He got the meeting with Kirk out of the way yesterday. Fake phone calls set up. Thank Christ for that! That means today is for meetings with competent people. Already had the first one. That provided an interesting name. Apparently Deana Burke has been talking to the police. Silly girl. That was a good first meeting, with a good contact. Another one now. Not really a contact. An employee. George Daly. George is a good boy. A talent. Hard not to think of him as a waster, though. So much talent, but he won’t step up. Young’s been trying to persuade George to take on more responsibility. Wanted him to become a gunman, in fact. George wasn’t having it. George is allergic to responsibility. Another reason Young wants him to take more of it. Someone smart enough to see the danger of power is exactly the sort of person who should have it. But George is stubborn. So Young’s trying a different approach. Gently reducing the amount of muscle-work George does. Replacing it with seemingly small jobs. Things that don’t look, on the surface, to be important. Build it up. Eventually he will make George important.

A knock on the front door. Young’s been here for the last twenty minutes. A quiet little flat, hidden away in a quiet part of the city. A good place to meet contacts. Been useful, but they’ve been using it too long. Time to put it on the market. Young’s found an alternative, but he’ll miss this place. Had a great run here. They’ll lose money on it. The market isn’t where it was when they bought. Doesn’t matter. This place has paid for itself a dozen times over. Information is always the most valuable currency. This place has delivered on that front. But neighbours will start to ask questions. An empty flat in a good area. What’s happening with it? People don’t like seeing a place like that empty. Makes them nervous. So you sell, and go through the same routine somewhere else. Buy the flat, keep it empty, use it for a few months. Then move on. Young thought about putting someone in this place, just to keep it. But no. Contacts much prefer coming to a sparsely furnished place that nobody lives in. The comfort of the contact matters most. Gets you more information.

Young’s answering the door to George, gesturing for him to come in. George hasn’t been here before. No need for such secrecy with someone who works for the organization, but Young has another meeting here in a little while. George is walking through to the living room. Sitting where Young gestures him to sit.

‘So what’s the news?’ Young’s asking. He’s had George out on the streets. Dealing with contacts. Gathering information. George must see that this is more responsibility. But he does it, because he can’t argue.

‘They’ve started an investigation into the disappearance of Richard Hardy,’ George is saying. Getting straight to the point. ‘Don’t know yet which way it’s going.’

Hardly a surprise. People will be talking about it. Shug’s accountant goes missing, it’s not going to take long for the information to start leaking out. Young’s wondering if Shug knows. He doesn’t seem very well connected, and the people who matter won’t rush to tell him.

‘What about Shug? What are his moves?’

‘Predictable, so far,’ George is saying. ‘I know he got in touch with Angus Lafferty, but that won’t go anywhere. Shug’s trying to be friendly to start with. Win people round. Hinting about the backing he has. Didn’t come straight out and say it, not to Angus anyway.’

Young’s nodding. Makes sense. Shug will look to move fast. Make moves against only the most senior men. Lafferty is Jamieson’s largest importer. A key man.

‘I also had a word with wee Bobby Wayne. He’s nervous. Reckons someone was sniffing around his warehouse last night. Broke in. He says he doesn’t know if they took anything, but I think that’s bullshit. They took something, he just doesn’t want to admit what it was. Something he shouldn’t have had, probably.’

Young’s nodding again. Bobby Wayne is smaller than Lafferty, but valuable. Runs a warehouse through which a lot of things flow. Jamieson gets his cut. Wayne runs a well-oiled machine. Useful for Shug.

‘What’s your opinion of all this?’ Young’s asking George.

George is frowning. Doesn’t want to be drawn into this. ‘I think it’s no big deal that Shug approached Lafferty. That was obvious from the start. I think the Wayne one is more important. If that was Shug, then he’s moving broadly. Getting a lot of people talking. Makes us look weak. I don’t know. Just my opinion. You get people talking, and people believe what they hear.’

