His Demon Seed Inside Me

Breeding With Evil

Amie Heights

Copyright 2013 by Amie Heights

This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only.  All characters represented within are eighteen years of age or older and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.  This work is property of Amie Heights, please do not reproduce illegally.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.   The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


Adult Reading Material


Amy was late already and she rushed up the cement stairs at her community college.  Her chemistry class had started at eight o'clock and it was nearly eight thirty when she had pulled into the gigantic parking lot. 

After three steps she tripped, sprawling and cutting her knees on the rough steps.

“Oh motherfucker,” she let out, scrambling to gather her scattered notes and books.  Her knees hurt like hell and she had torn right through her new jeans.  No time to worry about that now as she hopped back up and bounded up the last few stairs and into the Baxter building. 

She ducked through the halls, left down the main corridor and paused right before the door to the chemistry lab.  It was shut already. 

“Damn, “ she said.

On the first day her instructor, a gnarled old crone who was a lot more of a bitch than she needed to be, had told them that after the door was shut and locked when you go there, you were already considered absent. 

Amy decided to at least try and she rested her hand on the knob before giving it a slight turn.  To her surprise it clicked open and she hurried into the room in a rush.  Her long black hair trailed behind her as she practically ran to the lab desk.

Taking her seat, she saw her lab partner Alex had already set up some beakers on the counter.

“Almost didn't make it,” Amy said to him and she began helping to organize the equipment. 

“What makes you say that?” Asked Alex as he gestured, smiling, to the huge dry erase board at the front of the room.  Amy turned to read it, having missed noticing it in her haste to slip in unnoticed. 

“Ms.  Cahill out today - Substitute will arrive at 9:00 - set up for experiment on page 43”

Amy let that sink in.  She hasn't needed to rush, to trip and fall, to bust her ass all morning.  She could have leisurely strolled up and still made it before the substitute.

“Fuck me,” she said.  Alex laughed; he knew that punctuality wasn't one of Amy's strongest traits.  They had been lab partners all semester and had grown to be pretty good friends.  She could tell he had a tiny bit of a crush on her, but nothing serious.  He was young compared to her but Amy knew she could still turn a man's head.  She had always had nice curves but tried to not use them to her advantage unless she had to. 

She had chosen to go back to school after trying too soon to launch a career, and had regretted lacking the foundation she desperately needed to be competitive.  She had worked for years doing medical technician assistant work, but without a degree she wasn't going to ever get any higher.

So a ton of paperwork and a Pell grant later, Amy was the newest twenty nine year old college student.

“I have everything ready to go except the burners and the tubes,” Alex said and Amy set to task, wanting to help out as much as possible to make up for being late. 

By the time they had double checked the diagram and verified they had everything set up correctly it was almost nine.  The entire class looked up when they heard the door open to see who the substitute was as he came in.

Amy had to hold back a gasp and felt herself stir down below, this substitute was shockingly attractive.  He had a light stubble and tousled hair that would have looked more at home on a male model than a community college professor.

He wasn't wearing the usual professor lab coat either, but instead had on dark slacks and a charcoal gray shirt with black leather shoes and belt.  He carried a brown messenger bag slung over one shoulder that he tossed onto the instructor's desk.

“I wonder if this guy is in the wrong room,” muttered Alex to Amy, under his breath.

“Yeah, he looks like George Clooney's better looking brother,” she whispered back.  Alex laughed softly. 

“He's not that good looking,” he said back, a little hurt.

“Good morning class,” said the handsome stranger.  “I'm professor Jericho and I'll be filling in for professor Cahill today.”

“Is she ok?” asked one of the younger girls in the class.

“I'm sure she will be fine and back soon,” Jericho said.  “So what are we supposed to be doing today?” He asked.

“Don't you know?” The girl who had asked about professor Cahill said, and she pointed at the instructions on the board. 

“I have absolutely no clue, honestly,” Jericho said turning around and staring blankly at the board. 

“This isn't my usual subject, really, I'm a historical para-psychologist, I never even took chemistry.”  As he spoke he thumbed through the teacher’s guide that he had taken out of his bag. 

“So why are you teaching the class?” A young man asked incredulously.

“A combination of staff reduction and budget cuts,” he explained, obviously not happy at the situation himself.  Amy wished they would get the hint so they could all just ride out the rest of the class.  Maybe she could distract him.

“What do you normally teach?” She asked, her hand half raised. 

“Paranormal history and medieval litigious studies, not the most popular classes, I can assure you,” he said.

Amy bet that if they started putting the instructor's pictures in the course guide his classes would fill up quickly with women.

