1492 |
Christopher Columbus lands on San Salvador |
1494 |
Columbus establishes La Isla Española on what is now called Hispaniola |
1509 |
Ponce de León founds the first Spanish colony in Puerto Rico |
1513 |
Juan Ponce de León discovers Florida |
1526 |
Explorer Lucas Vazquez de Ayllón establishes San Miguel de Gualdape |
1528 |
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca embarks on a journey in the Southwest |
1539 |
Hernando de Soto leads an expedition through the southern United States |
1540 |
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and his expedition explore the Southwest |
1565 |
St. Augustine established on the east coast of Florida |
1598 |
San Juan de los Caballeros established in New Mexico |
1680 |
The Pueblo Revolt |
1690 |
San Francisco de los Tejas established in Texas |
1769 |
Father Junipero Serra builds the first California Mission |
1803 |
The Louisiana Purchase |
1821 |
United States purchases Florida from Spain |
1836 |
Texas declares independence from Mexico |
1846 |
California declares independence from Mexico Mexican-American War begins |
1848 |
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed between Mexico and the United States |
1898 |
The United States wins the Spanish-American War Spain hands over Puerto Rico to the United States |
1914 |
Panama Canal opens |
1942 |
The Bracero program invites Mexican laborers to work in the United States |
1948 |
Operation Bootstrap in Puerto Rico |
1952 |
The Immigration and Nationality Act |
1952 |
Puerto Rico declares itself to be an “associated free state” |
1960s |
The first wave of South American immigrants comes to the United States |
1962 |
Cuban Missile Crisis |
1962 |
Cesar Chavez organizes the National Farm Workers Association |
1965 |
The Immigration Act of 1965 |
1968 |
The Bilingual Education Act |
1979 |
Political turmoil and civil wars result in refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua |
1980 |
Mariel Boatlift |
1986 |
The Immigration Reform and Control Act |
1990s |
Thousands of balseros (rafters) are allowed to leave Cuba |
1996 |
Latino March on Washington |
2006 |
“A Day Without Immigrants” National Boycott |