The last 6 years were eventful for Marlene and Reggie too. Twin boys were born in May. They were called Reginald and John. Marlene was utterly helpless and even with help she complained bitterly. When the twins were two years old, Marlene became pregnant again. This time Reggie was pretty sure the baby wasn’t his. Marlene was in a terrible rage but he managed to put the question to her.

“You know Marlene I cannot understand how you got pregnant this time. As you know we were being very careful.”

“Well it didn’t get there by remote control.”

“But we were bloody careful.”

“What are you trying to say? That it’s someone else’s. Who in their right mind would be bothered with me with children hanging around my neck morning, noon and night.”

“All right. All right. Marlene we’ll get by don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry” she shrieked. “I’m expecting my fourth child and he says don’t worry.”

Lately she always referred to him in the third person “he says, he thinks, and he doesn’t care.” No matter what he did for her it was useless. It was her restlessness that disturbed him. She never sat down to talk to him about her problems or try to build a home around her family. She gave birth to a daughter, Heather, and duly ignored the child as if it didn’t exist. Reggie did what he could. He got up at night to feed the baby while Marlene turned over saying “I’m exhausted”.

But however bad things were for Reggie, the worst was yet to come. When the baby was one year old he returned one evening to find Marlene gone leaving a note for him.

Dear Reggie,

I can’t take anymore. I’m sorry to leave you with the children but you can do a better job than I can. I’m going to Australia with Bertie Kane. I have taken some money from the bank. I will pay you back sometime. I know you’ll be happier without me.


Reggie felt weak. He grasped the nearest chair and sat down. He was as one in a daze. He had to read the letter again to try to take in its full significance. Marlene was gone. Gone for good. And with another man. It was that fellow at Bernard Kane’s wake. The four children were left without a mother. What was he going to do? What could he do?

The day nurse was leaving. “I must be off now Reggie. I’m babysitting for my daughter tonight. Cheerio.”

He hadn’t heard a word she said. The twins started to cry. Then the baby started screaming for food. Daisy wandered around the house looking for her mammy and sobbing because she couldn’t find her. Reggie sat there, a broken man. He didn’t know where to turn. All life ebbed out of him. He hardly heard the children cry. After what seemed an eternity he stood up. There was no way he would ring Marlene’s mother. She was as useless as her daughter. He would ring Abigail. She would know what to do.

She came straight away. She grasped the entire situation at a glance. He handed her the letter.

“Now Reggie don’t worry about a thing. We will organise everything.”

She rang Agnes Kane and Martha Leonard. They came instantly. They got to work immediately, feeding the children, bathing them and putting them into their night attire. Agnes was doubly upset when she heard that Marlene had gone off with Bertie Kane. “That oaf” she said “that bastard – sorry ladies.”

Daisy came to Agnes crying because she couldn’t find her teddy. “Will you help me find him?” she cried.

“Of course lovie I will.” She took the child by the hand and went from room to room until they found it.

“Where’s my mammy?” It broke her heart to see the tear stained face.

“She had to go away for a short while. She’ll be back. Would you like to come and stay at my house?”


“Just give me a few minutes then we’ll go.” She finished off clearing the debris. She told them she was taking Daisy home with her. Martha said she would take the twins as her children could help with them.

Abigail then got Heather ready to take her home with her.

“Reggie would you like to come and stay the night with us?” Abigail asked.

“No, no Abby. I appreciate all you have done and I thank you all for your wonderful help. I will be best on my own for a short while.”

So it was that they left Reggie in his anguish. Abigail was not at all happy leaving him alone but the man needed to be alone.

When Abigail arrived home with the baby Basil said “That was quick. I didn’t even know you were pregnant.”

“Oh Basil it’s not funny.” She told him about the whole situation.

“Good God the poor old chap. What a mess.”

“Basil there’s a cot up in the attic. I wonder could you take it down for me. I have it since Amy used to stay here as a baby. Be careful.”

Martha arrived home with the twins to the delight of her young daughters.

“You will have to help me now with the twin boys. Their mother Marlene has gone away and left them. They don’t understand so you must be kind to them.” Brenda came later and Martha told her the whole story. “I have two days off now so I can help. Poor Reggie. He doesn’t’ deserve this.”

Agnes Kane arrived home with Daisy by the hand. Each time she entered her house she still stopped to admire the “new look”. The new carpets and furnishings were still a delight to her. It was Norman who paid for most of it. She had insisted on paying half and eventually he gave in.

“Now Daisy I am going to let you sleep in Norman’s old room. Do you know Norman?”

“No, is he your boy?”

Agnes laughed. “Yes he’s my boy but he is grown up now.”

“Will he mind if I sleep in his room?”

“Of course not. He will be very happy to see you sleeping in his old bed. He doesn’t live here anymore but sometimes he comes home for a short stay.”

The child slept soundly all night. Agnes watched over her in case she woke up fretting. She woke up bright and cheerful next morning.

“Can I stay here another day until my mammy comes back?” she said.

“Of course you can.”

Later that day Norman arrived home. Agnes laughed.

“Norman dear I forgot you were coming today. Sit down and let me tell you what has happened.”

“The bitch” he said when he heard the story.

“Now Norman there’s no sense in name calling. She should never have married him.”

“He should never have married her you mean. He was flattered that one so young as Marlene would consider marrying him. There’s no fool like an old fool. Which of the children have you got?”

“Daisy. The eldest little girl. She is a delightful child.”

Norman was taken by surprise. “Daisy?” he asked.

