the 12th thing

Three men can keep a secret
if two of them are dead.

IT IS A WELL-KNOWN FACT that there are some secrets that are just too juicy for anybody to keep. For example, there’s no chance that your neighbor and her husband can take up nude bathing in their backyard pool and reasonably expect that the neighbors with a clear view are going to be able to keep it to themselves at the next community barbecue. It’s just too good not to tell. Similarly, you simply never can tell two knitting friends about a huge yarn sale and expect they won’t pass along the good news to two more (or twelve) of their favorite knitters. It’s not reasonable. go to the sale and get what you want before you spill the beans.

Secrecy is a delicate thing, and while friendships are a sacred trust … half price merino is going to be a deal breaker.Image