Hack #115. Automate Auction Revisions

Simplify the task of revising several auctions at once with the ReviseItem API call.

Once an auction has started, you can normally change most aspects of the listing using the procedure outlined in "Make Changes to Running Auctions" [Hack #65] . But it's also possible to submit a revision using the API.

Start with a simple script, reviseitem.pl, that will let you change any aspect of an active listing:

require 'ebay.pl';

my $item_id = shift @ARGV;
my %ARGS = @ARGV;

my @options = qw/AdditionalShippingCosts AmEx AutoPay BoldTitle 
  BuyItNowPrice CashOn  PickupAccepted Category Category2 CCAccepted 
  CheckoutDetailsSpecified CheckoutInstructions COD Counter Description 
  Discover Duration Escrow EscrowBySeller Featured Gallery GalleryFeatured 
  GalleryURL GiftExpressShipping GiftWrap Highlight InsuranceOption 
  InsuranceFee LayoutId Location MinimumBid MoneyXferAccepted 
  MoneyXferAcceptedinCheckout MOCashiers PackageHandlingCosts 
  PaymentOther PaymentOtherOnline PaymentSeeDescription PayPalAccepted 
  PayPalEmailAddress PersonalCheck PhotoCount PhotoDisplayType PictureURL 
  Private Quantity Region ReservePrice SalesTaxPercent SalesTaxState 
  SellerPays ShipFromZipCode ShippingHandlingCosts ShippingInTax 
  ShippingIrregular ShippingOption ShippingPackage ShippingService 
  ShippingType ShipToAfrica ShipToAsia ShipToCaribbean ShipToEurope 
  ShipToLatinAmerica ShipToMiddleEast ShipToNorthAmerica ShipToOceania 
  ShipToSouthAmerica SuperFeatured ThemeId Title VisaMaster WeightMajor 
  WeightMinor WeightUnit/;

my %args = ( Verb => 'ReviseItem',
      DetailLevel => 0,
           SiteId => $site_id,
           ItemId => $item_id);
    foreach (@options) {
        $args{$_} = $ARGS{$_} if defined $ARGS{$_};

my $rsp = call_api(\%args);
if ($rsp->{Errors}) {
} else {
    print "Revised item #$rsp->{Item}[0]{Id}\n";

To use the script from the command line, include only the item number and the fields you want to change. For example, to change the title, type:

	reviseitem.pl 4500205202 Title 'This is My New Title'

(Notice the single quotes used around text with spaces.) To change the starting bid to $8.50, type:

	reviseitem.pl 4500205202 MinimumBid 8.50

To add the Bold listing upgrade [Hack #46] , type:

	reviseitem.pl 4500205202 BoldTitle 1

where 1 means on (or true) and 0 means off (or false).

Revisions made through the API follow the same rules as those made through eBay.com; for instance, you can't change your title if the item has received bids. See "Make Changes to Running Auctions" [Hack #65] for details.

If the item has received bids, the changes [Hack #65] you'll be able to make will be diminished greatly. But, just like on eBay.com, you can add to the item description with the API using the addtodescription.pl script:

	require 'ebay.pl';

	my $item_id = shift @ARGV;
	my $addition = shift @ARGV;

	my $rsp = call_api({ Verb => 'AddToItemDescription',
              DetailLevel => 0,
                   ItemId => $item_id,
                   SiteId => $site_id,
              Description => $addition

	if ($rsp->{Errors}) {
		} else {
	print "Successfully added to the description.\n";

This much simpler script is used somewhat like the first one. For instance:

	              addtodescription.pl 4500205202 'Just a quick note.'

will add the following to the end of your auction description:

	On Nov-28-54 at 12:11:06 PDT, seller added the following information:
	Just a quick note.

Note that you probably want to use this only if your item has received bids.

The power of the API lies in its ability to turn a laborious task into a simple one. Combining these scripts with the ability to retrieve a list of all running auctions, you can create a script, reviseall.pl, that will make the same revision to an arbitrary number of listings in a single step:

   require 'ebay.pl';

   $today = &formatdate(time);
   $tendays = &formatdate(time + 864000);
   my $page_number = 1;
   while (1) {

       my $rsp = call_api({ Verb => 'GetSellerList',
                DetailLevel => 0,
                     UserId => $user_id,
                EndTimeFrom => $today,
                 EndTimeTo => $tendays,
                PageNumber => $page_number

   if ($rsp->{Errors}) {
     last PAGE;

   foreach (@{$rsp->{SellerList}{Item}}) {
     my %i = %$_;
     $id = @i{qw/Id/};

     if ($ARGV[0] eq "AddToDescription") {
       system './addtodescription.pl', $id, $ARGV[1];
     } else {
       system './reviseitem.pl', $id, @ARGV;

   last PAGE unless $rsp->{SellerList}{HasMoreItems};

This script requires the reviseitem.pl and addtodescription.pl scripts listed earlier in this hack. To submit a global change, type:

         reviseall.pl BoldTitle 1

Note that the syntax is the same as reviseitem.pl except that the item number is obviously not required, since the changes apply to all running auctions.

There are many things you can do with this tool. For example, you can inform all your potential customers that you'll be out of town:

       reviseall.pl AddToDescription 'Note to customers: I will be out of town from 
August 3rd to the 6th, and will respond to all questions when I return.

Add the American Express option to all your auctions:

     reviseall.pl AmEx 1

Change the shipping surcharge to $4.50 for all your auctions:

       reviseall.pl CheckoutDetailsSpecified 1
       reviseall.pl ShippingHandlingCosts 4.50

It's important to note that all revisions are absolute. That is, if you change the shipping surcharge to $4.50, that change will be made regardless of the original amount entered for each listing. If you want to do more complex revisions, such as lowering the starting bid or reserve price by 15% for items that have not yet received bids, you'll either have to raise the DetailLevel value for GetSellerList [Hack #112] or use the GetItem API call [Hack #116] . Refer to the API documentation for details.