The Stroll

This morning

after a long time in the hole

they let me out

for a fifteen-minute walk

into an empty corridor

littered with rusty cans

and bits of broken glass

An ‘official’ stood guard at the gate

while another

stood at the other side of the track

with a rifle on his back

All this for the sake

of a sick man

weakened by two weeks of hunger strikes

Yet being looked at like an animal

as though I were some wild beast

whose each harmless gesture should be suspect

doesn’t affect me any more

I even know that those men

who watch my every step

might even sympathise with me

or might at least be indifferent

because they too were hungry and miserable

There was a crazy-bright sun

and the sky was blue, so blue that when I looked up at it

I didn’t know where to turn my head

So I shut my eyes

and bathed my hands and face

in that unsettling marriage of elements

then my heart resumed

its natural rhythm

the regular beat of hope