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It was easy enough for Nathaniel to make things right with Stephen and Wes later that morning. It was essential to be on good terms if they wanted to make the rest of the competition go well, though he would have done it anyway. He had genuinely liked both of them when he'd met each of them, and thought that he would have liked to help them even without Alain asking him to.
He managed to find them in the pool after finishing his morning confessionals. They'd claimed one of the floating foam lounge chairs, though with Wes straddling Stephen's thighs it sat much lower in the water than normal.
Stephen immediately looked wary at his approach.
"It's alright," Nathaniel said quickly, holding up both hands as he perched on the edge of the pool. "I just wanted to apologize for causing so much fuss last night. Stephen, it was very kind of you to choose me for your date when I'm so new here, I... should have been up front about having made a connection with Alain. Regardless of the rumors I'd heard about you and Wes, I meant no disrespect to either of you with my actions."
Wes, lifted his head from his chest with a little disgruntled frown. "I just don't like players."
"I don't think that was Nathaniel's intent, love," Stephen replied, with a bemused little smile. He kissed the frown from Wes's lips sweetly before looking back at Nathaniel. "A connection with Alain... I suppose that clears up a few things. Resulting from your... mutual scholarly pursuits, as it were?"
"I really admire what Alain has accomplished professionally," Nathaniel replied truthfully.
"I guess that makes sense." Wes regarded him with less irritation.
"I think perhaps Alain has been... giving Nathaniel advice this whole time." Stephen's tone was amused and knowing. He pressed a kiss to Wes's hair, stroking his back. "Can you forgive them both, my love? For my sake?"
Wes smiled up at him with dreamy adoration, running his fingers through Stephen's hair. "...it's hard to stay annoyed at anything when I'm so happy right now," he murmured, leaning up for a soft kiss that quickly grew longer.
Satisfied, Nathaniel stood. "I'll leave you two to enjoy the pool," he said softly, though he couldn't help but pause at the door to admire the pretty sight. Wes, curled over Stephen's much larger form, kissing him with growing passion. Stephen's hands moved restlessly down the length of his back, stroking his flanks, his hips, his thighs. Clenching briefly at his ass with a soft groan.
Perhaps he should suggest that Alain tell Stephen about the spot on the back stairs? Stephen was far too tall for the closet. Nathaniel wasn't certain that either of them would survive the household otherwise. Or at the very least not break the house rules about not cumming in the pool.
He hadn't expected the opportunity to get into a conversation with Trevor, but when he caught sight of the young man heading upstairs alone, he followed. Ever-cognizant of the cameras, he made his way to the Himbo bedroom slowly enough to give Trevor a few moments to get settled before interloping. Fortunately, he was still alone. "Oh hey - sorry, didn't realize you were in here. Is Kaneda in confessionals?"
"Sort of. He had a business call." Trevor had sprawled on his bed on his back, messing with some kind of finger puzzle. He cast Nathaniel a look. "You here to try and buy my vote, too?"
Nathaniel felt his eyebrows raise. "Buy your vote?" He perched on the side of his bed and leaned closer. "You mean that literally, don't you?"
Trevor's lips pursed, staring up at the ceiling like it had offended him. "Ryland was trying to talk me into voting for Stephen and Wes because my dating Stephen didn't work out, though I know it's because he thinks they're the biggest competition. He also basically insinuated that Blythe could make a university scholarship fall in my lap." He gave a hard sigh, frowning. "Like I just came here for a sugar daddy."
That was unexpected. Alain was certain that their best bet to secure the votes they needed was to make sure Kaneda and Blythe weren't on the same team, and then pick one of them to vote out. But he and Nathaniel hadn't really talked about Trevor and Ryland's role in the equation.
Nathaniel regarded his peer, mentally sorting through their interactions. He sadly hadn't had the opportunity to get to know Trevor better in the short time since he'd joined, though he'd immediately admired the younger man's passion for the STEM fields. "Why did you decide to try and find love here?"
