Talion, Raine, and Lyra were making preparations to visit the bald mountain. They wanted to see what they would be facing so they could make up a game plan for the future. Even as they discussed the matter between them, Talion knew others were holding back information. There was a critical piece of the puzzle missing from what he could tell, and Talion wanted to know exactly what this was.

Lyra and Raine were only telling him things they felt were absolutely necessary for the moment. It was as much as they felt comfortable doing at this point. Having lived on this side of the boundary all of their lives, Lyra and Raine knew better than to trust anyone, especially when feelings were involved. They knew what a Life Mate bond was; their parents had told them about it, but they were certain there had to be more to it than mere attraction. This was something they were going to need more time to consider before they would be able to accept it. They could tell that whatever Raine was experiencing was powerful, and some inner sense told them it was beyond their control.

Talion, as he didn’t know the customs in this land, or what his reception would be from his Life Mate if he approached her with the possibility of joining her in bed, decided to sleep alone, allowing Lyra and Raine to talk things out while sharing Lyra’s room.

The first words out of Lyra’s mouth were, “That was intense.”

Raine responded, “You have no idea. When I looked into Talion’s beautiful green eyes for the first time, I nearly melted.”

Lyra grinned as she teased, “Instead, you ran like a scared rabbit. What was that about? I have never seen you act like that before.”

Raine admitted, “Hell if I know. I wasn’t sure if I needed to run as far as I could get from Talion, or jump his bones, and you know I don’t operate that way.”

Lyra chuckled. “Considering how often we get hit on and need to brush men off, this is a first for you if the attraction was that strong.”

Raine didn’t want to admit how she truly felt. “I grew hot just thinking about Talion. I want to hold him, to become one with him. Even being this far apart makes me want to reach out to him, and I hate that he has this power over me. I am a mess.”

Lyra mused, “I wonder if there is a cure. Perhaps, if you slept with Talion, the craving would go away.”

Raine shook her head as she reminded Lyra about the things their mothers had taught them about Elven lifestyles. “We both know the Life Mate bond doesn’t work that way. The closer you get, the stronger the feelings become. Face it, Lyra, when this happens, it means we have found the man we were meant to be with. It is scary and wonderful all at the same time.”

Lyra gave a heartfelt sigh, and then replied, “To be in your place, even for a while, would be wonderful.”

Raine grew thoughtful for a while, and then asked, “What would you do if you were in my shoes?”

Lyra answered, “I get the feeling my man wouldn’t be lying in a cold bed by himself while I burned for him from only twenty feet away. I would be giving him a Christmas present he would remember for the rest of his life.”

Raine sighed. “Men aren’t sentimental like that.”

Lyra disagreed. “I think you will find this one is, and he is perfect for you. Mom used to say the Fates never make mistakes when they match Life Mates. She also said Elven men were different than the humans we are used to dealing with. An Elven man holds his Life Mate close even as he respects her as an equal.”

As Raine turned over, she mumbled into her pillow. “You are right, Talion is too good to be true. Forget about him.” It was something Raine wasn’t about to do though.

True to what Lyra thought Raine’s actions would be, Raine lay in bed thinking about her new status in life until she came to a decision. Lyra was right; she was in the wrong bed. With an eye to the immediate future, Raine got out of the bed, trotted out of the room, and went across the hall to where Talion was sleeping. The few moments it took her to cross the hall and enter the room gave her the time she needed to accept what she was about to do. Raine then did something she had never done before… she moved forward instead of running away.

Halfway across the room, Raine came to a stop as Talion rose from the bed to face her.

In a soft voice filled with feeling, he spoke. “I could feel you coming. I knew you were confused, and although I can only hope you decide in my favor, I can’t interfere with your decision. It would be wrong of me to do so. Don’t take this the wrong way. I want you by my side with every fiber of my being. I have waited for you for over one thousand years, and would continue to do so if you were not here now.”

Raine’s eyes widened as she asked, “Truly? Over one thousand years?”

Talion smiled softly as he looked deeply into Raine’s eyes and nodded. He then lowered his lips to claim a kiss from her.

At the contact, Raine’s arms slipped around Talion’s neck as she moved closer and opened to his advances. They didn’t speak; they didn’t need to say a word, not when they could tell their wants and needs were in full accord. Raine wanted this, and she was more than willing to accept Talion’s claim at this very moment.

Talion raised his head from Raine’s, scooped her into his arms, and then carried her the rest of the way to the bed. As he did, Raine spoke. “Talion, I make my choice. I choose you. Talion, I am yours.”

The happiest smile she had ever seen crossed his lips as he set her down upon the mattress and replied, “Raine, I am yours.”

Raine knew the reply that was expected from her if she was going to go through with this, and she didn’t hesitate to say it. Her mother had made sure her daughters were well tutored in Elven culture, even if they didn’t practice it in their everyday life. “Talion, you are mine.”

With another kiss, Talion cemented his part of the bonding claim. “Raine, you are mine.”

Together, they sealed the deal. “We are one.”

Raine wasn’t sure how much sleep they were going to get this night, but she was certain it was going to be worth the sacrifice. She could feel every movement, every touch of Talion’s body against hers, and she smiled in contentment as she matched his actions. She wanted him, and even more, she needed him. What they were doing was meant to be, and Raine couldn’t remember a time she felt so right about anything in her life.

When morning came, they would rise from their marriage bed, break their fast, and then she and Lyra would take Talion to where the portal was located. Talion wouldn’t be expecting what he would see, but no one could do anything to change what was.