.

Rhonda puts up her hand.

“Yes, Rhonda,” Brad says.

“How do you get all of that from just a couple of sentences?” Rhonda asks.

“Christians have been studying the Bible for hundreds of years,” Brad says. “You learn these things after a while.”

Rhonda puts up her hand again.

“Yes, Rhonda,” Brad says.

“What does Jesus say about sex before marriage?” Rhonda asks.

“He says it stains your soul,” Brad says.

“Does he though?” Rhonda says. “I know the quote you’re talking about. My understanding of that verse is that evil intentions come from sex and theft and murder and all the other Ten Commandments. But Jesus never comes right out and says sex is a sin.”

“She’s speaking out of turn,” Randall says, with his hand up.

“Fine,” Rhonda says. She lifts up her hand and goes on, “I guess what I’m asking is where in the Bible does Jesus talk about sex? And while we’re at it, where does he come down on the gays?”

“It’s all over the New Testament, stupid,” Randall says meanly.

“But where exactly does Jesus say God hates gays and sex?” Rhonda asks.

I look over at Paul. He starts to sink into the couch like he’s trying to disappear.

“Randall is right, Rhonda. Sex and gays are a sin in God’s eyes. It’s a no-brainer,” Brad tells her.

“But where does Jesus say it?” Rhonda says, still holding her hand up. “Isn’t he the one we’re supposed to be obeying?”

“I don’t have an answer for that right now,” Brad has to admit. “But I assure you, Jesus frowned upon gays and sex before marriage.” He’s trying to shut her down.

“His best friend was a hooker!” Rhonda says.

“And you’re an expert on that,” Randall says.

“I don’t need your help, Randall!” Brad says.

“I’ve looked through the New Testament for some quote from Jesus that says I’m going to hell because I’ve had sex. Spoiler alert: I can’t find it,” Rhonda says. “The more I read the Bible, the more it becomes clear to me that Jesus was actually a pretty cool guy. It’s the people claiming to speak for him who are trying to oppress women and minorities.”

“That’s enough, Rhonda!” Brad says.

“I’m tired of being taught to hate myself for who I am,” Rhonda continues. “If this really is a Bible Study, then you should be telling us about where the Bible contradicts itself. It’s only fair.”

“I said enough!” Brad slams his Bible on the coffee table in front of him. “I’m running this study, not you!”

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Paul put his hand on Rhonda’s knee to calm her down. Randall puts his hand in the air.

“Put your hand down, Randall,” Brad says. “Now everyone open your Bibles to Hebrews 5:8-9: Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him . . .”

Brad doesn’t ask our opinion for the rest of the session. Instead, he tells us what each of the Bible quotes mean. After he dismisses us I pull Rhonda off to the side.

“I think what you said was really cool,” I tell her.

“Thanks,” she says. “But where were you when I needed someone to back me up? It would be nice if you guys grew a pair instead of rolling over and playing dead.”

Rhonda storms off in the direction of the girls’ section of the lodge.