Trevor relaxed a little, turning to look at him. "I mean... the free trip down here was a big plus. Haven't really been able to afford a proper vacation in a while. And I was really hoping...." He sighed, lips pursing "Do you ever have problems with guys our age when they realize you're smarter than they are?"
Nathaniel nodded, with a soft, rueful chuckle. "Oh, definitely. I'm sorry that you can commiserate."
"Yeah." Trevor returned his smile. "Guess I was just hoping that an older guy wouldn't be that way."
"Kaneda doesn't seem that way at all," Nathaniel replied, surprised. "And he seems pretty into you?"
"He's... really great," Trevor admitted, but looked away, troubled. "And he's so handsome. I really, really like him...."
Trevor was quiet for a moment, still frowning. "...I get too excitable and scare guys off. Like your brother. Sorry I was a dick about that, it wasn't his fault. I've been trying to be good with Kaneda, but... I just feel kind of fake." He set aside the fidget toy and laced his fingers behind his head with a sigh. "I guess at this point in the competition it's pretty futile to expect anything to come of him and I anyway. Isn't really enough time left."
They were all very valid ways to feel, and too easy for Nathaniel to relate to. He pondered his words for a long moment. "I think you should talk to Kaneda about how you feel," he said finally. "Don't wait, talk to him this morning. And be who you are. He picked you to get to know, Trevor, and I think he's insightful enough to have at least seen some of who you really are. I think he'd really like your true self."
Trevor gave an unconvinced hum, but was smiling. "Is that your professional opinion, shrink-in-training?"
"Professional and personal," Nathaniel replied honestly. "And think of it this way... what do you have to lose?"
"I... guess you're right." Trevor stretched, sitting up. "Not like we're gonna win the competition at this point anyway."
"Do you want to?" Nathaniel asked curiously.
Trevor wrinkled his nose. "Mmm... nah. I mean yeah, the prize money would be great, but... I'd honestly just settle for maybe having something with someone that won't end when the competition does. But I guess if I want that I can't just sit around waiting for it to happen, right? Thanks, Nathaniel. You're a mate."
"I hope so," Nathaniel replied, playing down how pleased he felt at Trevor's reaction. "So, Blythe... that's really disappointing, but I guess I'm not that surprised. He fits the profile."
"Profile?" Trevor asked, taking the bait.
Nathaniel nodded. "The types of men that have... a certain level of financial success... have interesting relationships with money. Some are motivated primarily by the accomplishment, and money just happens to be an output of that kind of accomplishment. They tend to be the more philanthropic types. And some... are more motivated by the kind of power that money can buy them." It wasn't perhaps entirely ethical for him to be making such insinuations, especially since he didn't think they were entirely true. But he wasn't directly attributing either to Blythe or Kaneda, just letting Trevor draw his own conclusions.
Plus... they were here to play the game.
Trevor gave a hum of understanding, pondering his words thoughtfully.
Did he need to press further? Perhaps just a little. "Are you going to tell Kaneda about what Ryland said?"
At that Trevor frowned. "Yeah," he decided. "It's kind of insulting, isn't it? Yeah, I should tell him. I'm gonna go wait for him. Thanks."
When they finally came back together for the afternoon, they'd been instructed to wear the black speedos they'd all been told to pack. Quinn had tucked a pair into Nathaniel's hand that morning during confessional, and Nathaniel let himself indulge in the pleasure of believing they were his lover's personal pair.
Trevor leaned close. "We had a really good chat," he murmured, nearly glowing with happiness. "And a good snog, finally. Really good. Thanks."
"I'm so glad," Nathaniel replied with a smile, a little surprised at how happy the news made him.
The back patio had been set up with a large backdrop hanging from a frame, painted like a velvet-curtained stage with spotlights on two suspiciously ass-sized holes.
"Himbos," Freya instructed them, eyes sparkling with glee, "You will first need to identify your daddy via only their "Unique Assets", which will give you five points. You'll then be given the opportunity to answer five questions to prove how well you know them, for up to an additional ten points. Then it'll be our DILFs' turn. The couple with the most points will get to go on a special solo cruise tonight before the elimination ceremony... while the rest of you tidy up the house because oh my god guys, your rooms are a mess! Zhehan, you're first."
