“I have a sparring partner already. Why do I need another one? Where’s Clint going?” I turn to my coach, Gio.
He hands me a bottle of water. “Because I wanted to switch it up a bit, and this guy is a martial arts expert. He can help you get stronger, the guy’s a beast.”
I slam my locker shut because I’m pissed. I don’t like when things change without me knowing. “Tell me about this guy, or is that a surprise too?”
“His name’s Dalton Buckley, like I said he’s an expert. He teaches self-defense to kids, and he’s formerly with the Special Air Service, and he’s British.” Gio writes some shit down in his notebook, he’s always writing stuff in it. There’s something he’s not telling me, I just know it.
I sigh. “When do I get to meet this expert?” I don’t bother trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.
He sets his notebook down. “We’re meeting him and his boss today. Be nice to him, he’s a good guy. My buddy Marcus is the one who recommended him and he wouldn’t steer us wrong.”
After my shower, I change into a pair of black track shorts, my favorite lavender Nike tank top, and my black Nike tennis shoes. I run the brush through my dark brown locks and put my hair into a high ponytail.
I head out to Gio’s office and take the protein shake he hands me, guzzling it down. I swear while I’m training I feel like I eat all day long, but I’ve got to refuel my body so I can train with the intensity Gio demands of me.
When I first started fighting I had the worst coach, he took more than what he was entitled to in more ways than one. My dad fired him once I finally told him what happened, but he convinced me or demanded that I needed to keep what happened quiet otherwise it could affect my career.
Yep, my dad was a douche bag and cared more about my career than my well-being, or seeking justice for me. Once I found Gio I cut all ties with my dad. I just couldn’t forgive him for what he didn’t do. My mom is in the picture, but only when its photo-ops and getting her name in magazines and the papers. I feel like I’m the poster child for dysfunctional family.
Gio hangs up the phone. “Let’s go meet your new sparring partner.
We pull up in his white Navigator in front of a large office building. They have a valet here? That’s crazy. I hop out and stand on the sidewalk, waiting for Gio to get out and come around to me. We head inside and go to some elevators in the back.
He messes with his phone while I see we’ve arrived on the floor of Rogue Security and Investigation, Inc. “Gio, what the fuck is this? What’s going on?”
“Let’s head inside and then everything will be explained to you.”
At the front desk, a blonde woman glances up and smiles as we approach. “Can I help you?”
“Yes we’re here to see Jack and Dalton. This is Becca McNeal and I’m Gio Mendez.”
“Of course, Jack’s expecting you. Go ahead and head into the back. The conference room is the last one on your right.
As we make our way down the hall, I whisper under my breath, “What the hell is going on, Gio?”
We stop right outside the door marked conference room and he puts his hands on my shoulders. “Jack will be able to explain it better, but just listen, okay?” He stares at me with his intense brown eyes. “Your safety is my biggest concern.”
I first notice a man with blond mixed with grey hair, then a gigantic man with blond hair and piercing blue eyes. The older of the two steps forward first. “Gio, it’s great to finally meet in person.” They shake hands and then he turns to me. “Ms. McNeal, welcome to Rogue Security and Investigation. I’m the owner and founder, Jack Mackenzie, and this is one of my men, Erik.”
His smile is warm and welcoming. I take his offered hand. “Please call me Becca.” I shake Erik’s hand, then take one of the empty seats at the table. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” I ask as I look between all three men.
“Gio spoke to one of my other men about some trouble you’ve been having.” He opens the folder. “You’ve been jumped by salty fighters you’ve beat, a fan that’s been lingering everywhere you are, and your dad’s been sniffing around. Gio wants to have someone close to help protect you. The best way to do that is to have one of my men close, and what better way than to be under the guise of your new sparring partner?”
I shoot Gio an irritated look. “Is this “sparring partner” any good?”
“He’s a black belt in Krav Maga and an eighth-degree black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu,” Jack says, and then hands me some papers. I look down at a photo of him first. His light brown hair is cut short on the sides and longer on top. He’s got a beard that’s a little ways past groomed, and hazel eyes. “Dalton was also with the Special Air Service.”
I look up at Jack. “I feel like I know him. Would I?” I look at Gio. My attention is pulled to Jack and Erik who both chuckle. “What?”
Erik leans in a little. “People think he’s the guy who plays Jim from The Office.”
I pick up the picture, examining it. I could see it, but Dalton looks a lot rougher around the edges, and with an air of danger. “Yeah, I can see that a little bit. So when will he start?”
