

Appreciate Your Body

The first time I thought about how much I weighed occurred in junior high. I liked a boy, and one of the mean girls in my class called me a string bean in front of him. Embarrassed, I bowed my head and immediately went home that day analyzing my body: my skinny arms, my long legs, my lack of boobs, my narrow nose. I wanted, more than anything, to be considered pretty—and right then, that meant having luscious curves and a full chest and being shorter than all the guys. In high school I recognized the benefits of a slender frame; I could be thrown into the air as a cheerleader, I fit into trendy size zero pants, and a high (i.e., teenage) metabolism allowed me to eat whatever I wanted with little impact to the scale. Once I arrived at college, things changed. I easily put on the freshman fifteen—twenty pounds, if we’re being honest—and even though my weight technically still landed well within a normal range for my height, I felt uncomfortable taking up more space.

I spent the next decade unraveling those internalized expectations for how my body “should” look. While I still have days where a look in the mirror leads to a critical thought or two, I’m proud to finally feel like I’ve cultivated a true sense of body appreciation—and I’d love for you to be able to do the same. In this challenge you’ll practice complimenting yourself, complimenting yourself around other people, and acknowledging what you like best about your body.