Did you know there are eight limbs of yoga and physical postures are just one of them? Most people assume handstands or pretzel poses on a beach equal yoga—but traditionally yoga includes disciplines such as pranayama (breathing), niyama (positive duties), yama (moral disciplines), and dharana (focused concentration), among others. Bodily movement, known as asana, is just one option.

In a given week, you can certainly focus on the physical, as it’s often the easiest place to start. But for this challenge, focus on what you can learn in a few short days. Find a resource that provides a little bit of information: a friend who is obsessed with yoga and willing to show you some basic poses, a YouTube breakdown, a library book that outlines introductory postures, or even a local class at a studio or gym. Try to learn something new each day of this week. Notice I did not say, “Learn these poses and perfect them in order to receive your first-place medal in yoga performance.” Let’s agree to take it easy on ourselves, yeah?

Match your body to what some of these poses look like, and try to hold each pose for three to five breaths. If you do something on one leg, like a Warrior II lunge, then do it on the other side too. You might wonder what the hell you’re doing; your muscles may shake. All of this is normal. At the root of yoga is curiosity, and with this challenge, like the daylong one, your job is to try some of these poses and experience what they’re like. (Disclaimer: always talk to your doctor before doing yoga or beginning any type of exercise routine.)