“He’s with our bounty hunter chasing a skip. He’ll be back soon and then we’ll have him start.” We all stand up. “Thanks for coming in to meet with us.” Jack turns to me. “I promise you’re in good hands. Just listen to Dalton, he could definitely be helpful.”
I nod. “I will, thanks.”
Gio leads the way out and I know some of the guys are staring. I’m used to it though because I know I’m pretty—I’m not conceited, just being honest. They stare because I’m petite too. Most people don’t think I’m tough at all because of my size, but I can usually put them in their place quickly.
I’m silent as we head back toward our gym. It’s on the smaller side and not a lot of people train there, but only because Gio is worried about my safety right now. The first time I got jumped was in the locker room at the gym. Her name was Aimee and she was jealous that everyone was focused on me when I was there and it didn’t help that I kicked her ass when we were sparring.
She sucker punched me, but about ten seconds after that I had her on the ground, sitting on top of her. I didn’t press charges against her, even though Gio wanted me to. I didn’t want the added attention it would’ve brought.
The second time it was after my first big fight. She wasn’t happy to be beat by someone not as well-known as her. The dumbass got herself banned from fighting, and basically ruined her career.
There was a third and final time, and that was when I was out eating dinner with Gio, his wife, and kids, and some douche bag tried to fight me in the parking lot because he was convinced I thought I was the shit. He may have been bigger than me, but he was overweight and slow. I never actually hit him, I just dodged him until the cops showed up.
I swear I have terrible luck and seem to make people violent toward me. It’s not my fault though, I’m a good person. I’m not a shit talker, and I try to always help others.
Gio parks in the lot of Manford gym and turns to me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you my plan ahead of time. I know our team is tight and Clint’s been with us since I started coaching you, but he knows what’s going on and he’s being taken care of—okay?”
Since the start, Gio’s had my best intentions in mind and has proved that over and over again. “Yeah, okay. Thank you for always looking out for me.” He grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. As soon as the Hallmark moment ends we head inside.

The sound of my alarm going off causes me to groan and throw my pillow over my face. While training for a fight, my schedule is insane. I’m usually up at four in the morning and to the gym by five. I train until noon, and then get the afternoon to relax a bit, and then back to the gym to do more sparring.
I climb out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, I go through my morning routine.
In my kitchen I make some oats doctoring them up with protein and fruit. When I’m training all I do is eat healthy and clean. After I scarf it down, I change out of my pajamas and throw on my favorite pink flamingo fleos, a black sports bra, and a black Nike t-back tank.
I grab my gym bag and toss in a spare outfit, some protein bars, and a clean towel and wash cloth. I usually shower there when I’m done training for the day. I lock my apartment door behind me as I leave.
It’s still dark as I step outside—five is too fucking early, but Gio has me on a training schedule that requires me to begin as early as I do. “Morning, girl,” he says as I climb inside his truck.
I’m not a morning person so I grunt a “hello” and close my eyes, resting my head against the head rest.
As soon as we pull into the parking lot we head inside. As I pass by him he does the same thing he does every day, kicks me in the ass.
I roll my eyes because he knows I hate that. I don’t miss his chuckle. “You’re a prick, Gio. I’m going to tell Lucia.” That’s his wife, and they’re totally what I’d want if I was ever with someone. She’s his biggest cheerleader, and he’s a devoted husband and father.
The man definitely knows how to split his time between all of us.
He looks at me with his mouth open and his eyes wide. I just shake my head and head toward the locker room with my hand up and middle finger in the air. Gio’s laughter follows me. I throw my bag in my locker and I set my snacks on the top shelf.
The smell of bleach tickles my nose, but they’re meticulous about the cleanliness of the locker rooms. After shutting my locker, I head to the gym. I begin doing some stretching once I reach the mat.
“Hit the treadmill, Becca,” Gio shouts from the other side of the gym. He turns the music up, knowing that I like having loud music while I train. I hop on the treadmill and start with a slow walk, gradually increasing speed until I’m at a steady jog.
While I run I have a tendency to space out and slip into my own little world, which helps because I honestly hate running. It’s my least favorite thing to do, but it’s good to build my endurance.
When I hit mile three, I increase my speed. My body feels loose and I am completely at peace. Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I turn to look and spot my new “sparring partner.” He’s even better looking in person; his muscles are more defined, he’s super tall, and in person he does look just like that guy, but if that guy was in a MC or something.
I turn forward, hoping he didn’t catch me checking him out because that would be embarrassing. He walks by with Gio, and he doesn’t even look in my direction as they pass. Whatever, I just face forward and focus back on running. After another two miles I hop off the treadmill and lie down on the mat to stretch a little more.