In my first three jobs out of college, I did everything in my power to be a fantastic employee. I showed up on time. I took on extra responsibilities whenever the opportunity arose. I kept my head down and delivered projects on time. I did my best to be polite, reliable, hardworking, and honest. And then I waited, based on the assumption that if I did all of the “right” things you’re supposed to do at a job, then someone would notice my talent, give me more money, hand over a promotion, or all of the above. Which isn’t exactly how it works. (Though it sounds lovely!) Although I have had the benefit of an excellent boss or two who championed a raise or title change on my behalf, for the most part you have to ask for more instead of waiting around for someone to do it for you. Here are three tips I’ve learned over the years that have successfully taught me how to take advantage of opportunities, clarify what I want at work, and advocate for my worth.