Zhehan admired the two black-speedo-clad posterirs that came into view, bent over and pushed through the holes. Both were pretty equally muscular, though Nathaniel thought the one on the right looked very much like his brother.
"My Xiang is the delectable badonkadonk on the left," Zhehan declared.
"Correct!" Freya declared. "Now, first question - what is Xiang's love language?"
"Mmm, words of affirmation." Zhehan's answer was purred in a way that made Nathaniel think that said affirmations must be very salacious indeed.
"That's right, too. Now, what was the first sport Xiang competed in professionally?"
At that, Zhehan looked less certain. "...was it handling his big sword?" he guessed, which - if not correct, was at least a fantastic euphemism.
"Sorry, it was Jiu-Jitsu."
"Mmm." Zhehan nodded sagely. "He is very good at wrestling with his powerful thighs."
After listening to the first few sets of questions Nathaniel was reasonably certain he could figure out Alain's answers, but immediately decided not to do so. Going off on a cruise as the winning couple would only put a target on them, and he was certain that Alain wanted to be here to keep talking with the other contestants. So when his turn came he made the most of trying to come up with entertaining but mostly incorrect guesses, unsurprised when Alain did the same.
Stephen and Wes won, which didn't surprise him. Nathaniel didn't even think the questions had been rigged to give them any kind of advantage; it was obvious the two knew each other very well. It could make the elimination allegiance more difficult, especially since they knew now that Blythe and Ryland were targeting them. He'd have to figure out how to talk frankly with Alain about his conversation with Trevor.
They all bid farewell as Stephen and Wes and one of the camera crews got onto the elegant catamaran-style yacht that had moored behind the villa. It had a private cabin, Nathaniel noted with relief for the sake of their sexual sanity. Then he followed the rest of the contestants inside.
He wasn't sure if he felt entirely comfortable speaking to Alain as frankly as he wanted to on mic. Would there be opportunity to do so? "Alain and I will take the bathrooms," he quickly offered as Freya divvied up cleaning assignments.
"A good excuse to move throughout the house," Alain murmured with a pleased smile. "Good choice."
They started on one of the small powder rooms downstairs. The camera crews had followed the contestants going to the kitchen and bedrooms, so Nathaniel carefully unclipped his mic and set it on the vanity, turning on the tap and giving a pointed glance at Alain before starting to clean the toilet.
Alain joined him a moment later, spraying down the seat and lid as he leaned close with a grin. "How have your clandestine activities been, my little mastermind?"
"I'm merely an apprentice-mind," Nathaniel teased back, though he couldn't help but feel warm at the praise. "Blythe tried to buy Trevor's vote. He wasn't at all impressed. I may have gently influenced him to tell Kaneda."
"Oooh." Alain grinned. "Darling, tell me everything."
It didn't take long to bring Alain up to speed, then reclaim their microphones, continuing their duties with quick efficiency. When they moved to the third floor Alain briefly disappeared into the kitchen where Trevor and Kaneda were cleaning, and Nathaniel found himself excitedly wondering what he might be doing and what the outcome might be.
Then, as they were finishing the first of the third floor bathrooms, Kaneda stormed by with Trevor in hot pursuit.
"Bingo," Alain murmured with a grin. He took a few minutes to finish wiping down the inside of the shower door, then dropped the cleaning supplies, grabbing Nathaniel's arm. "Let's go."
Inside the DILF bedroom, Blythe and Kaneda were already in terse conversation. Even in shorts, sandals and casual button-downs, somehow they'd both begun to radiate Power Suit.
"Look," Blythe said, arms folded across his chest. "This is all very silly and a complete waste of our time. No offense was meant. Now, I don't see any reason why two gentlemen like you and I can't come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."
