
My life, my career, and this book wouldn’t be possible without my wife, Lauren, and her unwavering love and support through some the most difficult trials life can offer. To my parents, Mark and Marigay, who sacrificed so much to support their son. My sister, Amanda, who loves unconditionally with an open mind and loving heart. For our children, Grayson and Zoe, for giving me a reason every single day to be a better man and father. To all of my extended family for their kind words of continuous encouragement. To my closest friends, Graham, Justin, and Chuck, who stuck by me without judgment and always offered up a listening ear. To Jessica, Kristin, and Ray: your friendship, love, and support through the darkest times will never be forgotten. To Shannon and Kristin for being the first people to read this book, and giving me the encouragement to see it all the way through. To my palliative care work family: Amy, Caitlin, Amy, Karen, Kari, Becca, Kelli, Shannon, and Mona—you gift me a safe space to be my authentic self every day and I am grateful. To my bosses, Dr. Elaine Cox, Dr. Marie Cole, Dr. Jerry Rushton, Dr. Paul Haut, Dr. Lyle Fettig, Dr. Greg Gramelspacher, Dr. Wade Clapp, Dr. Greg Sachs, and Jim Luce—thank you for opening up your minds and hearts to support a young professional looking for a career home. And to my agent, Linda Konner, for taking a chance on an unknown author and helping me find a platform to tell my story.

To all my counselors and the recovery community who continue to help me stay sober one day at a time.

To Luke, Nick, Zoe, and all of my patients and their families for graciously allowing me to take care of them during some of the most difficult times of their lives.

For support of my lectures and this book I also would like to sincerely thank the following: Dr. Jamilah Hackworth, Dr. Derek Wheeler, Dr. William Considine, Dr. Michelle Howenstine, Dr. Sarah Friebert, Laura Pickard, Akron Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Community Health Network, Indiana University Health Physicians, Indiana University School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education, Choctaw Medical Center, Saint Louis University, and Butler University.

Finally, to my community at Riley Hospital for Children. This book wouldn’t have been possible without all of you giving me the courage to be myself. Thank you to the greatest children’s hospital in the world and a place that always makes me feel like I’m home.