By the time I got back to the hotel it was close to ten o'clock, and I realized it was nearly midnight East Coast time. I was wiped out and talked out. I wanted to speak to Cyn but just couldn't do it. I guess the altitude, the big dinner, the long day and the recent busy times had taken their toll. Within ten minutes I was in bed asleep.
I slept well and woke Tuesday at 7 a.m. After acclimating myself, I ordered room service. I placed the same order as my first visit in the hotel; grapefruit juice, a small pot of coffee with cream, a western omelet, toast and a banana. The friendly lady at the other end of the line said my food should be up in twenty minutes. Perfect!
I picked up the Coloradoan, the Fort Collins newspaper, on my door step, scanned the headlines, and then jumped in the shower. The food arrived as I finished in the bathroom.
I opened the curtains and was greeted by another beautiful Colorado day. I ate my breakfast, and by 8 a.m, I had just poured my third cup of coffee. Having read the news, I was ready to check in back east.
Cyn would be first. She sounded sleepy as she said hello. Cyn poured herself a cup of coffee. I told her I was on my third and explained all I had eaten by then.
She said, “That's not fair. I'm settling for yogurt and a banana.”
“Cyndie, get comfortable on the couch and I'll review last night's visit with Andi's stepdaughter.”
“Oh my gosh, she met with you?”
“Yes, and she almost pulled off her innocent act too, but not quite.”
“You can go over the whole story later, but, for now, tell me the high points.”
I scanned my handwritten notes and responded, “Cyndie, bottom-line, I believe Jack and Jill are the blackmailers. And, I think they were involved in Andi's murder.”
Cyn gasped, “Oh my God! How did you find that out?”
“By listening to Jill's phone conversation with Jack after I talked with her.”
“What? How did you do that?”
“Let me explain, Cyn. First, Jill lied to me during our conversation. Second, she knew more than she let on. She knew that you and Andi had sex. She knew it was in the Kimmel Center, because she mentioned the name of the place before I did. She tried to convince me that the filming was done by security cameras too.
“I told her about the blackmail and asked her how she and Jack got all the money for their move and the new stores. She was scared and my visit drove home the point that crimes have been committed. I saw it in her eyes; she thinks she's in big trouble.
“Cyn, I told her where I was staying and how I want to speak to Jack before I leave Colorado.”
I told Cyndie some more about my meeting inside Jill's shop and she responded by calling Jill, “That little witch.”
After I finished, Cyndie responded, “You led her on good. I can understand why she got confused and then, mad.”
“Wait, Cyn. I learned more. Earlier in the day I put a listening device in Jack and Jill's apartment.”
She gasped, “What, how did you do that?”
“After I met Jill and before I called you. I went back to Jack's store and bought it. He has quality electronics in his store.”
I finished the tale of my adventure in the apartments, and then continued with, “After I left the photo studio, I went behind the stores and heard Jill enter the apartment and call Jack on the phone. It became clear they both were involved in the blackmailing. The biggest surprise came next.”
“Oh my God, Stevie, did she actually say they killed Cyndie?”
“No, but she told Jack that he screwed up; that he got it all wrong. At the end, Jill told Jack he had to handle me, whatever that means. That was Jill's words.”
“Stevie, you need to get out of there as soon as possible.”
“I don't plan to stay long, but I want to proof of the blackmail or the killing.”
“Stevie, you don't need to prove it. Please call the police and get out of there, now.”
“No one will believe me unless I find something else, something more. I want to talk to Jack, but, I promise to be careful.”
Cyndie said, “Oh my God, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you. No matter what, you should only meet with him in a public place and don't be alone with him.”
“Absolutely. I just thought of something. I'm going to follow up on one other lead. If that produces solid information, then, I’ll leave town without meeting Jack. If not, then, I'll call Jack tonight once he's back in town and see if he'll meet me for a few minutes in a place with lots of people.”
Cyndie replied, “That’s a better plan.”
Cyndie paused and then asked, “Stevie, what does all this mean?
“It means we're making great progress and we're close to the truth. There are still some open questions. The first one is what does Robert know, how was he involved?”
“I agree Stevie. He must know more.”
“Right, because he benefited big time by getting Andi to commit marital misconduct. But, did he arrange all this himself or did he work with Jack and Jill?”
Cyn answered, “I don't know.”
“I'm curious about the blackmail payoff. Cyn, call Walter Hines and brief him on our findings. Ask him to call my ex, Eve. I want Eve and Robert to prove to us that Robert really paid the million dollar ransom. I think that's a lie.”
“Sure. I will.”
I added, “Be careful! Don't call or go see Robert or Eve. Have Walter contact Eve. Promise you won't talk to Robert.”
“Absolutely, I won't!
“I'll call you later tonight.”
“Please do. Good bye, I love you.”
“I love you too. Goodbye, Cyn.”
Next, I called Detective John Morelli and left another message about my progress in Colorado. I asked him to call me back and said I expected to be back in Philly in a few days.