Chapter Six
Alex jumped when the door slammed shut. He stood there for a few minutes until he realized Kyle wasn’t coming back. Surprised and slightly shocked, he took his beer and dropped into the nearest recliner.
What the hell just happened?
He shouldn’t have mentioned the hustlers. He understood that now. He’d told Kyle he’d been joking but deep down there was truth to the comments. He’d never mentioned anyone his partners had been with before him, but this time was different. It was an uncomfortable realization, but he still had a problem with Kyle picking up hustlers.
I knew about them going into tonight. It was my problem, not Kyle’s. The thought didn’t make what had happened any easier.
He took a long drink then rested his head against the back of the chair. Things had gone well before he’d made the stupid comment. The sex was great. He was sure they both agreed on that. Kyle was skittish about being there to begin with. I pushed too hard.
Alex picked up his phone to send a text.
I didn’t mean to press any buttons. I’m sorry. I was having a great time.
The reply came back a few minutes later.
It’s fine. I had fun. Talk to you soon.
Alex threw his phone against the back of the sofa and went to get another beer. It was early and he was too restless to sleep. Might as well drink.
At some point in the night he stumbled to bed and fell on top of the covers, face first. He woke in the same position mid-Saturday morning, the sun filtering in through the blinds.
Groaning, he downed a glass of water standing in front of the sink then hopped into the shower to hopefully clear his head.
Levi’s football game was at eleven. He hadn’t spoken with Kyle about it specifically, but knew Kyle was aware of the game. Will he show up like he did last week? Alex could only hope.
On his way to the field, he considered texting Kyle but his stubborn streak set in. He’d made the first move by texting last night. It was up to Kyle to make the first move today. Damned if I’m going to look like I’m pathetically sitting around waiting for him.
Travis stood next to the bleachers where his parents sat, Lilah on his mother’s lap. Alex scanned the field as he walked up. Sam was on the sidelines with the team. There was no sign of Kyle. Alex hadn’t thought he was there, because he hadn’t seen his truck in the parking lot.
“Hey!” Travis greeted him warmly.
“Hi, guys. Are we ready for some football?” Alex leaned against the bleachers next to him.
“Yes we are.” Kim bounced Lilah on her knees. “And how are you?”
“I’m good.” He forced a smile.
Travis tugged on Alex’s sleeve. “Walk with me.”
Alex turned to Kim and Dave. “Be right back. They don’t need me on the sidelines.” He followed Travis about halfway to the field, where his friend paused once they were alone.
Travis folded his arms across his chest. “Tell me you’re good again, with a little more enthusiasm this time.”
Alex smiled. “I am good. Fine and dandy.”
“How’d your date go last night?”
“About as well as it could have. One or two little hitches.”
Travis glanced around. “And yet you’re here alone.”
Alex shrugged. “He didn’t stay. He told me he wouldn’t, insisted he didn’t do mornings and all that shit. So why was I surprised that he got up and left after some really great sex?”
Travis grinned. “At least there was that. It’s a start.”
Alex sighed. “I know. It was a really great start. But as soon as it was over he got dressed and left. Any idea how that makes me feel?”
“Like he should have left money on the nightstand?”
“Exactly.” Alex smiled at him wryly. “Actually, we never made it to the bedroom.”
“Oh ho ho! I gotta hear more about this. Unfortunately, there’s a football game getting ready to start and in the absence of someone who knows something about the game, I’d better get down there with Sam. If he shows up, send his ass over to us because we’re going to need him.” He squeezed Alex’s shoulder and headed to the field.
“Will do.” Alex strolled back to the bleachers, scanning the parking lot. No sign of a silver truck. Kyle wasn’t going to show up. He didn’t know that the team needed him, or maybe he simply didn’t care.
His heart aching, Alex wondered if the players were the only ones who needed Kyle. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he felt like maybe he did, too. And it hurt like hell that the sexy hunk hadn’t bothered make an appearance.
An hour later, everyone agreed it was a good thing no one kept score when the game ended with Levi’s Mustangs trounced by the Panthers. Alex went to lunch with the family then home to do some yard work, housework and laundry. It was more physical labor than he was used to, and by eight p.m. he was ready for a break.
He ordered a pizza and washed it down with beer while watching a movie that normally cheered him up. Tonight it didn’t do the trick. He was grumpy as ever when his doorbell rang at nine-thirty.
