Chapter Thirty-Nine

A week later, June 1941

Quiet Wedding! Oh, I’m so jealous!’ Bel exclaimed. ‘I sooo wanted to see that. I’ve seen the posters and it looks fabulous!’ She ended the sentence in a put-on, haughty, upper-class accent.

Polly looked at her sister-in-law and wondered if she’d had a tipple or two, as her reaction to Joe’s cinema date with Maria was a little over the top.

Joe shuffled awkwardly in the kitchen doorway, unsure whether to sit down at the table or head straight off to bed.

It had already gone ten and he had been up most of the previous night with the Auxiliary Unit in town. They had been making sure the various bunkers in the area were stocked up with canned and preserved food, should they have to go underground if an invasion were to become reality. But more than his need to catch up on his sleep was his desire to avoid any kind of cross-examination about his first date with Maria.

The film had been Maria’s suggestion when he had gone to see her to ask her out. She had told him it had been released a couple of months before, and had been made despite the production studios being bombed five times; it had been this which had piqued his interest, but when he had found out that it was about a young couple on the eve of their marriage, he’d felt a little nervous.

‘Was it good?’ Bel continued. Her excitement showed no signs of abating. ‘Was Derek Farr as dashing as he was in Freedom Radio? Oh … and was Margaret Lockwood as gorgeous as she looks in the magazines?’

Joe looked at Bel perplexed. He had no idea what Freedom Radio was all about – could only presume it was another movie – and he guessed the ‘gorgeous’ woman was the actress playing the part of the fiancée.

‘Mm.’ Joe scratched his head a little nervously.

‘Honestly, Bel, I think you and I are going to have to go out some time. You’re spending too much time cooped up in this house, up to your armpits in laundry and children. Why don’t we go and see the film together later on this week?’ Polly suggested.

Bel clapped her hands together as softly as possible, as Lucille was fast asleep next door; she had had a real job getting her to sleep as Joe wasn’t around to tuck her in, and she was sure her daughter had become even more grizzly when she had heard them discussing Joe’s date with Maria over tea.

‘Yes, Polly! I’d love that!’ she said, eyes wide open. Polly thought Bel looked slightly manic and resolved to make sure they did in fact make it out at the weekend.

‘I do love a good wedding!’ Bel added, before looking at Joe and asking, ‘I’m guessing they do get married in the end?’

Joe laughed and yawned at the same time. ‘You will have to go and see it yourself and find out. Anyway, I’m off to bed. See you both in the morning.’

After Joe had backed out of the kitchen and hobbled to his room, Polly whispered across to Bel, ‘I wonder how it went? Do you think they’re going to see each other again?’ Then she immediately answered her own question. ‘I don’t see why not. They were both really keen on each other before Joe joined up.’

Polly looked at Bel conspiratorially. ‘Interesting choice of film, don’t you think? Quiet Wedding? Ma might finally get those grandchildren she’s after.’

‘God, Pol. Let’s concentrate on your wedding first. Then perhaps you can give your ma those grandchildren,’ Bel replied.

For some reason the thought of Polly getting married was far preferable to any potential nuptials between Joe and Maria.

Bel was lying wide awake in bed, and had been doing so for at least a few hours, listening to the gentle breathing of her daughter in the cot next to her bed, and keeping half an ear out in case Joe had a night terror and started shouting out.

Since the first time she had gone into his bedroom to wake him a few months ago, whenever she had heard him screaming out in his sleep from a bad nightmare, she had gone to him and gently woken him up.

After he had joined up with the Home Guard, though, his nightmares seemed to have lessened dramatically. In fact, only one time since then had Bel had to softly bring him out of his horror-laced slumber.

She was pleased he seemed to be on the mend – in all ways. He no longer needed his wound dressed, as it had now just about completely healed but, oddly enough, Bel had to admit to herself that there was a part of her that missed caring for Joe; which was absurd as she had hated it at first – had felt so much resentment towards him, had been so angry. But since she had let go of that awful, mind-altering grief, it hadn’t bothered her.

And that is when the irony hit her like a slap in the face: now that she was happy to look after Joe, he didn’t need caring for. And just as she was getting used to having him around, and was actually enjoying his company, he was out and about all the time.

Was this why she had acted like a complete loony tonight when he’d got back from the flicks?

This evening she had gone into some kind of hyperactive state. Talk about overreacting. But what was even harder to understand was that she was not the least bit interested in seeing the film. Everything that had come out of her mouth had been false, which was so unlike her – apart from what she had said to Polly about wanting to see her married and have children. This she couldn’t wait for.

So, why did she feel so completely different about Joe getting hitched and starting a family?

Polly was her sister-in-law and Joe her brother-in-law, so logically there should be no difference.

But there was.

And she could not deny it.

As Bel continued to lie there, staring at the ceiling, the most frightening thought started to creep into her head.

Was she starting to have feelings for Joe?

Please God no.


This could not be.

Could never be.

Was wrong.

And with this thought – this heart-stopping realisation – Bel’s world seemed to spin off its axis for the second time that year.