How to Use This Book

Using this book is easy and straightforward, and you can even customize it to fit your life and schedule. Pick a challenge, select a commitment level, and then implement it. For each challenge you’ll find three difficulty levels—because, let’s face it, on some days you may just want to make a small improvement, and on others you might be ready to grab the reins and make a lifestyle change. You can also use the Try This exercises as a way to implement each challenge, whether through an activity, a reflection, or a journal exercise.

Each difficulty level requires a different level of commitment:

 Easy: These challenges need almost no preparation, take very little time, and can be done as often as you like. If you have time to scroll through Instagram, you have time for this option.

 Medium: These challenges require a bit more preparation, and they may require you to commit to several days’ worth of action to implement them fully, but overall they won’t be too taxing on your everyday life. Try this type of challenge when you want to address a specific habit but also need some time to adjust and reflect before truly sticking with it for the long haul.

 Hard: These challenges will take the biggest commitment of your time and effort. They will require planning and forethought to implement, and are meant to be done when you are ready to make a new habit and incorporate it into your everyday life. With this one you’re all in, and you’re ready and willing to make a serious change. These challenges will also set you up to carry habits into the long term in order to potentially make a true change in your life.

This book will also highlight familiar roadblocks that may rise up as you begin each challenge and offer ways to push past the excuses that could get in your way. Like when you start and your brain immediately says, “Well, I’d love to do this, buuuut…” Trust me, it’s going to happen, and I’m here to cheer you on as well as remind you to keep going.