Kaneda's mouth was set in a hard line as he listened. "A 'mutually beneficial arrangement' assumes you're coming to the table with something I need, which you are not. Why should I open myself up to unnecessary risk when you've already failed to demonstrate positive intent?"
Nathaniel stared at the men in amazement. Both Trevor and Ryland were keeping a safe distance but watching, wide-eyed, clutching various cleaning supplies. Ryland still wore one rubber glove.
Blythe rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you weren't about to do the same thing, you're just annoyed I did it first. I knew you were in talks to purchase the whole damn streaming service before we even set foot in this house. How long before production gets a call about rigging this whole thing? At least I'm trying to offer something of value."
Kaneda's eyes narrowed. "My business dealings have nothing to do with this competition, and I have no intention to exert undue influence to ruin its validity. If you're insinuating - "
"Um - " Nathaniel couldn't help but interject from the doorway. "Excuse my interruption, but... are you actually both trying to buy each other off?"
"No," Kaneda said immediately, at the same time that Blythe said, "Yes."
"Yes, he is," Blythe repeated. "At least I'm being upfront about it."
"Gentlemen, please allow me. Let's talk this through." Alain moved towards them, hands lifted in a non-threatening gesture.
"Do you think maybe we can do it without talking about things I can't put on camera?" Quinn asked weakly from his spot beside the camera operator.
Blythe opened his mouth, stopping when Alain held up a gentle hand. "Please give me a moment," Alain said, thinking, then nodded. "Alright."
"It's alright to be upset with each other," he started. "One couple has to go home tonight, and none of us want to leave. Blythe, it's valid to be worried when you and Ryland have been the strongest couple in the competition since you met him. You want to take care of him, it's completely valid to feel like you'll do whatever is necessary to secure your place here. And Kaneda, you and Trevor are the newest couple, of course you're worried. You've been so caring and nurturing with Trevor, you've formed a real connection in this short time. It's valid to feel upset at anything that might interfere with that."
God, he was so good at playing to their egos! Nathaniel forced himself to look away from Alain's impressive show of positive manipulation to look at Quinn. His lover looked incredibly relieved behind the camera, and no less impressed than Nathaniel felt.
"Thank you," Kaneda said, already looking like he was relaxing a little.
Alain nodded. "So let's talk about why you're both really here, shall we? Of course it would be nice to win, but it's clear that neither of you need prize money. Are you being honest when you say you're here to find love, or do you secretly have something else to prove? Blythe?"
Blythe was still frowning. "I've committed to this competition, and to Ryland. I couldn't do anything less than make my best efforts to win."
"You've committed to Ryland... to win?" Alain asked carefully. "Or to build a real and beautiful relationship together?"
Blythe paused, then turned to look at Ryland, who gave him a soft, shy smile.
Alain immediately turned his attention back to the other man. "Kaneda, is it really Blythe's actions you're angry about? Or is it the thought that you might have to say goodbye to Trevor tonight when you've just started to get close?"
Kaneda opened his mouth to reply, then stopped, inclining his head with a smile. "I... suppose it is much more the latter. You're correct in that I didn't come here for money or prestige. I've told several of you already - my professional life doesn't give me much opportunity to look for love. So every moment I can spend here is invaluable. And I can't just disrespect this wonderful, intelligent man I've grown close to by inviting him to come away with me in my private jet after we've only had such a short time together."
"Um," Trevor raised a hand tentatively, his smile hopeful. "Hello? Yes, um - just putting it out there that I would? I'd be totally okay with that. Not disrespected at all."
"And I will respect Ryland by being upfront about inviting him to come away with me in my private jet after we leave this house," Blythe added haughtily. "As my partner."
"As Trevor would be nothing less than mine."
"Wonderful!" Alain declared, clapping his hands together. "See, we all want the same thing! Whenever you leave the competition it'll be a wonderful beginning, not an ending."
"...you really mean that, John?" Was Ryland actually blushing?
