That man I mentioned at the beginning of this challenge who broke my heart? Well, I broke his too. There were moments in that relationship when I acted like my worst self; I lied, I manipulated, and I played dirty. But when someone hurts you, it’s easy to play the victim and focus on what they did to you versus any potential role you may have had. Even if you manage to forgive that person for their words or actions, it’s even harder to forgive yourself. I’m not perfect, and I’ve done and said things I fully regret, things that make me want to cover my face with my hands and hide. Things that make me feel like I’m not worthy of love, or compassion, or even grace. I’m willing to bet there’s something in your life that might make you feel the same way, and I’m here to tell you it’s okay to go ahead and forgive yourself.
Next time that negative voice in your head or heart starts chirping about how you’re a failure, you messed up, you’re not good enough, you missed the boat…say to yourself, “I forgive you.” Pretend like you’re a toddler trying to learn how to walk; you’ll get it eventually, but you’re going to trip and scrape your knee—and scream at the people who love you—along the way. Offer yourself a big handful of mercy with a dose of kindness.