“What are you about, Middleton?”
Braden stopped in front of his friend Jack. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Jack.”
“Your vow?”
“It wasn’t exactly a vow, Jack.” Braden shifted uncomfortably in front of his friend. Why did he suddenly feel like a schoolboy reprimanded by the headmaster?
Jack started to walk away, shaking his head as he went.
“What did I do?” Braden asked.
Jack stopped and turned back around. “You have to ask? After Penelope and all those other women, you swore you were going to reform. I believe your words were something to the effect of ‘no more women, I want a wife.’ ”
Braden clenched his teeth together. “She’s not my mistress.”
Jack choked back a laugh. “You kissed her in the middle of Lady Whitfield’s party. She left with you. And you have the nerve to bring her here.” He leaned in closer and whispered, “Whether you bedded her or not doesn’t matter and you know it. In the eyes of everyone in town, she is your mistress.”
“It’s a long story, Jack,” Braden said with a sigh. “I never meant for anyone to think she was my mistress.” And she was supposed to be back at the estate by now. Jack’s words only reinforced the guilt Braden had been feeling since she agreed to his foolish plan. Dammit! She wasn’t supposed to agree. Now he was in too deep.
“Well, it’s a little too late for that.”
Braden grabbed a brandy and walked toward the library after a quick glance back at Tia. She would be fine for a few minutes while he talked to Jack. His friend followed him into the deserted library.
“Do you plan on telling me what happened?” Jack asked, before sipping his own brandy.
“Tia is my wise woman.”
“Your what?”
“My wise woman. She works on the estate healing, delivering children, and so forth. She left to chase down Jonathon.” Braden took a sip and let the heady liquid rest on his tongue for a minute before swallowing. Slowly, he told Jack the rest of the story.
As he finished, Jack chuckled. “So she beat you at your own game.”
“Apparently, she did. Now, what am I supposed to do?”
“Nothing. When you arrive home tonight, you tell her to go to bed . . . alone.”
Braden knew that was exactly what he should do. But his body wouldn’t listen. One certain part of his body, in particular, wanted nothing more than to leave this damn place and take her home to his bed right this moment. “I know,” he muttered.
Jack chuckled again.
“What the bloody hell is so funny?”
“I’m just happy that this is your problem and not mine.”
Braden shook his head. “I won’t ask what you would do.”
Jack tilted his head back and finished his brandy before saying, “There is no need. You know what I would do. And it certainly isn’t taking her to a gaming hell or telling her to go to bed alone.”
Braden placed his half-full snifter on the table. “I need to find her and get her away from these dreadful people.”
“Good luck,” Jack muttered with a laugh.
Braden left the library and walked back into the salon. He soon spied Tia speaking with his cousin, Alistair. No good would come of that. Braden strolled up to them with a tight smile. “Good evening, cousin.”
“Good evening, Alistair.”
“And how are you, Middleton?”
“Quite well now,” he answered and wrapped his arm around Tia. “I see you have met Miss Featherstone.”
“Yes, we met at Lady Whitfield’s party.” Alistair smiled. “We even shared a dance.”
“Did you now.” Braden slid a glance at Tia’s face. Her cheeks had reddened slightly. Had they shared more than a dance?
“Yes,” Tia finally spoke up. “We did share a dance.”
“Of course,” Braden said.
“Good evening to you both,” Alistair said with a quick nod.
“Stay away from him,” Braden warned Tia once his cousin was out of earshot.
She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Why? He seemed quite lovely to me.”
She had no idea about the perverted nature of most of the people in this room. It had been a terrible mistake to bring her here tonight. “He may not be all that he seems.”
“I believe the same could be said of you,” Tia retorted.
“So it could.” Braden clasped her elbow. “We are leaving now.”
“As you wish.”
They walked out of the room and out to his carriage. Silence filled the carriage as they rode toward the Red Door. It was time to tell her everything. She deserved that. And he needed her help as much as he hated the idea of needing another person.
“I supposed if we are to be lovers, we should be honest with each other.”
Tia looked over at him. Curiosity filled her. She knew what she hadn’t been honest about, but what was he hiding? “What do you mean?”
“My business and reason for staying in town is to find Jonathon.”
She looked up at him, but tears blurred her vision. Perhaps he wasn’t the monster that so many tried to portray him. “It is?”
“Yes, he needs help, Tia.”
“I know.”
He released a long sigh as if he didn’t want to say more, but must. “Did he tell you about the opium?”
“Yes,” she replied slowly. A part of her felt it was wrong to break Jonathon’s confidence, but she obviously couldn’t help him alone. “That is why I was trying to find him. He told me a few days before he left that he had to go back to London. That someone needed him. I assumed it was a lie and that he was still having issues getting away from the drug. I tried to convince him to stay at the estate where the temptation would be less, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“I’m worried, Tia. The runner and I have checked all his usual haunts. No one has seen him. Until I heard about the fight at the Red Door, I was beginning to think he might be dead.”