Jericho looked out over the class, picking the student with what looked like the thickest glasses on.

“Do you know what we are supposed to be doing for this experiment?” He asked her. 

“Yes, it's to determine the density of the...” Jericho cut her off. 

“Sounds like fun, how about you come up here and tell us all about it?” He asked.  The be-speckled girl jumped at the chance and took over the class easily. 

Jericho let himself fade off to the side, reading something on his phone for the rest of the class. 

Throughout the experiment Amy kept glancing at Jericho.  A couple times she was pretty sure she caught him looking at her too.  She resolved that by the end of the class she would try to see if he was wearing a wedding ring.

He wasn't. 

By the end of class Amy figured she would take the chance and walked up to the man. 

“Thanks for filling in,” she said.  “I could tell this wasn't really fun for you.”

“Not in the slightest but it’s the price you pay,” he said smiling broadly at her. 

“I'm Amy, Amy Burton,” she said and was surprised that he stuck his hand out formally to shake hers.  She took his hand in hers and tried to send him an unsaid signal when she squeezed it. 

“Professor Jericho, but you can of course call me Daryl.”

Amy reluctantly gave up his hand but kept talking.

“Ok, Daryl it is.  So when you are not subbing chemistry you said you taught history, right?”

“Kinda,” he said.  “It's more of the magical beliefs throughout history, and how that helped form subcultures in society.”

Amy tried very, very hard to keep and interested look on her face.  She wanted this dapper man to like her and knew how to flatter to get what she wanted. 

“Oh, that sounds fascinating!” She exclaimed.  “I didn't even know this college had classes as unique as that.”

She hoped she wasn't laying it on too thick, but Daryl Jericho was eating it up. 

“Oh it is,” he said.  “In fact tonight, I am so excited, tonight I have just managed to get a copy of a text that I have been looking for since I started studying this.  It's from the Sumerians,” he paused, looking to see if she understood.  She didn't. 

“Ok,” she said, “and that's good, right?”

“Very,” he said, laughing, “the Sumerians died off over six thousand years ago, they lived it what is now the area that is Iraq and some surrounding areas.  They had the most amazing religions, but very dark stuff.”

Amy was surprised to find that she actually was interested.  Ancient religions were not something she would look up on her own, but the thought of some dark magical secret was a turn on for her.

“What do you mean, a text?” She asked, knowing he wasn't talking about a SMS phone message.

“Cuneiform, it's a stone tablet,” he explained.  “I would have been opening it right now had I not had to cover this class.”

“Well,” she said, “let’s go take a look.”

“You want to see it?” He asked, bemused but a bit taken aback.  He was so excited she could tell he wanted to share. 

“I'd love to see it, it would almost be like I was a part of history,” she said honestly.  This was her only class since today and this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Not just to spend some time with this handsome of a man, but also her curiosity was definitely peeked at the thought of this ancient tablet.

“I only have to check out at the office, but yes, I think I'd like to have you there when I translate it.”

“It's a date,” she said.  “How do you want to meet up?”

“Here,” he said and handed Amy his phone.

“Just add yourself to my contacts; I have no idea how to work this thing except for calls and text messages.  I had to have my nephew set it up.”

She opened the contacts and quickly typed in her number and name.  She liked that he was already so open with her and resisted the temptation to check through his old text messages to see if there were any other women in it.

“I will send you the address when I get home, and uh,” he hesitated and blushed a bit, “and I would like to pick up the place a little,” he finished.  That was a good sign, sounded like a bachelor who didn't want her to know he was messy.  The fact he wanted to impress her was very good news indeed. 

“Won't be more than an hour, maybe an hour and a half,” he said.

“Don't keep me waiting too long,” she said playfully.  She handed his phone back and with one last smile went back to gather her book bag before heading out and down the hall. 


Amy's phone went off in her hand and she nearly dropped it.  She didn't think she had enough time to get home since she wasn't sure when professor Jericho would text her and wanted to be ready.  She had stopped at a coffee shop and had studied over two large cups of coffee before she had lost interest in the book.  After that she played on her phone, earning fake coins on a game where she grew a tree, populating it with little forest creatures.  It was a great way to kill time and she hated admitting how addictive it was to her. 

She had just been about to feed the squirrel when his message came in, jarring her.  She had turned up the volume earlier so she wouldn't miss it and had forgotten how loud it was. 

She copied the address into her navigation app and hurried to get in her car. 

It was a quick drive and she found Jericho's house easily.  It was a nice place and Amy wondered what Daryl had for income other than just as a professor.  She guessed a trust fund or possibly residuals from modeling. 

Amy took a breath before ringing the bell. 

