I pull into the parking lot of the YMCA, throw my car into park, and look up as two women I’ve seen here before walk in front of it. They both shoot me sexy little smiles and add an extra sway in their hips as they walk toward the entrance. Like a dog chasing a bone, I hop out and follow them inside.
They’re both hot with tight, curvy bodies. The brunette looks back at me and licks her lips, making my dick twitch in my track pants, but I will it to go down. Walking into the gym isn’t the best time to get a boner—especially with little ones around.
I’ll definitely try to hit either/or both of those beauties up later.
The scent of chlorine from the pool hits me as I reach the counter and shoot the woman sitting behind it a smile. “Afternoon, I’m here to teach the self-defense class.”
“Oh great. Dalton, right?”
“That’s right.” The woman stands up and has me follow her to a room at the end of the hall. The room has a wall of windows so parents can sit out in the hall and watch their kids.
Happy chatter hits me as soon as she pushes open the door. They all turn to watch me as I enter the room. The scent of feet hits me and it reminds me of all the years I spent in my dojo in London—East Bexley Dojo.
I focus back on the kids, who range from eight through fourteen—at least for this class they do. The youngest I’ve taught is five—my mate and co-workers Shayla and Erik brought their boy to me when Shayla’s ex-husband and Grant’s biological father started fucking with them.
I taught the little bugger how to get away from someone a lot bigger than him. It ended up not helping when Grant’s dad broke into Erik’s parents’ home and kidnapped him and Erik’s little sister, Gretchen, but it really woke the desire to teach self-defense to those who couldn’t normally defend themselves.
I focus back on the task at hand. “Welcome, I’m Dalton, and I’m going to teach you some basic self-defense moves. Do you have any questions?”
A little brown-haired boy raises his hand. I nod, signaling for him to ask. “You talk funny.”
I get this a lot from the little ones. It doesn’t bother me or offend me. “I do? I never noticed.” They all start laughing. “I sound different because I have an accent. I’m from London, England.”
That gets me a few “woahs” and “cools.”
Once they’re all calm, I have them do some stretching to warm up, and then we run around the room until they’re all ready to go. I work with them for an hour showing them how to get loose if someone grabs them from the front or behind. I have them try moves on each other, which they enjoy immensely.
Class finishes and I walk the kids out, giving them high fives as they pass by. Back in the room, I throw my socks and trainers back on and go in search of the gorgeous ladies I saw when I got here. I spot them right away amongst the weight machines and weave my way through them. The blonde notices me first and then whispers to her friend. They both smile as I approach.
“Ladies.” I shoot them a smile. “How are you doing on this fine day?”
The brunette saunters closer. “We’re great, just working out for a bit.” She looks back at the blonde and then turns to me. “We don’t live far from here. Do you wanna come over?”
I look at her and then the blonde, who bites her lip, eye fucking me. “I’d love to.” With a hand on the smalls of both of their backs, I lead them outside. The brunette rides with me and her hand immediately goes between my legs, rubbing my dick until it’s hard as fuck.
We pull up in front of a cute, fancy looking condo. I climb out and help her out of the car. The blonde meets us on the sidewalk and I wrap my arm around her waist as we head toward their door. Before they even have the door open the brunette is kissing me and the blonde is pushed up against my back. I have a feeling I’m in for a fantastic fucking day…literally.

I pull into the parking lot of Rogue Security and Investigation where I’ve worked as a private investigator/bounty hunter for the past four and half years. The moment I met Jack Mackenzie, my boss, I knew I wanted to be part of his team. Most of us are former military, except for a couple of guys, who are ex-law enforcement.
I take the lift up to the floor and head through the doors. Carrie, our receptionist, smiles at me from behind her desk. “Hey gorgeous how are you?”
“Great, thanks. I’m supposed to tell you to see Jack about some new job when you got here.”
In the back I drop my bag in my office and grab a cup of coffee from the breakroom before heading to Jack’s office. His door is open and I knock on the frame. He glances up. “Hey Dalton, have a seat.”
“How’s it going, Jack?”
“It’s good. I have an assignment that’s specifically for you if you’re game.” He tosses a file folder on the desk in front of me. “We don’t normally do security detail, but this is a special favor for Marcus. Becca McNeal is an MMA fighter who’s been moving up the ranks fast, and because of that she’s been targeted by other fighters. Two different women jumped her and they both got banned from fights, and a fan tried getting a little too close.”
I grab the folder. “What do you need from me?”
“You’re going to be her personal security, but to the outside world you’re going to be her new sparring partner. I figure if anyone sniffs around, you know martial arts. You will work with her and it’ll look extremely natural for you to be in the octagon with her.”
As soon as I open the folder my breath gets caught in my throat. I stare at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her dark brown hair is in a knot on top of her head. Her skin tone is light olive, and she’s got unique silver eyes that draw you in.