"Of course I have a private jet, why the bugger would I lie about that? I never say anything I don't mean, and I certainly wouldn't - mmmph!" Blythe just managed to catch Ryland as he threw his arms around him and claimed his mouth in a very enthusiastic kiss that quickly grew more passionate.
Kaneda looked smugly satisfied, though his expression softened as he turned to Trevor and held out a hand. "Perhaps, since the kitchen and bedrooms are tidy, we can go speak somewhere privately?"
Flushed and smiling shyly, Trevor nodded and took his hand.
"Excellent!" Quinn declared, clapping his hands together. "Let's set you up in the atrium, the light is beautiful there right now. You other two can keep making out. Although - hang on, I need to set some clear expectations with all of you right now. Blythe and Kaneda, you especially. I don't care about your money or your private jets or whether you may or may not be buying the goddamn streaming service. If any of you walks off this set before you're fairly eliminated I will personally hunt you down and fuck you. I will make your life a living hell, I will literally haunt you for the rest of your days and repeatedly give you crabs. Understood? If anyone decides they want to get out of here so you can finally fuck without having to sneak around like teenagers, then you convince the others to vote you out fair and square."
Had Alain recruited Quinn to their cause, too? Either that or he was being very convincing, Nathaniel thought.
"I think that can be arranged," Blythe purred, and Ryland grinned.
"Did you really buy the streaming service?" Trevor asked quietly as they left the bedroom.
"It seemed neater," Kaneda replied. Then he paused, looking back at Alain and Nathaniel thoughtfully. "Alain."
"Mm?" Alain had rejoined Nathaniel, looping an arm loosely around his waist.
"Let's be certain to exchange contact information this evening. If you find you enjoy the spotlight, I may have an opportunity to discuss with you. Should you have any inclination to step away from academia."
"I'd be happy to have a discussion with you anytime."
Alain drew Nathaniel back into the relative privacy of the bathroom as the others went downstairs, pressing a smiling kiss to his mouth. "Very, very well done, little one."
Nathaniel couldn't hold back a shiver of pleasure at his words. "I was just following your direction. You were so... mmm, masterful in there."
"And you're a little bit into that, aren't you?" Alain's eyes sparkled as he drew back, smiling in a way that Nathaniel was beginning to identify as delightfully up to no good. "I think it's time to arrange a special reward for you, my darling."
Nathaniel felt the back of his neck heat, pulse quickening. "More than the broom closet?"
"Mmm." Alain kissed the tip of his nose. "Make sure your brother and Darren know to vote for Blythe and Ryland. Though I think they'll be strongly soliciting votes after your lover laid down the law in there. And then... meet me on the back stairs tonight at quarter to one."
After the excitement of the afternoon, the evening's elimination was very anticlimactic. They were taken from dinner one by one to film their voting in the corner of the main room. Nathaniel made appropriate noises about it being such a hard decision and not wanting to see anyone go, but... Blythe and Ryland were so strong in their relationship he knew they'd continue to be strong after they left.
He certainly didn't feel at all guilty about his vote or his role in swaying the others when Blythe and Ryland had spent the entire evening eye-fucking each other and packed their suitcases in advance of the elimination ceremony.
The only strange thing was catching sight of Quinn saying goodnight to his sister and a few of the others as they were filming b-roll in the main room after the elimination, talking about heading to spend the night at production's offsite location. Quinn normally slept onsite, working late finishing up with things at night while Asha filmed the outro with Freya, but it seemed like Nayah was going to take care of capturing Blythe and Ryland each leaving the house. Nathaniel probably would have thought nothing of it, except that when Quinn caught him looking he gave a quick but deliberate wink.
It must have something to do with Alain's promised reward. What else could it be? Though the thought of it involving Quinn made him suddenly nervous. Alain wasn't going to suggest they sneak offsite, was he? How could they possibly not get caught? The last thing he wanted to do was to get Quinn - or anyone - in trouble when they were so close to accomplishing everything they needed to.