Alex looked through the peephole and was surprised to see Kyle standing on his porch. He opened the door and gazed at him questioningly.
“Hey,” Kyle said softly.
“Hello.” He didn’t move aside to invite entry.
Kyle sighed. “I’m sorry I took off like I did. You know I’m strugglin’ with this. I guess it’s harder than I expected. No, scratch that. It’s exactly as hard as I expected. I resisted this because I knew it was gonna be tough for me.”
Alex studied his face for a moment then stepped aside and motioned him in. Kyle obliged and he closed the door behind him. “I can see that. I have to be honest with you, though. I really don’t get what’s so difficult.” He dropped into his chair. “I’d offer you a beer but I’ve drunk them all in the past twenty-four hours.”
Grinning, Kyle sat across from him. “’s ah’ite.”
“Levi missed you at the game today.”
A spark flickered in Kyle’s eyes. “How’d they do?”
“They got pounded is how they did. I love Sam like a brother but between him and Travis, they can barely spell scrimmage, let alone figure out where the line is.”
Kyle winced. “That sucks. Sorry I couldn’t be there, but they need to find a coach and not rely on me.”
“Because you’re unreliable, I get that. There’s only, like, six games in their season, so there really isn’t time. They’ll muddle through. Levi is having fun, that’s the important thing. Winning doesn’t matter.”
Another wince.
Alex bit back a smile. “Sacrilegious in Texas?”
“Pretty much.” Kyle nodded. “I wouldn’t say I’m unreliable. I just can’t wrap my head around the gay family scene. Don’t get me wrong, it works great for your friends, and that’s fine. I just don’t see that kind of life for myself.”
“Of course not, because you aren’t gay.” Alex tried to keep the sarcasm to a minimum but it oozed out anyway.
“You’re pretty anxious to label me, so let’s see, I was married for nearly twenty years and I have a kid. I’d say that makes me, what? Bisexual?”
Alex shrugged. “Sounds safer than gay.”
“I’m not looking for safe.”
“Obviously, as evidenced by—” Alex bit off the remark. He’d mentioned hustlers the night before and it hadn’t ended well. “Never mind. I’ll just tell you that leaving the way you did made me feel like what we’d shared didn’t mean anything to you. That was a shitty feeling.”
Kyle blinked. “What did you expect it to mean? It was one night. One great night, to be sure, but I’m not here poppin’ the question.”
Alex chuckled bitterly. “You are quite the romantic, aren’t you?”
“Damn, man, you’re makin’ me feel like I have a crazy stalker or somethin’. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not that good of a catch.”
“And that pretty much finishes this conversation. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I was watching a movie and I’d like to get back to it.”
Kyle didn’t move, just looked at him. “Alex.”
He shook his head. “The more you talk, the deeper the shit you get yourself into.”
Kyle’s grin was sheepish this time. “I’ve heard that before. I didn’t mean to imply that you’re crazy, or a stalker.”
“You called me a crazy stalker. There was no implication involved.”
He held up both hands. “Whoa now. Hang on for a minute. I’m horribly out of practice on the datin’ scene, and I have no experience doing this with a guy. I’m fumblin’ my way through, here.”
“Horribly is not too strong a word. Go on.”
“I don’t know how. I’m not sure what I could say to extricate myself from the mess I’ve made. I like you, Alex, or I wouldn’t have pursued you from the day we met. I don’t know how to ‘date’ in this day and age, let alone date a fella.”
“Same way it’s always been done. You be yourself and I’ll be myself. We’ll see if we enjoy each other’s company.”
Kyle waggled his eyebrows. “Ah’ite. I know I enjoyed what we did last night.”
“That’s the easy part. Getting to know one another is much tougher. Instead of scooting out the door you need to stick around so we can talk, and maybe cuddle a little bit.”
He seemed to think about it. “I can cuddle.”
“I’m sure you can. You think you can carry on a conversation?”
Kyle scratched his chin. “I s’pose. Depends what you wanna talk about.”
“I’d like to know about your day, good and bad. You could tell me what you’re going to do tomorrow, and I could figure out if that was something I might like to do, too.”
“That doesn’t seem so tough.”
“Or crazy stalker-ish, I hope.”
He laughed. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
The beer was kicking in and Alex was tiring of the verbal foreplay. He was ready for a bit more action. “We’ve already established the things you shouldn’t have done. Can we move on to the list of things you should be doing?”
