

Pack Your Lunch

At my first couple of jobs out of college, I brought my lunch to work every day—primarily because I didn’t have a lot of discretionary income, but also because that’s how I grew up and what my parents modeled. Going out to eat (or in high school, buying the hot lunch for $1.25) was a luxury, saved for either special occasions or when we were out of sandwich bread at home. Spending $12 on a salad in downtown Chicago? Basically an hour’s work, and definitely not worth it at the time. Even now, I’ve worked hard enough to be in a position where I could afford to buy my lunch more often, but I still prefer to pack it every day. I save money, I get to eat exactly what I want, I can use up leftovers, and I often end up making healthier choices too. Sound good to you? Here’s how to start making your lunch at home, save money on a weekly basis, and find the right balance of eating out throughout a given month.