The first part of this challenge requires you to wake up just fifteen minutes earlier than your normal time. It may seem like a huge feat if you are not usually a morning person, but I promise it will be worth it. How? You are going to bribe yourself. That’s right, I’m serious; bribe your poor tired self.

For me, getting up and staying up when my alarm went off required one reward: buying coffee at my favorite little shop on the way to work. I even wrote it down on a piece of paper next to my phone so I would see it when the Alarm Gods called. For you, it might be something else, but pick something that you really enjoy, that would be a delight on a weekday, and use that as your motivation.

Then put your phone, or whatever you use for an alarm clock, across the room so you have to physically move your body and take a few steps to shut it off. Set the time for just fifteen minutes earlier than you would normally wake up. Do not, I repeat, do not get all ambitious here. If you tend to get up around 6:30 a.m., set your alarm for 6:15 a.m. It might sound like too small of a change to be effective, but trust me, it works. And after you do it once, you’ll discover it’s really not that big of a deal and maybe this morning stuff isn’t so bad.