“Oh. Okay.” His eyes darkened and a sexy smile flitted across his face. “Where do you want me to start?”
Alex rose and extended a hand. “I was thinking, in the bedroom.”
Kyle grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. “Ah’ite. Lead the way.”
After releasing his hand, Alex began to undress. “You want to lose those clothes between here and there?”
“I will if you will.”
They were both naked when they reached Alex’s room. Alex used both hands to press Kyle against the closet door, kissing him with all the intensity that had been building in his gut. “There’s one thing we didn’t get to last night. That’s what I want.”
Panting, Kyle nodded and they kissed again. “Me too. Tell me where you want me.”
Alex sucked his tongue for a few more minutes, then nibbled his sexy lower lip. He finally, grudgingly, pulled away, knowing what was coming would be even better. “On the bed, flat on your back.”
Kyle threw back the covers and did as directed while Alex grabbed supplies from the nightstand. He knelt between Kyle’s legs, prying them apart and watching as his cock grew fully engorged. Unable to resist, he leaned in and licked it base to tip a few times, then sucked the shaft into his mouth.
“Aw, Jesus. You don’t have to stop that any time soon. Feels good.”
“Tastes good. But I have other plans just now.” He caught Kyle’s gaze. “If you stick around long enough, I promise I’ll get back to this.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Kyle nodded. “I promise.”
Alex’s heart soared. “I’m glad, because I intend to fuck you senseless and I wouldn’t want you driving in that condition.”
Kyle grinned. “That’s a lot of talk.”
Squirting some lube out, Alex worked it over his fingers then traced circles around Kyle’s anus with one hand while stroking his shaft with the other. “I can put my money where my mouth is. Don’t you worry.”
Sighing, Kyle closed his eyes. “Not worried about a thing. I have every confidence in you.”
Alex worked three fingers into the tight hole and dragged them from side to side before determining it was ready. Easing them out, he grabbed a condom then rolled it over his aching cock and slathered on more lube. He pressed the tip to the opening and pushed forward.
“Aw, shit.” Kyle gazed at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Want me to stop?”
“Hell no. You look so sexy up there, I’m gonna come with very little provocation.”
Alex laughed and inched forward. “I like this position, too. Love getting to see every expression on that handsome face of yours.”
Kyle smiled then growled and reached for Alex’s hips, urging him closer.
One final, firm thrust and he was seated. He paused while they both adjusted to the intensity.
“Oh, yeah.” Kyle continued to grip his hips to aid the process. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
“Mmm.” Alex began thrusting in earnest, pulling out until just his cockhead was submerged then driving back in. They worked into a solid rhythm and soon were both sweat-slicked and breathing hard.
His climax beckoning, Alex wrapped one hand around Kyle’s shaft and squeezed. “I’m close, and I’m taking you with me.”
“Hell yeah.” Kyle bucked into his hand. “Won’t take much.”
“So hard. So perfect.” Alex jacked the cock and when he felt the warm stream flowing out, he let go and shattered. They rocked together, groaning, panting, and Alex felt incredible as his climax wound down.
Alex released Kyle’s cock and leaned down for a kiss. “Another benefit of this position.”
“Kiss me again.” Kyle tipped his head backward, beckoning.
Alex did, and they let their tongues bat one another for precious long moments.
“That was amazin’,” Kyle finally murmured.
“It was,” Alex agreed. “And, for the record, you’re a damn fine catch.”
Kyle ran his hands down Alex’s back and cupped his ass cheeks. “Sweet talker.”
* * * *
Kyle woke and squinted to read the clock. Twelve-thirty. He’d been asleep for a couple of hours. Before that it’d been a marathon of sexual encounters like he’d never experienced. Exactly the type of thing he’d told Alex he wouldn’t be able to do because of his age.
I was wrong.
He smiled to himself, thinking Alex brought out the best in him. His arm thrown across Kyle’s chest, Alex looked incredibly handsome and very peaceful in slumber. The guy was a whole ’nother beast awake. Passionate, funny, eager to please…and talkative. Lord, the man loved to talk. Maybe that was the lawyer in him. Maybe it was a gay thing. Kyle wasn’t sure. He just knew he wasn’t used to being as open about his feelings as Alex desired.
