

Invite Feedback

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), almost 60 percent of employees said they’d like feedback from their bosses on a daily or weekly basis. Why, then, do so many people dread getting feedback, or get defensive and upset in the face of it? Well, it’s personal—most people genuinely want to do a great job at work, and receiving constructive criticism can feel intensely personal, like a label of “sorry, not good enough.” However, feedback is necessary if you want to learn, change, and grow, and without it you’re more susceptible to professional blind spots.

That’s why asking for feedback, rather than waiting until a supervisor or colleague offers it up, is a proactive way to do a pulse check. Doing so shows confidence and an interest in improving yourself in order to take advantage of your full potential. It also indicates you’re committed to your team or organization, and to making your work the best it can be.