She stared up at his handsome face, unable to look away from the pain she saw. “It will be all right, Middleton. We will find him. I know of a doctor who is in town and helps people who really want to stop eating opium. But it’s very difficult for most people.”
“Does he have success?”
“Yes. But not in every case.”
“Thank you,” he whispered before kissing her hand again. “Is there any place he might have told you that I should know about?”
Tia shrugged. “I checked all the places he talked about with me, but no one had seen him.” This time, she squeezed his hand. “We will find him, Middleton.”
He stared down at her intently. “Call me Braden.”
She glanced away and shook her head. “It wouldn’t be proper.”
“In the eyes of everyone we meet, you are my mistress.”
She stared at her hands. “I suppose you are right. But I would not feel comfortable calling you by your Christian name in front of others.”
“Then do it in private.”
“I could do that,” she whispered.
“And yet, you still haven’t uttered my name.”
“Much better.” The carriage slowed to a stop and he jumped out. Holding out his hand, he said, “Come along, Miss Featherstone.”
She took his gloved hand. “As you wish.”
“I wish for many things,” he whispered in her ear. “Many things.”
The heat of his breath tinged her ear. The way he said those words made her heart leap and her desire heighten. How could she want this man? He was the exact opposite of his brother in looks and demeanor. And yet, Jonathon’s kisses never made her weak in the knees as Braden’s did. She wondered what would happen when they arrived back at his home later this evening. Would he take her in the study up against the wall? Perhaps in a chair. Or maybe he would make love to her in his large bed, slowly teaching her the ways of desire.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts away from the desire she felt for him. It was wrong to want a person strictly for his body. Although, her sister had done exactly that with two men. Even now, Tia wondered if Mia was sharing the earl’s bed. It wouldn’t surprise her at all.
Middleton wrapped her arm around his in a very protective movement. She wondered if that was for show or because he felt a need to protect her from something or someone inside. They approached the large red door to the gaming hell, but the door remained shut. Middleton took out a card and slipped it into a small slot near a peephole in the middle of the door.
The heavy door creaked slightly as it opened before them. The entrance was dark with only two candles spreading light down the hall. As they walked down the mysterious corridor, the sounds of merriment emanated from the room in front of them. Two brutes stood sentry at the double doors. The hulking men opened the doors with a bow to Middleton.
“Good evening, my lord.”
Middleton remained silent, but nodded in reply.
“Enjoy yourself, my lord,” one man said with a nod.
Tia clenched her jaw to keep her mouth from gaping at the lavish sight in front of her. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The walls were papered with red and gold striped silk wallpaper. Liveried footmen carried gold trays filled with assorted drinks for the guests. The men outnumbered the women in attendance, but both were equally dressed in their finery.
“You might want to close your mouth. People will stare,” Middleton whispered with a short laugh. “Come along.”
“Do you really expect Jonathon to be here tonight?” she asked softly as he led her to the hazard table.
“No, I don’t. I am hoping someone might know where he’s staying so I can talk to him.”
“What do you want me to do?” They stood near the hazard table and watched the play. Tia had no idea how people played the game or won money at it, but it was fascinating just the same.
“Stand next to me and smile. Perhaps, if you should have the opportunity, speak with some of the ladies here tonight. My brother was known for his excesses with women. Someone might have seen him.”
“Your brother was known for his excesses with women?” Tia whispered. “What about you?”
He leaned in closer until she could smell the spicy scent he wore. His icy blue eyes glared at her. “Trust me, I am even worse than Jonathon.”
“I had no doubt about that.”
She smiled up at him. “Jonathon would never coerce me into becoming his mistress,” she whispered so softly that no one standing near would hear their conversation.
His white teeth gleamed in the candlelight. “It was your choice, sweetheart. There was no coercion involved.”
Tia’s brows rose. “Indeed.” She knew he was right, but would never admit it to him.
“Besides,” he said with a smirk, “I don’t believe you have become my mistress yet.”
But after tonight, she would be. And the idea frightened and excited her at the same time.
“Middleton,” a loud voice boomed from behind them. “I’m surprised to see you here after your brother’s scuffle last night.”
Tia and Middleton turned to see an older man, near to fifty from the looks of him, standing behind them.
“Kettering,” Middleton said with a bow. “I was looking for my brother.”
The man laughed. “Hardly think he would have the nerve to show up here again.”
“Were you here last night?”
“Of course. Saw the entire thing.” Kettering stared at Tia as if he’d never seen a woman before tonight.
“What happened?”
“He was at the faro table. He looked pretty deep in his cups. Another man I don’t know started to antagonize him. Your brother threw the first punch and then they were hitting each other. Adams had both men thrown out. He told them never to set foot in here again.”
Middleton frowned deeply, creating lines across his forehead. “You don’t know who the other man was?”
“Never saw him here before last night.” Kettering slid a glance toward Tia. “Now, you must introduce me to your companion.”
“This is Miss Featherstone.” Middleton looked at her and said, “Lord Kettering.”
“My lord,” Tia said with a quick curtsy.