He hadn’t managed to satisfy Kelly in that regard. She’d constantly wanted him to open up to her, but for many reasons he simply hadn’t been able to. He’d been closed off for so many years now, he hoped Alex wasn’t expecting something he couldn’t produce. Change didn’t happen overnight and in some cases, not at all.
Suddenly restless, he slid out from under the protective arm and crawled from the bed. He gathered his clothes from the floor and dressed in the living room by the dim glow of a lamp. The urge to leave tugged at him but a stronger feeling overrode it. I don’t want to disappoint Alex.
Kyle sat on the sofa and picked up the TV remote. Flipping through the channels, he stopped on a football game, not caring which teams were involved. He turned the volume down low and settled back into the couch.
About thirty minutes later, Alex padded out from the bedroom and rubbed his eyes. “Hey. Can’t sleep?”
Kyle smiled up at him. “No, and my first instinct was to bolt. I hope you noticed I stuck around.”
“I did notice. Hang on.” Alex went to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of water. He handed one over. “Hydrate.”
Accepting the bottle, Kyle then twisted the cap off. “Why? Am I gonna need it?”
Alex sat next to him. “Oh yeah! Only if you’re interested, of course. Not trying to twist your arm or anything.”
Kyle shot him a look. “No arm twisting required. Of course I’m interested. As a matter of fact, I was sittin’ here thinkin’ how you brought out a side of me I never knew existed.”
“Is that so? All I know is that I certainly enjoyed the evening.”
“Me too. I’m just surprised, is all. I never knew I had it in me.”
“You are much too hard on yourself. I’m not sure where you got the idea that forty-four is old, because it’s not.”
Kyle chuckled. “Most days I’d agree with you. Other days I feel every one of those forty-four years, in my knees, especially.”
Alex ran the back of one finger over Kyle’s biceps. “You have a very physical job. You stay in really great shape.”
He reached out and massaged the back of Alex’s neck. “What keeps you in such amazin’ condition? Do you work out?”
“I try, depending on my schedule of course. Days when I’m in court are tougher because I have paperwork to get done before and after. Sometimes it’s hit and miss.”
Kyle clasped his neck and brought Alex’s face to his for a kiss. “I’d hit that.”
They kissed, then Alex grinned. “I believe you already did. More than once if memory serves. But hey, it’s Saturday night. I’m ready to go again if you are.”
“Correction. It’s Sunday morning. But I’ll be damned if I’m not ready to go again myself. And look at you, sittin’ there all naked like you’re just waitin’ for me.”
“You know I am. My only question is, why are you still dressed?”
Smiling, Kyle reached for his shirt.
* * * *
Kyle sipped black coffee on Monday morning as he looked over a stack of paperwork. It was his least favorite part of his job. He’d much rather be out working alongside the crew than sitting behind a desk. Unfortunately, his position required him to do some of each. It’s a matter of finding balance. Cinda reminded him of that constantly.
His phone rang and he grabbed it off the desk. Kassi’s face filled the screen. “Hey, kiddo.”
“Hey, Daddy. How’s it goin’?”
“Ah’ite. Course there’s plenty of day left for things to go south. How are you? How’s the car?”
“The car is fine. Jake fixed the squeal and he didn’t even charge me.”
“That’s great. Job going okay?”
“Yep. All good.”
“Your mother says you have a boyfriend.”
“Of course she did. I do. His name is Ross and he’s a personal trainer at a gym.”
“Not sure I like the sounds of that.”
“What? That he helps people get in shape?”
“That he’s all physical and stuff. Just make sure he keeps his sweaty self away from you.”
She laughed. “Daddy, you’re such a goofball. However, you’re a goofball with a birthday coming up. What plans do you have?”
“I don’t have any plans. That’s three weeks away.”
“Three weeks will be here before you know it. And it’s on a Friday, so you can celebrate all weekend.”
Kyle chuckled. A weekend like I just had would be fine with me. “I don’t know, kiddo. I doubt I’ll do much.”
“Can you come home? I could take you to Whataburger for a Sweet and Spicy Bacon Burger, then we’d hit up the Tasty Freeze for some ice cream. Or an ice cream cake. Or I could bake you a cake. What kind would you want?”
“Whoa there, Nellie. There’s no way I can come home right now. This lawsuit BS put the job behind schedule. I can’t take time off right now.”
“Daddy, you own the company.”
“Co-own, and my partner is a real tough cookie.”
