I’m a type A high performer. I like my life to feel full, with multiple plates spinning in the air and a dozen different options at my fingertips. I also like to get things done, check the box, do it right, excel. Most of the activities and endeavors I pursue have a specific purpose with clearly marked touchpoints along the way, and plenty of time for reflection and review at the end.
I approached yoga teacher training in the same way. I wanted to learn as much as possible. I wanted to be “good” at teaching yoga. I studied the poses, learned about anatomy, tried to sequence my classes to perfection, and picked out ideal compilations of songs for my students. I meant well. I also forgot that it was supposed to be fun. On the last day of our training, we sat in a giant circle and one of the teachers guiding our group passed around a bucket of small rocks, each with a word written on it. Everyone pulled a rock out of the bucket, and that word “spoke” to you for a certain reason, or not, all in good fun. My turn came and I pulled out a stone, assuming I’d select a very insightful, deep, thoughtful word, like courage or purpose or devotion. Instead, I got play.
I burst out laughing. The universe had had enough of my serious mind-set; it wanted to remind me to have fun once in a while. I still have that rock, too, as a reminder to lighten up. Life is plenty serious already. Invite some joy in.