I read her bio. She’s only five foot five, and a hundred and fifteen pounds—I’m a whole foot taller than she is. Becca’s record is impressive. She’s been fighting semi-professionally for five years, but it wasn’t until she got with her coach, Gio, that her career as a fighter took off. She’s an expert at grappling, and from what I’m seeing if she gets her opponent on the ground she’s almost guaranteed to win.
“They’re coming in this week to meet with us. Gio hasn’t told her what’s going on yet, just to warn you.”
“Got it.”
He dismisses me and I head to my office to check my calendar. I’ve got a couple of cases I’m going to have to hand off to other staff. I may have never done a job like this before but being into martial arts I know the work and dedication she must have. If I had to guess I’m going to have my work cut out for me.
My cellphone rings and I see it’s Marcus. He and I have been best pals since the day I got hired. We’re complete opposites; we listen to different music, he’s a vegan and I love meat, he’s been with the same girl for the past year, and I love playing the field.
I’m thirty years old and I’m just not ready to settle down yet. There’s too much fun to be had—I mean who goes to the gym, meets two women, and goes to their place for a threesome that lasts all fucking day? Me, that’s who, because I’m not tied down to anyone.
“What’s up, Marcus?”
“Nothing, but I was hoping I could get your help. I need to go after a skip and he’s a slippery fucker. I need back up if he runs.”
I occasionally help him chase down skips if I don’t have a case I’m working on. “Let me just check with Jack about a meeting we’re supposed to have, but that shouldn’t be a problem.”
I promise to call him later with Jack’s answer, and of course Jack’s fine with it. He’ll do the first meeting.
By the end of the day I’ve cleared my schedule, and give a report to Reece, who is covering for me so I can work exclusively with Becca.
On my laptop I pull up some of Becca’s fights on YouTube. I cross my arms as I lean back in my chair and watch one from six months ago. She’s fast and wraps around her opponent like a spider monkey, getting them down on the ground where she gets the other woman to tap out while Becca does an arm bar.
I’m looking forward to working with her, maybe helping her with her striking. Her technique isn’t sloppy, but I think I could probably improve it. I know she’s got a coach, but I’ll give her pointers if I need to, and think they’ll help.
After watching a couple more videos and taking some notes, I shut down my computer, grab my bag, and head toward the front. Erik is talking to Egan and Carrie, and I see Grant is with him.
“What’s up, mate?” I hold my hand out to the little guy and he slaps my hand in a high five. “How’s your mom and baby brother?” Erik and Shayla became the parents to a little boy named Chance a week ago.
“He doesn’t do anything. He’s boring.” Grant shakes his head and then smiles up at me. “Chance does like when I hold him. He doesn’t cry.” He looks up at Erik. “Right, Dad?”
Who would’ve thought that Erik would become mister family man, but he has, and we’re so happy for him. I watch as Erik let’s go of Grant’s hand and wraps his arm around the boy, hugging him into his side. “Yeah, Bud, your brother loves you already.” He looks at me. “What’s up, brother?”
“Not much. How’s Shayla?”
His face lights up whenever he talks about his fiancée. “Great. She’s running on little sleep but she’s always smiling.” Erik picks up Grant in his arms. “This boy has been the best helper and I’m taking him out to dinner and then to get some new books. Oh, I also have a card for you from Shayla. That’s why we’re here—she’s got thank you cards for everyone.”
I take the card he hands me. “Thanks. Send her my love and I need to come see the baby.”
“Of course. Come over any time.” I slap Erik on the back and fist bump Grant before saying bye to Carrie and Egan.
I head out and make my way to the parking garage, my shoes slapping against the floor of the garage—it’s almost empty so the noise echoes as I walk toward my car. Once I reach it, I climb inside and my cell phone rings. I grab it out of my back pocket and see my sister, and at the time of the picture, my two-year-old niece’s face smiling at me. I swipe and put it to my ear.
“Hey Love, how are you?”
“Good, I was just missing you.” She’s quiet for minute. “What would you say to Joanna and me moving to America?” I hear Millie sniff. “There’s just nothing here for us. Mom and Dad are gone and you’re there. Family should stick together.”
“I think you should do it, I miss my girls. What brought this on?” I turn on the car, but don’t move.
“I ran into Daniel.” That is Joanna’s deadbeat dad. “He got married and she’s pregnant.”
My niece is five and that sod has done nothing for her. Millie has done everything alone. “Let’s start looking into making it happen. It may take time, but I seriously want you and Jo here. We’ve been apart for far too long. I’ll talk to Jack and see if he knows how to speed this process up. Hang in there and we’ll work to make it happen.”
“Thank you, big brother. Tell me about work.”
I spend the next ten minutes telling her about stuff I’ve been doing and cases I’ve been working on. Then I tell her about my newest gig.
“Wow, that’s so cool. That’s right up your alley. You’ll do brilliantly, I know it.”
“Thanks, sis. I’m heading home, but we’ll talk later.” She promises to start looking into coming to America with my niece. I’ll ask Jack if he could point me into the right direction for starting the process.