“Oh I'm so glad you got here so fast,” Daryl said as he opened the door to greet her.

“Sure did,” she replied.  “I bet you are anxious to get started, huh?”

“You have no idea, really.  This is much more rare and valuable than I let on in the classroom.  This tablet has been hidden for thousands of years, and when it was discovered in the 1940's it was almost immediately lost again, accidentally misfiled and hidden away in a tiny museum in Oregon.”

The two of them moved through his house until he opened the door to his library.  It was a fairly large room but seemed smaller due to the bookshelves along every wall and the large, dark wooden desk that filled the center.  Amy noticed that on the desk, wrapped in tan cloth, was what only could be the mysterious tablet Daryl had been talking about. 

“Do you want to see it now?” He asked, his hand resting on the canvas covering.

“Yes very much, let's take a look,” she said and he uncovered the stone.  Amy saw that it was shaped just like the Ten Commandments always were in movies, rectangular with a rounded top.  She shuddered when she realized that shape was also used for tombstones, too. 

The writing on it was queer.  It was triangles, all facing different directions, and some of them were connected by stagnated lines.

“You can read this?” She asked him, incredulously.

“I can,” he said.  “Not just read and understand, but I am pretty sure I can phonetically sound out the words as well.”  Amy was amazed.

“So you could read it and I could hear exactly how it would have sounded, back then?”

“As far as we know, yes.  There are many different theories about Sumerian dialects, but I think mine is the correct one.”

“Let me hear it,” she said, wanting to distract him from going off and trying to explain why he thought his theories were so different, she wouldn't have understood anyway. 

Amy felt a wetness on her knee and touched it and was startled to see blood on her fingertips when she looked at them.  She remembered her fall down the stairs today before class and realized that the walk through Daryl's house must have caused her wound to open up a little.  It barely hurt at all anymore so she decided to simply ignore it. 

Jericho lightly trailed a finger over the ancient writing.

“Anuch falla belcorea...” He continued on, it didn't make any sense to Amy but it sounded foreboding.  She could feel the hair on her arms stand up and goose bumps forming on the exposed skin on her neck.

Professor Jericho read the entire passage inscribed on the tablet without hesitating or stuttering once and Amy had to admit he must really be a true expert of this dead tongue.  She watched his finger as it trailed closer to the end.  It bumped over the grooves as he read. 

Overcome with curiosity at what it felt like, Amy reached out to touch the tablet with her hand while listening to Daryl's voice make the incarnations.  It was cold, hard, and felt exactly like how she expected.   

What Amy didn't realize was that as she had just put a spot of her blood on it, and with the spoken incarnation that Professor Jericho had just finished, the two of them had released the demon that had been trapped inside the tablet for the last six thousand years. 


Darkness emanated from the tablet.  It's impossible for something to glow with darkness, put where there should have been light around it, it was dim.  Jericho tried to snatch his hand away, but it was sealed down to the stone tablet like it was glued there. 

His hand began to swell and turn a dark maroon color, dusky and ruddy.  The color shot in streaks up his arm and Amy saw it on his neck.  His entire arm continued to grow larger, almost doubling in size as his body transformed.  Within seconds his body began to rip through his clothing, too large for them to continue to contain. 

Amy wanted to run but stood completely still, unable to take her eyes from what she was seeing.

Jericho's free hand reached up and yanked off his now shredded clothes and Amy saw that his entire body was now that dark rust color and that his fingernails were pitch black.

He was also huge, now standing at least eight feet tall and naked before her.  All of his muscles were exaggerated making him look like a giant body-builder.

When he opened his eyes, she saw that they had turned yellow, and glowed in the dark room.  She gasped when they narrowed and focused directly on her.   

“Professor Jericho, Daryl, is that still you?” She asked hesitantly.  His handsome face was dusky now and she felt her pussy go wet at the pure sexuality of him.  He was naked and his torn clothes lay in shreds around him. 

“Yalu mettala, Amy,” the demon that had possessed Daryl said.  Amy didn't understand but knew it had said her name.  She stood rooted to the spot, unable to move. 

The demon probed Daryl's mind and found the words she could understand. 

“I am Talx, I have returned, your blood has broken my bond.”  His voice was a grotesque parody of professor Jericho's; low, menacing, and grating.

Amy looked down at her hand and saw the blood still there.  She realized that when Daryl read the script he was somehow performing a ritual that needed blood and she had inadvertently supplied it. 

“Talx, what do you want?” She asked, afraid she already knew the answer.  He rushed forward, tossing the desk and tablet aside like they weighed nothing.  In less than a second he grabbed her shoulders with each of his huge hands. 