With that Daisy entered the room clutching her teddy. He stared at the child. My God he thought there is a resemblance. Had his mother noticed anything he wondered?

“You took Marlene out for a while didn’t you?”

“Yes, for a short while.” He caught her looking at him. He looked away. The only one who could give the answer to his mother’s question was in Australia.

“Oh well” he said “I had better get ready. Brenda and I are invited to dinner at Vic and Rachel’s house.”

“That’s nice. Brenda is a lovely girl.”

But Daisy stopped him. “Are you Norman?” she asked.

“Yes Daisy that’s me.”

“I’m sleeping in your bed. You’re not cross?”

“Heavens no. You can sleep there as long as you like.”

“There are lots of boy’s toys in the drawers. Is it okay if I play with them?”

He put his arms around her and hugged her. “You can have them all. I’m too big to play with them.”

The child laughed.

**** **** **** **** ****

Reggie stayed sitting in the same chair after the children had left with his neighbours. He couldn’t stir. He had a few brandies and eventually fell asleep in the chair. When he woke up in the morning he felt rotten. His eyes were bloodshot and his mouth tasted and smelt of rotten eggs. He needs a hot bath but he found it hard to get out of the chair.

Abigail arrived. She let herself in with the key left permanently in the flowerpot at the door.

Reggie looked so sad sitting there, she found it hard to say anything. He was unshaven and sweaty.

“Reggie dear why don’t you take a bath. You will feel better.”

“What’s the point Abby there there’s nothing to live for now.”

“Don’t say that. What about your lovely children.”

“Lovely children”, he moaned.” “The first one isn’t mine and I’m not so sure the last one is mine either.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You must pull yourself together now. No amount of mourning will bring Marlene back. The children are fine with us but they will soon be asking for their daddy and you must come and see them every day.”

He heaved himself out of the chair. “I know you’re right Abby.”

He looked across at her.

“How did I ever let you slip through my fingers? Look at me now. I’m a hopeless case.”

“Don’t look back now Reggie – look forward. You will have a wonderful life seeing your children growing up.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” He went slowly upstairs.

Abby prepared some breakfast for him. She knew he hadn’t eaten for a long time.

**** **** **** **** ****

Later that morning he went to see the bank manager. He discovered Marlene had taken two thousand pounds with her. She always had access to their joint account. She had taken the money out in four withdrawals of £500. This proved she had been planning to go for some time. He had often spoken to her about the amount of money she spent and she laughed it off by saying she needed some life away from the children. She knew he received a bank statement once a month, so she was careful to withdraw the total amount of £2,000 before his next statement arrived.

He left the bank feeling very depressed. He couldn’t go back to the shop so he just walked and kept on walking. He was like someone in a daze. He couldn’t think. His mind was in a mess. He had nothing to live for now. Marlene had left him completely broken. He found himself back at Lavender Terrace. He thought of calling to Abigail but he couldn’t face Basil. He called instead to Agnes Kane. Daisy gave him a great welcome. She was not his own daughter but she was a delightful child.

Agnes was shocked at the appearance of Reggie. She brought him in and made some coffee. She took Daisy upstairs for a nap. She didn’t want the child to see her father upset.

“Reggie, you can talk to me if you want or, if you prefer, just relax here for a while.”

“I’ve been to the bank Agnes. She took two thousand pounds in four lots of £500 with her. She had been planning it for a while.”

Agnes sat down. “You will get over the loss of the money. It might take a little longer to get over the loss of Marlene. But you have four lovely children who need you. Daisy may not be your own flesh and blood but she adores you.”

He smiled weakly. “She’s a darling child, I’m glad she’s not here to see me like this.”

They were both silent.

“I will have to get a full time housekeeper to keep the house going. I will still keep Mrs. Brennan. She can do the cleaning but I’ll need someone to look after the children” he said.

“Agnes I don’t know where to start.”

“Reggie don’t rush into anything. You can leave getting the housekeeper to us. Abby and Martha will help us look after that. There’s no rush. We can look after the children for a while. They are happy and well looked after with us.”

“I’m so grateful to you” he closed his eyes and Agnes left him alone to sleep.

**** **** **** **** ****

It took Reggie a long time to get back to anything near normal. Marlene’s mother came around about a week after Marlene’s departure. “I will take Daisy to my house where she can grow up in a proper family.”

“Proper family?” Reggie answered outraged. “There is no way I will allow my daughter to go to your house. Now if you don’t mind I would like you to leave.”

“Your daughter?” she answered. “What are you talking about? She is not your daughter and never will be.”

“She’s not yours either is she? For your information she is legally my daughter and if you don’t leave this instant I will call the guards.”

She left. He was amazed at himself putting her in her place. It was the first sign of life returning to him. He told Agnes about what had happened.

“I will keep her here for a while. We cannot prevent her seeing her grandchildren but we must make sure Daisy stays here.”

After a few weeks a full time housekeeper was installed. She was Mabel Young, a returned widow from England and she was happy to find a home and to take care of the children. She had four children of her own but they were all working now in England. But Agnes didn’t part with Daisy. She brought her to school and back home again. She sent her into Polly for piano lessons. Polly said she was naturally gifted. She also took her to ballet lessons. In truth Agnes was living for the first time in her life through the little girl.

Reggie came to see her every day. Agnes also made sure she spent some time with her brothers and sister.

In time Reggie came to terms with his loss. He worked harder and longer hours but he took delight in seeing his children growing. Mabel was a treasure and made life comfortable and happy for the family.

**** **** **** **** ****