“My, she is a fetching gel,” Kettering said and then licked his lips as if he wanted to devour her. “Do let me know when you tire of her.”
Middleton stiffened. “That might take a very long time, Kettering.”
The man wiggled his white brows at her. “Might be worth the wait.”
Tia felt her cheeks burn from the disgusting man’s scrutiny. “My lord, I believe Lord Middleton is right. I have no desire to leave his bed any time soon. He had to beg me to accompany him tonight. I would have preferred we stay at home . . . in bed.”
Middleton’s lips twitched.
“I see.” Kettering glanced at them both and nodded. “Good evening, then.”
“Well played, Miss Featherstone. Perhaps tomorrow night we shall stay at home. In my bed.”
Tia’s cheeks burned from the hot gaze he sent her. “So who exactly is this Adams man? Perhaps we should find him and see if he has anything to add.”
“Nice way to change the topic, Miss Featherstone.” He led her away from the hazard table. “Philip Adams is one of the owners of this establishment.”
“Oh, is he here tonight?”
“Right over there,” he said, leaning his head to the right.
“That man standing against the wall?” The man looked more like one of the hulks guarding the doorway. He was well over six feet with large muscles and as they walked closer, he displayed even white teeth and dimples in both cheeks.
“So, you ejected my brother last night, Adams?”
“You would have done the same, Middleton.” Adams scanned her with a frown. “I thought you were through with that.”
“Long story.”
“I’m quite certain it would be an entertaining one at that.” He turned toward Tia with a grin. “Philip Adams, at your service.”
“Tia, this is Mr. Adams. This is Miss Featherstone.”
Adams lifted her hand and kissed it softly. “A pleasure indeed. I can see why you might have given up your vow.”
Braden clenched his jaw and smiled slightly at his friend and business partner. “It was hardly a vow.” Of course, that was exactly what it was and now that both his friends had reminded him of it in one night, he felt his frustration growing. He had to get the conversation off Tia.
“Who was the man Jonathon was fighting?” Braden asked.
“Evan Chambers.”
“Yes, but who is he? I have never heard of him before the runner told me his name.”
“No one of any significance. The third son of Mr. Richard Chambers. A banker in town.”
A banker? Dear God, had Jonathon tried to get a loan to carry him until his allowance next month?
“Chambers?” Tia whispered.
Braden looked down at her pale face. “What do you know about him?”
“Your brother told me Chambers was the one who encouraged him to take the . . .”
“The what, Miss Featherstone?” Adams demanded. “You need to tell him what you know about this mess. And your involvement.”
“My involvement?”
“Her involvement?” Braden asked at the same time. Tia had better not be involved in this situation. She had access to opium for medicinal purposes. If she had anything to do with his brother’s addiction, he would never forgive her.
“Perhaps we should take this out of earshot of others,” she wisely recommended.
Her suggestion only raised Braden’s suspicions of her. “Very well, let us talk in the office.”
Adams slid back a door and they entered a dark corridor. He led them back to an office where two people sat counting money. “Liam, go check on the faro table. Mr. Blackwood seems to be winning an unusually large amount. Simon, give Weathers a break at the front door. Tell him to get some supper.”
“Yes, sir,” they answered in unison and quickly departed the room. Both gave Braden a quick nod.
“Now, what exactly is your involvement in this situation, Tia?” Braden asked as he closed the door to the office.
“Nothing. Jonathon and I had become close friends while he was staying at the estate.”
“She’s from the estate?” Adams asked.
“Not now,” Braden replied.
“As I was saying,” Tia said with a pointed look at Adams. “We had become close friends. That’s when he started to confide in me about his past. He told me about . . .” She paused and gave Braden a questioning look.
Braden nodded, understanding she wasn’t sure if she should speak of this in front of Adams.
“He told me about the opium. He admitted that his intake had become out of hand, but you were helping him. I asked him how he had started, assuming it was due to a physician giving him too much when he was hurt in some manner. But he told me it was a man named Chambers. He had told Jonathon how enjoyable it was when he ingested the drug.”
Braden closed his eyes. Like Tia, he had assumed it was a physician who had started the intake of the drug. “Is there anything else you haven’t told me?”
Tia shrugged. “I do not believe so. I had forgotten about Chambers until I heard his name.”
“Where can I find him?” Braden asked Adams.
Adams wrote down an address. “That is his father’s address. I don’t know where Chambers is staying while in town. I’m sure his father could tell you.”
“Thank you. If you hear anything, please let me know.”
“Before you go . . .” Adams unlocked a drawer, pulled out an envelope, and handed it to him. “For last month.”
“Thank you.”
Tia glanced between them both, but kept silent. Braden assumed she wanted to question him about the envelope, but perhaps realized she had no right.
“Good evening, Miss Featherstone,” Adams said with a quick bow. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”
“And you, Mr. Adams.”
“Come along, Miss Featherstone,” Braden said tightly. “We should be leaving now.” And going back to his home, where she would expect him to make love to her.
Oh, dear God, how was he going to resist her?