“Cinda? Cinda is a pussycat.”
He glanced at Cinda, who smiled as she pretended to work and not listen in. “Chicago has hardened her. But thanks for the offer, sugar. We’ll celebrate when your birthday rolls around, that’s more important to me anyway.”
“That’s only two months from now. You’ll still be busy and you’ll give me all the same excuses then.”
He rubbed his temples. “Have you been talking to your mother?”
“No, but I’m starting to empathize with her.”
“And, on that happy note, I gotta scoot. Thanks for calling, Kass. I love you and I’ll talk to you soon.”
“I love you too, Daddy.” She ended the call.
He set his phone down and scratched his chin.
“Trouble in Paradise?” Cinda’s voice oozed amusement.
“Ha.” The line had been an inside joke between Syd and him when they’d lived in Paradise, Texas, and started the company. A couple of years later they’d moved to Dallas for the greater opportunity a larger city provided. “Always. Kassi was trying to get me to come home for my birthday. I took a pass, although she made it pretty enticin’. I wouldn’t mind a Whataburger breakfast biscuit right about now.”
“So go home. Eat the greasy burgers, have some cake, do the whole birthday thing. We can get along without you for one weekend.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
She eyed him questioningly. “I know you’d like to see her.”
“And her personal trainer boyfriend Ross?” He rolled his eyes. “No thanks. It’s ah’ite. She gets that it’s a busy time. I’ll see her for her birthday and the holidays.”
“Could there be another reason you’re not anxious to leave the Windy City at this time?”
He shot her a look. “Only the one thing. It’s called work. Which I’d like to get back to, even if you want to sit here and shoot the shit. What’d you find out from Scott Webster?”
“I finally got him pinned down. Webster’s Bar and Grill is open seven days a week and his wife says he hates to take time off. But they’ve agreed to meet with us Friday night, after the dinner rush, around nine.”
“He’s gonna have to get over that if he’s plannin’ to open another location. The man can’t be everywhere at once.”
“I know, and the wife is fully aware. They’re going to discuss that. We only need to talk about why our new shopping center is the perfect location for their next bar and grill.”
He smiled. “Friday night it is.” Kyle shuffled some papers on his desk. He’d agreed to meet Alex Friday night, but hopefully they could get together after the meeting. He picked up his phone and fired off a quick text.
Work meeting just came up for Friday night. Can we meet after?
The reply came back promptly.
We could, or…maybe Thursday? My court case will be over by then and I’ll be ready to unwind. You could pack a few things and stay over.
Thursday sounds good. How bout I bring a pizza and some beer?
I’m up for that. So to speak.
Text you Thursday to firm things up. So to speak. Have a good week.
Back atcha.
Alex had added a smiley face emoticon.
Kyle could only shake his head. The man was a lawyer, for Christ’s sake. Putting little smiley faces and hearts in his texts. They had the desired effect, though. His face heated and he shoved his phone away to keep from full-out blushing. It’s gonna be a long week.
* * * *
On Thursday, he arrived at Alex’s at the prearranged time with a large supreme pizza and a twelve-pack of beer.
Alex greeted him at the door. “That looks like some heavy-duty unwinding, right there.”
“It’s almost the weekend, why not?” Kyle stepped in and followed Alex to the kitchen, where he set the pizza on the counter.
Alex removed two beers from the box and refrigerated the rest. Handing one over, he smiled. “Hello.”
Kyle wrapped his free hand around the base of Alex’s neck and pulled his face close. “Hello there.” Pressing their lips together, they shared a lingering kiss that neither seemed in a hurry to end.
Without breaking contact, Alex took their two beers and fumbled to set them on the counter. When his hands were empty, he slid them around Kyle’s waist and drew him in tight.
Kyle felt the bulge in Alex’s jeans, and it rivaled his own. “Pizza can wait,” he murmured, lips touching.
“Oh, yes it can.” Alex ran his hands over Kyle’s chest then grabbed the tail of his T-shirt and yanked it off, over his head.
Kyle did the same to Alex’s shirt before they resumed kissing. He caressed the smooth, warm skin beneath his fingertips and allowed his hands to wander freely.
Alex was again fumbling without looking, in the nearest drawer this time. Kyle knew that was where he’d found the supplies the last time they’d had sex in the kitchen. He shifted so Alex could better reach what he was looking for.
