Chapter Twenty
Venus was trying to calm Share down when Will walked through the door. Thank God, she thought. Share was a nervous wreck. She told Venus how Petie had snuck up on her and taunted Pirate. She knew that if Pirate hadn’t been with her, he would have done something crazy. Will assured her that everything was going to be all right, but Venus was a little worried because she knew Petie was going to start shit up all over again.
Share went to her bedroom and began to pack some of her clothes. She was going back to her co-op on Seventy-Fourth Street. Fuck that; she wasn’t about to live and walk in fear again. She did-n’t care what Will said; she was outta there.
Will and Kalif were on the phone discussing Petie. ”Oh, that nigga is home, huh? Yo, where he restin’ at?” Kalif asked.
”I think him and his wife and sons are still on 133rd and Convent, in building 110 on the corner—unless they moved. But I doubt it,” Will replied.
Kalif wanted Petie and everybody in his circle dead. He did-n’t care how many years later it was. He still wanted to put those niggas to rest like they did his brother. And now that Petie was home and showing his face again, it was going to happen.
They decided to pay Petie a visit this week. It was time to get it crumped again, and this time anybody in the way was as good as dead.
Venus looked in the mirror. The plastic surgeon had done an excellent job on her face. You couldn’t look at her cheek and tell that at one point it had been stitched up. But every time she thought about Petie, she was reminded of the day Giselle had sliced her.
She continued looking at her reflection and prayed that she wouldn’t have to relive the nightmares from three years before; she was getting bad vibes. She knew the look on Will’s face earlier was sheer hatred.
Will hated Petie for all the fear he put in Share and for all the hate-mail he’d sent her. Will expected Petie to be a little heartbroken after Share had cut him off, but the cat still had a beef after three fucken years. Why can’t he just get a new shorty? Will thought.
Venus was certain that Will was going to call BJ and tell him Petie was starting his shit again. She could see why Share wanted to go back to her co-op. She joined Share in her bedroom and helped her pack.
Share drove her Lexus to the co-op and waited for the door-man to get her bags out of the back seat. She grabbed her coach briefcase and handbag, walked to the bank of elevators and waited. She rode upstairs with another tenant who got off on the fourth floor.
Share walked into her seventh-floor co-op and hit the alarm keypad. She set her things down and went to the bar to make a drink. She called Will to let him know that she was there and would see him in the morning. She wanted to be alone tonight.
Share flipped through the rolodex on the desk in her office and got the number for the District Attorney’s office. She was going to call him first thing in the morning. She prayed that Petie would just leave her alone, even though she knew he wouldn’t.
It made her laugh when she thought of how crazy he must be about her, as she was with him at one time. He’s whipped, she thought. She laughed some more until reality set in. No—Petie did-n’t have feelings for her anymore; he had a score to settle. She was no longer in denial. She knew what time it was. Petie had expressed in all his letters how much he hated her and to not think anything other than that.
Share poured herself another drink and got undressed for bed. She’d be all right after a good night’s sleep.
Venus arrived home and as always, the first thing she did was open the back door so Bullet and Diamond could go out back. The place needed to air out. Diamond was pregnant again, and Venus never got the smell out from the last two litters of puppies she had. It smelled like it was her place, and Venus and BJ were just visitors.
Speaking of BJ, he wasn’t home again. His schedule seemed to change over the past year, and he was hardly ever there. He had one more year of school and he would have his bachelor’s in business management. He was going full time and working part time. When he came in, he either had to study or was too tired to spend time with her. They hadn’t made love in two weeks and he was always coming in late.
Venus called Share and they spoke briefly. She decided to take Share’s advice—strip down, relax and wait for BJ to come home. Maybe she’d get lucky tonight.
”But BJ, why can’t you stay just for tonight...p-l-e-e-e-a-se? I’ll make sure you’re up on time in the morning, and I might let you get some sleep,” Annette said with his dick between her lips. She sucked hard on the head until she pulled out his cum. Then she looked up at him with her bedroom eyes that always seemed to beg for more.
BJ sat on the edge of the bed and thought about what lie he could tell Venus. He knew she was suspicious because his whole schedule had changed.
”Now, what am I supposed to tell my girl when she asks why I’m not coming in?” BJ asked Annette, knowing that she’d have an answer. He dialed Venus and let the phone ring twice. He hung up before she answered. He knew she couldn’t *69 him because Annette had a private phone number. He decided to take his ass home. He would see Annette tomorrow night.
