The inflamed villain turned and confronted Yuri Boom-Boom. ‘You sent out two spyborgs to track down Agent Danger? You never told me that!’
‘Niet, Comrade, I only created one,’ Yuri replied loudly.
‘Then which one is the clone!!!?’ Dr Disastrous swung around and stared at the Penelopes, panicked.
Yuri looked baffled.
Mr Dangerfield glared at Johnny. ‘Okay, shortstuff – l’ll take out the giant tin can if you and your friend cover the bad guys.’
‘Huh?’ Johnny mouthed to his father. ‘Are you out of your mind?’
‘Trust him,’ Penelope said firmly. ‘I can one hundred per cent guarantee he knows what he’s doing.’
‘You can?’
‘1, 2, 3 . . .’ Mr Dangerfield started to count as Penelope let go of his arm, held the laser pistol up, and pointed at Dr Disastrous and Yuri Boom-Boom.
‘Goooooooo!’ Mr Dangerfield charged the hulking Yuri-nator and knocked it off its feet with a flying tackle. He grabbed one of its legs and twisted it to a vicious right angle. ‘Does it hurt, metal mouth . . . does it hurt?’ he shouted. ‘Coz I got a whole world of pain I’m about to unleash on you.’
The Yuri-nator’s eyes glowed golden and it flung Johnny’s dad off, jumping up and spinning around in the dust.
‘Oh, so you know kung-fu, do you? Well, let’s see what moves you’ve got, tin head . . .’
The monster lurched forward and grabbed Mr Dangerfield by his collar. ‘Time to die,’ it growled, lifting him high up off the ground and rotating him 180 degrees in mid-air. Then it slammed Johnny’s dad headfirst into the ground with a savage piledriver.
‘Owwwww, that’s gonna leave marks . . .’ Mr Dangerfield warbled. Then he passed out.
The Yuri-nator stood up and sculled Johnny’s drink triumphantly.
‘Next victim,’ it said, glaring at Johnny with golden pulsing eyes.
‘Um, does the Thunder Down Under laxative work on cyborgs?’ Penelope cried.
‘It better . . .’ Johnny bleated.
Penelope quickly fired off two laser shots at Dr Disastrous and Yuri Boom-Boom, but the Yuri-nator leapt in front of the pair and deflected the shots with its armour-coated palms.
‘Farewell, Agent Danger and Agent Pounds,’ Dr Disastrous cackled, standing behind the killer cyborg. ‘Which one of you is going to be eaten alive first? My money is on Pounds.’
‘Run for it, guys!’ Tim called from the other side of the enclosure as Penelope’s clone painfully yanked his arm up high behind his back.
The Yuri-nator lunged down and grabbed Johnny by the neck and throttled him viciously. Johnny’s eyes bulged as he counted down the time on his stopwatch. ‘4, 3, 2, 1 . . .’
EURAWHGHHH! The robot doubled over in excruciating pain. ‘Immediate evacuation required. ‘Warning . . . warning.’
‘What’s happening?’ Boom-Boom shouted.
The robot released Johnny from its crushing grip and crouched over awkwardly with its hands resting on its knees. ‘Evacuation pending.’
A cyclonic fart exploded out from the robot’s metallic behind, blasting the two evil villains off their feet and out into the middle of the pool of death.
The madmen landed headfirst into a frothing sea of diamond-toothed killers.
‘Help!!’ Dr Disastrous screamed.
‘Yuri-nator – save us – give us both a hand . . .!’ Yuri begged.
The groaning robot removed its left and right hand and threw them to the doomed villains.
‘No, you idiot! Use your head and rescue us!’ Boom-Boom shrieked.
The cyborg unscrewed its head and tossed it into the pool of death.
‘AGRHHHHHHHHHH!!!!’ screamed Dr Disastrous and Yuri Boom-Boom as the piranhas dragged them under the water.
The headless cyborg collapsed to the ground and deactivated itself.
Johnny picked up the discarded Cherry Coke can and held it up. ‘Thunder Down Under – for fast and effective relief,’ he quipped.
‘Oi Johnny, look out!’ Tim hollered.
‘What –’
A flying boot crashed into Johnny’s chest and knocked him off his feet.