“Mmm-hmm,” his partner murmured, and Kyle felt satisfied he’d succeeded. He walked Alex backward until they reached the sofa, and they began unbuckling belts and kicking off shoes and boots.
“You have a preference?” he whispered when they were both naked, erect cocks rubbing against each other.
Alex shook his head. “Whatever you want.”
Kyle sucked a spot in the hollow of his neck. “I want you, bent over this sofa.”
“You got it.” Alex grinned, his eyes twinkling, before he turned around and spread out a towel.
His heart alternately melting and about ready to beat out of his chest, Kyle donned a condom and greased up his throbbing shaft at the same time as he prepared Alex for entry. “Damn, you feel good. Nice and tight.”
“You wanna see what you can do about that?” Alex wiggled his ass.
“Oh, buddy, there is so much I could do about it. Right now, I’m gonna open you up and make myself comfortable inside.”
Glancing over his shoulder, Alex winked. “Go for it, stud.”
Kyle nudged the tip of his cock to the opening and pushed forward. His prep had done the job and he entered without much resistance. When he was balls-deep he paused for each of them to acclimate. “Damn,” he muttered.
“Aw, damn is right.” Alex bucked his hips. “I’m good, babe. Let’s do this.”
Clutching his waist, Kyle began a slow, sensual thrust which didn’t last long. They were both bobbing and weaving, working up a sweat and panting like they were in hundred-degree heat.
“Fuck!” Kyle swore. “I’m close.”
Alex threw his head back. “Grab my cock and take me with you.”
Kyle worked his hand around and gripped the leaking cock. He rubbed a ribbon of warm pre-cum with his thumb and spread it over the hard-as-steel shaft. Jerking back and forth, he leaned in and whispered through gritted teeth, “Next time you come it’s gonna be inside me.”
Alex had one hand on the sofa and he reached the other behind him to cup Kyle’s neck. “Oh, yeah. And it won’t be much longer. One time with you just makes me hard enough to want another.”
Kyle shattered, floating on a glorious high while still working his wrist until he was sure Alex had finished with him.
“Fuck yeah.” Alex pulled his face in for a kiss. “That was perfect. Thank you.”
Grinning, Kyle kissed him back. “No need to thank me. I got something out of it, too.” He patted Alex’s ass then pulled out gently, and used the towel to clean each of them up.
They slipped into their boxers and washed up, then ate pizza sitting at either end of the same sofa, legs intertwined.
“So how was your week?” Alex asked.
“Good. The crew’s doing a fine job makin’ up for lost time. Another week and they’ll be back on schedule. How was yours? You mentioned needing to unwind?”
Alex shrugged. “All right. That’s normal. Things get stressful, then they get resolved, one way or another. Then I go back and do it all again the next week.”
Kyle smiled. “Sounds like fun.”
“Not bad. What about you? Is your work fun?”
“Hell yeah. Some days more than others. I love bein’ out there on the job site, seein’ it all come together.”
“That’s nice.” Alex took a swig of beer then glanced around. “I didn’t notice you carrying a bag. Are you going to stay over?”
Kyle winced. “Pro’lly not. You know me, creature of habit. Just as soon sleep in my own bed.”
Alex frowned. “I thought we were getting past that.”
“What? Me likin’ to sleep in my own bed?”
He rolled his eyes. “You being afraid of the commitment of sleeping over. Not asking for a ring, man. Just someone who sticks around for more than a quick fuck.”
The comment stung and Kyle smiled sheepishly. “We talked about two quick fucks, if you’ll recall. And I beg to differ. The first one wasn’t that quick.”
“Damn it, Kyle, you know what I meant. It makes me uncomfortable when you’re only here long enough for sex.”
“Noted. But you knew going into this thing that I was never gonna take you on a date, or wanna play house. And it makes me uncomfortable when you try to change me.”
“What is ‘this thing’? What are we doing here, then? I’m not sure I get it.”
“It’s some of the best sex I’ve ever had, I can tell you that. Beyond the obvious, I really can’t say for sure.” He nudged Alex’s foot with his toe.
“That’s enough for you?”
“It’s not enough for you?”
“Damn it. I don’t know.” Alex shook his head and glanced away.
Kyle nudged his foot again. “It’s pretty damn good.”
Alex sighed. “It is. I guess it’s enough, for now.”
Kyle smiled and silently exhaled with relief. “For now.”