Chances are you probably know exactly what you don’t like—and either you’re the type of person who shouts it to the world, because you’re set in your ways and unwilling to be flexible, or you keep it to yourself, because you don’t want to offend anyone and end up being overly flexible. There’s a big difference, though, between handing out loud opinions like candy and articulating what truly doesn’t work for you in a respectful way. One very real element of knowing what you don’t like involves recognizing that other people like those exact same things, and that’s more than acceptable. For instance, I’ve learned that I’m not a fan of soda, crowded parties, most sporting events, dancing at clubs, and sauerkraut. Every time I try to be open-minded about one of these things, I soon realize, Yeah, no, this isn’t for me. As Amy Poehler says in her book, Yes Please, “Good for her! Not for me.”
Take a couple of minutes to write down things you just don’t really care for, without trying to convince yourself to like them or try them again and without thinking about what anyone else would say about it.