Nathaniel slipped out of bed and silently started to make his way out of the Himbo bedroom. His heart jumped into his throat as a hand darted from the pile of quilts on one of the cots as he crept by. "What the - "
"Shh!" Zhehan's dark eyes blinked up at him from under the quilt. "I hope you're not going to the back staircase, we have it at one," he whispered.
"We'll be gone by then," Nathaniel whispered back, despite not knowing if he was right.
Alain was waiting for him when he turned the corner, half-perched on the banister with, strangely, one of the pool cues from the games room in hand. He smiled widely as Nathaniel appeared. "Perfect timing, my little apprentice. Are you ready for your reward?"
"I... think so?" Nathaniel eyed the pool cue. "Do you have that for... kinky reasons?"
"Why, would you like me to?" Alain's eyes sparkled with good humor, and he drew Nathaniel close for a soft kiss. "Don't worry, little one. It's just a means to a much more exciting end. Come."
He followed Alain down the stairs, waiting when Alain told him to, watching curiously as the man hugged the wall and inched towards the corner. Then he lifted the pool cue above his head, reaching around the corner blindly but with careful control. After a few moments of silent concentration, he withdrew it, peeking around the corner then beckoning Nathaniel forward. "Keep to this side of the hall, darling."
Nathaniel followed him, cautiously looking around the corner. The ceiling-mounted Go-Pro had been carefully pushed to face away from the veranda that connected the bedrooms and out into the vaulted ceiling over the great room.
Leaning the pool cue up against the wall, Alain winked and reached back to take his hand.
For a moment Nathaniel still worried that Alain was going to try and sneak them out of the villa altogether. He continued down the veranda, though, past the doors that led to the confessional sets and several other doors. Finally he paused next to a panel on the wall, pulling a key out of the pocket of his pajama pants. It fit into a keyhole in the panel Nathaniel hadn't noticed before, the panel clicking open softly.
"Not a secret passage," Alain murmured. "Just a back door into a walk-in closet." Sure enough, the room Alain drew him into - though large enough to hold what looked like a queen-sized bed - was barely more than that, and the head of the bed was set into the gap between floor to ceiling shoe shelves, a small lamp hanging from the clothes-bar above it.
There were also folded clothes, shoes and personal effects on the shelves. This wasn't just a hidden sex room, someone was staying here. "Alain, I don't think we should...."
Then the door at the other end of the closet opened. Illuminated in the light from the bathroom beyond stood a man, flushed and breathless, with... a stick caught in his hair?
"Oh good," Quinn said with a wide smile. "You made it."
Contestant Progress
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 4 |
Day 5 |
Day 7 |
Day 8 |
Day 9 | |
Darren |
Carson |
Carson |
Carson |
Alain |
Alain |
Carson |
Carson |
Carson |
Darren |
Darren |
Darren |
Trevor |
(Spare) |
Darren |
Darren |
Wes |
Alain |
Alain |
Alain |
Tydall |
Tydall |
Stephen |
Stephen |
Stephen |
Zhehan |
Trevor |
Trevor |
(spare) |
Nathaniel |
Wes |
Wes |
Trevor |
Tydall |
Stephen |
Stephen |
Carson |
Carson |
Kaneda |
Kaneda |
Kaneda |
Trevor |
Trevor |
Trevor | ||||
Zhehan |
Stephen |
Tydall |
Tydall |
Xiang |
Xiang |
Xiang |
Xiang |
Xiang |
Zhehan |
Zhehan |
Zhehan |
Zhehan | |||
Nathaniel |
Stephen |
Alain |
Alain | ||||
Alain |
Wes |
Wes |
Wes |
Darren |
Darren |
Nathaniel |
Nathaniel |
Blythe |
Luiz |
Ryland |
Ryland |
Ryland |
Ryland |
Ryland |
(eliminated) |
Ryland |
Blythe |
Blythe |
Blythe |
Blythe |
Blythe |
(eliminated) | |
Tydall |
Trevor |
Zhehan |
Zhehan |
Wes |
Wes |
——- (eliminated) | |
Luiz |
Blythe |
(spare) |
———————————————— (eliminated) |