Amy steeled herself as he drew his face close to hers.  When it was less than an inch away he whispered in that terrible voice. 

“Talx will take you, and you will bear his second incarnation.”

Amy knew that this man, this monster, was telling her that he was going to make her the mother of his child, and couldn't make herself say no.  She wanted it without even being able to say why except that she knew it had always been her fate.

“Your will,” she said, “is my command.”  She opened her arms to the abomination. 

Talx tore at her clothing, shredding it as he ripped it off her.  His enlarged muscles rippled like a tiger's and within moments she stood nude before him.  Amy felt the cold air hit her skin and was startled at how hot Talx's hands were when they brushed against her.  The possession had changed his body so rapidly the expansion had caused him to overheat.  She felt her pussy to wet at the thought of his burning body against hers.

Talx's strong hands now lifted her up from under her arms so that her feet left the ground.  His huge cock grew so it stood out hard and stiff before him.

She could feel where it brushed her legs and was thrilled at his hot and steamy it felt.

Amy spread her legs and wrapped them around the waist of the demon, positioning herself so the tip of his gigantic cock rested just at the opening of her most secret place.

Talx, still standing, pulled her back down and onto his engorged cock.  Amy had no choice but to be impaled on him.

She felt the searing hot cock press on her, parting her pussy open and pushing inside.  Amy felt her pussy stretch as she took him in.

“Oh fuck,” she let out, feeling how solid and huge it was.  She looked into Jericho's eyes and saw only Talx's lust looking back at her.  He thrust up roughly and his entire length slammed up into her.  Amy's head rocked back at the violation.  His member was so large she had to clench her teeth down to stop herself from crying out in pain. 

Talx pushed her down, holding her securely as he pinned her down to the floor and her back.  His cock stayed deeply in her as she felt his large hands clamp down, one under her knee to lift her leg slightly, and the other on her opposite shoulder to force her to stay on his cock.  

He began to thrust into her, long and deep fuck strokes that slammed into her.  She felt her whole body shudder with the power of each pounding. 

Her pussy had never been abused like this before.  She felt like she was going to be split in two each time his cock filled her. 

“Talx alaed, besor fullua,” Talx said in the dead and ancient language.  Amy had no idea what he was trying to tell her and she couldn't have cared less, all of her concentration was centered on the hot muscular body and it's throbbing cock inside her. 

Talx opened her legs wider and shoved his cock in deeper than she would have thought possible.  He began to pound her harder and faster.  It felt inhuman, a rapid fucking that she was afraid might be so fast it would kill her.

Talx's glowing yellow eyes closed and he suddenly slammed his cock in her one last time and left it in deeply.  Amy felt his thick cum begin the spill into her. 

She screamed, unable to make words, but a primal shriek at the sensation.  She knew this wasn't just cum, but the seed of what would come next.  Amy had always loved the feeling of a man's hot love filing her, but this was so much more. 

It was incredibly hot, almost too much for her to take.  It exploded in her and kept coming in powerful bursts, warming her entire body with his seed. 

She felt it fill her, hot and nasty, and she had never felt so complete.  This wasn't just the act of procreation.  This was the creation of something the world had not seen in thousands of years.

As Talx came in her, he deflated.  He dwindled down as if each drop of cum he poured into her subtracted from the volume that the demon had grown him with.  For all Amy knew, this was true.

Amy watched as his skin lost the red hue and his muscles shrank back to their normal size. 

When he opened his eyes she saw that they had returned the steel blue from before, with no trace of the demon any longer.

“Jericho?” she asked.

Sweat dipped from his body as he hovered over her, just as the cum dripped overflowing from her pussy.

“I think so,” he said.

“Do you know what you just did?” she asked him.

“I, I don't know what to say,” he said, looking down at her body, wet with sweat and limp under him.  She felt his cock slip from her, slopping out with a flood of the cum she had been filled with.  He was shuddering with the effort of holding himself up over her and collapsed down on her.  Amy held him gently. 

“You don't have to say anything, baby,” she said as she stroked his hair and back. 

“It was involuntarily, I couldn't stop him,” he kept trying to explain what she already knew.

“I know, it is alright,” she assured him.  “This wasn’t your fault, and it's what I wanted.”

“But what happens next?” He asked.  Amy smiled and felt the darkness stir inside her.

“Talx will rise again,” she said.  “And you and I will see ourselves what happens next.”

Jericho felt her skin grow warmer under him.  He wondered if there might be one more missing tablet that would have the answer, and if he would have the time to find it before everything changed forever.  He wanted to start now, but he was too exhausted and fell asleep, held in her arms like a child.