

Don’t Be the Brilliant Jerk

The worst experience of my career thus far involved a coworker who fit the classic “brilliant jerk” stereotype: exceptionally talented, capable of delivering significant results to the bottom line, and a grade A bully. This person consistently caused drama on our team, criticized my every move with relish, and took a my-way-or-the-highway approach to nearly every single project. Unfortunately, the behavior was excused—whenever I tried to talk to my supervisor about the problem, I received a grimace and a reason why I needed to cut this colleague some slack due to a bad day or stress or God knows what. Eventually the environment became so toxic that I left. To this day, when I think of how not to act at work, I think of her.

And I consequently have zero tolerance for such bullshit. I don’t care how smart or talented you are—treating people, regardless of role or title, with respect, compassion, and professionalism is essential. What’s more, a 2015 Harvard Business School study indicated that avoiding hiring these types of toxic workers is worth about $12,500 in turnover costs, which doesn’t even include other potential costs ranging from litigation fees to low employee morale. There’s a very real impact to an organization, a team, and your career as an individual when brilliant jerks are around.

I know, I know—you’re probably thinking, Okay, well that’s not me. That may be true. But it’s actually pretty easy to slide into brilliant jerk territory if you’re not careful. You use the strategies in this challenge to be mindful of your attitude at work, understand why toxic team members are so harmful to your career, and learn how to manage anyone who fits this description.