Young’s smiling. George is far too smart to be muscle. Shug’s moving against all the senior people, not just some. Charm some, intimidate others. Looking to cause a little panic. Jamieson looks like he’s lost control. Shug looks like he’s gained it. Smart move, if you have the people to back it up with.

‘Thanks, George. Keep your ear to the ground. Keep listening.’

George has left. Young’s sitting alone in the flat, considering their position. So the moneyman’s dead, and Kenny-fucking-McBride has fallen off the face of the Earth with him. Young’s thinking that Calum MacLean is a little bit special. Every job he’s done for Jamieson has had complications, and he’s handled them all brilliantly. They really should give him a rest–been using him more than is reasonable. Won’t happen, though; plenty more work on the horizon. Young’s up and walking to the window, glancing out. Nothing to see here. Never is in this flat. Quiet area, that’s the point. Another meeting this morning before he heads to the club. A cop. This is a routine meeting. Well, as routine as these things get.

That’s the knock on the door now. Fifteen minutes late. A contact Young neither likes nor trusts. One he uses as little as possible, but one who is useful. PC Paul Greig, standing in the corridor, looking as casual as you like. Not a care in the world, this one. Coming to meet a criminal, and oh so calm about it. Wrapped up in a complicated turf war, and not the least bit concerned. Young’s opening the door, nodding for him to come in. Greig was the first police contact he cultivated. An achievement in itself. Would be nice if he’d turned out to be an achievement to be proud of.

‘How are things?’ Young’s asking.

‘Complicated,’ Greig’s shrugging. ‘As usual.’

Aye, Young’s thinking, complicated because that’s how you make it. How you like it.

‘Any news?’ Young’s asking. Greig won’t have anything Young doesn’t already know. Greig’s role in helping Shug is over. He helped negotiate with Don Park. Helped get Shug his meeting with MacArthur. Greig needs to be careful not to think he’s become terribly important because of that. He’s dangerous enough already, without thinking he matters.

‘Not really,’ Greig’s shrugging. ‘I know the meeting’s happened between Shug and MacArthur. I know that Shug was up bright and early this morning. Calling around, looking to get things moving. Started yesterday, I think. He’s not wasting time. Seems to be moving about as fast as possible.’

Young’s nodding. Interesting. Not because of the basic information–that was obvious. Of course Shug’s moving fast. It’s the only chance he has. Go slow and die. But it’s interesting that Greig knows. Shows that he’s already had a discussion this morning. Probably not with Shug. Probably with Don Park, MacArthur’s right-hand man. Which suggests that Park is dumb enough to trust Greig.

‘Heard something else this morning as well,’ Greig’s saying. ‘Something interesting, I think, anyway. Seems like Shug’s had a falling-out with his right-hand man. That Fizzy guy. They’ve been friends since school. Fizzy’s been key to Shug’s business. Word is, Fizzy was against the MacArthur deal. Could leave Fizzy on the outside.’

Okay. Young’s often critical of Greig, but this is actually interesting stuff. Potentially valuable, if used right. Fizzy on the outside. It’s a maybe, but it’s a start. A man not used to being in danger. They could make a lot from this.

‘Thank you, Paul,’ Young’s saying as he’s walking Greig to the door. Been a long time since he said that to him. Greig’s shrugging, taking it casual. He already knew that info would be important to Young. He always knows what matters and what doesn’t.

Greig’s gone and Young’s alone in the flat again. Always good to see the back of the little bastard. They might not have time to make a profit from Fizzy. Depends how things play out with Shug. Seems to be moving nicely. Perfect, even. Shug spilling his guts to Park, Park to Greig, and Greig to Young. All flowing in the right direction. But it’s tenuous. Could all fall apart in an instant. Going to need a lot of attention to keep everything going their way. There’s plenty to worry about, but it’s not worry that’s coursing through Young now. It’s excitement. It’s all cranking up. Shug making his moves, walking into the trap. The police starting to pay attention. Need to make sure they pay attention to the right things. He’s waited ten minutes. That’ll do. Young’s up and making for the door. Making for the club to see Jamieson.