BJ got up to get dressed, but Annette pushed him back down onto the bed. She got on top of him in the 69 position and went to work on him, and in turn he went to work on her. BJ stuck his tongue in her asshole and sucked her butt juices. Annette hoped not to fart in his mouth.
She told him to wait while she fixed her tongue ring. She bent over sideways and took the phone off the hook. She hit redial and when she heard Venus say ”hello,” she started calling BJ’s name. ”Oh, God, BJ, suck it harder. Yeah, baby, like that...ooh, God, I’m cummin’. BJ, suck my juice, daddy, suck it. AAAHHH, yes baby. Now lay back and let me sit on your face,” Annette purred, knowing Venus was hearing everything loud and clear. She wanted BJ all to herself and as far as she was concerned, Venus was too old for him anyway. She got up off his face and slowly slid down onto his dick, all the while calling out his name.
BJ, not knowing what Annette had done, said, ”You know I love this pussy, right? Damn, mama, fuck your dick, mama...yeah, gimme my pussy, Nette.”
After they both came Annette went into the bathroom. She came out quickly and hung up the phone, knowing that Venus had been still listening. She lit a cigarette and lay on the bed. She didn’t mind if BJ left now; she knew he’d be back.
Venus was furious. She knew that wasn’t somebody playing a joke because she had heard BJ’s voice. She now knew why they hadn’t been fucking; he was fucking some bitch named Nette. At least that’s the name she thought she heard. She had tried to *69 the number, but it was private.
Venus couldn’t wait for BJ to come through the door. She didn’t know if she should start packing his clothes or cutting them up. She sat in the living room and waited until she heard the car pull up. She’d been drinking, so BJ had better be ready for a fight.
Bullet went to the door and relaxed when he saw BJ, who came in like he was guilty of nothing. He dropped his backpack and walked toward Venus to kiss her, but she turned her head. ”What’s good, ma? You in a bad mood?” he asked.
”No. As a matter of fact I’m in a good mood. I just don’t like kissing niggas whose breath smell like pussy. Go brush the hairs out your teeth,” Venus said getting up off the couch. BJ just stood there looking dumb.
”Did you use a condom? Or do you and Nette fuck raw?” she asked him, watching the many expressions on his face. BJ was trying to look confused now. ”Answer me, dammit!” she yelled up into his face.
”The fuck you talkin’ ‘bout, ma?” BJ was wondering how she knew.
”Oh, that’s a good one, BJ: The fuck you talkin’ ‘bout, ma?” she said mimicking him. ”Your breath smells like that bitch needs to douche. That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. How’s that for starters?!” she hollered before telling him everything she heard through the phone.
When BJ got ready to turn to walk out the door, Venus slapped him like a bitch. He turned around and started choking her. They fell over the coffee table and onto the floor, and he landed on top of her. She dug her nails in his face and scratched him down to his chin. He began to bleed. He got up off of Venus and she jumped up from the floor like a mad woman, tearing at his clothes. She began to wildly scratch him all over his face and neck now. BJ back-handed her, and her lip started to bleed. She ran into the kitchen and got a pan. She came out and charged at him, screaming. She managed to hit him twice before he tackled her, knocking over the TV. BJ was on top of Venus again, choking the shit out of her, when Bullet locked his teeth around his ankle, tearing through the skin. BJ turned around on the floor and started kicking Bullet with the other foot as he screamed in pain. Venus was trying to catch her breath when Diamond jumped on BJ and locked his wrist between her jaws. BJ was bleeding badly now, with Bullet still tearing at his ankle. It was truly a scene. BJ struggled with both pits, kicking Bullet with his free leg and hitting Diamond with his free arm. When Venus realized that the dogs weren’t going to let him go, she called them off of him.
BJ was screaming and crying like a bitch. There was blood everywhere. Venus didn’t know what to do first, so she made a drink and sat down.
”What the fuck!” BJ hollered. ”Do something! Call an ambulance!”
Venus looked at him like he was Bin Laden. She didn’t know who this stranger was in her house. He was a foreigner to her now. ”No, fuck that. Tell Nette to call an ambulance. And get your chewed-up ass outta my house before I let the dogs loose on you again,” she said with a straight face. She felt no mercy—at least not for him. She only felt bad for her dogs because they had blood on them. The only thing she wanted to do right now was give them a bath.... At least they were trustworthy. She would take care of them first and then she’d cut up all of BJ’s clothes with a box cutter.
BJ wobbled outside, dialed 9-1-1 and waited for an ambulance to come. When it arrived, he told the paramedics he’d been attacked by two pits while walking home from the train station. He would deal with Venus later.