

I scoop up Charlie and put her on my shoulders. “Run, Bec, run!” she screams and I do as the little sweetheart bids and take off in a slow jog.

Suddenly Dalton is running past us with Leif on his shoulders, and Grant running behind them. I have no clue what game this is, but we’re having a good time anyway. I love these people, kiddos included.

When we reach the end of the yard I stop, and then lift her up and set her down on the ground in front of me. She immediately runs to Grant and the little boy humors her, letting her jump on his back.

He carries her toward the adults and I try to hold back my smile as both Reece and Jack start eyeballing the little boy who is only about seven or eight. Of course, Del, Harley, and Shayla start laughing. Erik just stands there watching his boy like any proud papa would.

I hope all these kiddos always remember how lucky they are. I wish I had what they all do, but instead I grew up in dysfunctional hell. Once my parents found out I was really good at something, they immediately began to exploit it.

“Food is ready,” Jack hollers, and Dalton sets Leif down and he runs after his friends.

Dalton grabs my hand and leads me to the deck. I try to ignore the fluttery feeling in my gut, but it is impossible. He lets go and I miss his touch already. “Bec, come sit wit me,” Charlie hollers from her seat at the kids’ table.

I love that she’s got a nickname for me. “I will, sweetheart. Let me grab some food first.” She smiles and then turns back to the other kiddos.

Dalton leads me over to the table full of food. I love it, I’m not totally eating healthy, and I have to watch my diet a little bit. I grab a burger, some pasta salad, chips, and a cupcake. Okay, so I’m not eating healthy at all.

Shayla comes to stand next to me. “I’m so glad you came.” God, she’s nice.

“Thank you for having me. I’m glad I came too.”

Erik comes up, wrapping his arm around his wife. “I’ll feed the kids, you make sure you eat.” He kisses her softly and it makes me look away from such an intimate moment.

He winks at me before walking away. Shayla has a dreamy look on her face, and it makes me happy for one of my newer friends. We take our plates to the tables and Charlie makes sure I don’t forget to sit with her. “Hi guys,” I say to all the kids.

They’re all digging into their food, so I do the same. I look around and don’t see Harley. She wanted to ask me questions about fighting. Delilah comes and sits across from me. “Did Harley leave? She wanted to ask me some questions.”

“The smell of the meat grilling caused her to get sick, so she went home to lie down. I’ll make a plate for Dad to take home to her.”

I nod. “Will you give her my number so she can call me?”

“Of course. I’ll give it to her when I go check on her later.” It is obvious how much she cares about her stepmom. I’ve only been around them together a handful of times, but it is very obvious that they care deeply about each other.

We all finish eating and as I look around, I’m feeling very grateful to be brought into this tight knit group. After we eat, I help get the kids all cleaned up, and their table cleared.

They all head out to the yard to burn off some of the sugar I saw them eat. Dalton grabs my chair and drags me over to the table with the adults. Egan turns to me. “What happens now that your fight is over?”

I shrug. “That’s the magic question. I mean, I’ll keep training, just not with the intensity that I did before the fight.” I’m distracted when Dalton sits down next to me, especially when he puts a hand on the back of my chair. I focus back on Egan. “I-I’ve actually been toying with the idea of going back to school.”

“Oh wow! What do you want to study?” This comes from Shayla.

“I’m not sure.” I pick at my thumbnail. “I need to take all of the general classes first. I figure I’ll have time to figure it out.”

Dalton drapes his arm over the back of my chair, playing with the ends of my hair. My cheeks heat up and I try to hide my face by taking a drink of water.

“I think that’s bloody brilliant,” he says as he leans toward me, smiling.

I bite my bottom lip and shrug. It is not lost on me that the women are watching us, smiling. I’m not going to read into it, though. “T-Thank you.”

After dessert we don’t stay too much longer. Harley did come over, looking a little green, but only to say goodnight to everyone and get kisses from Delilah and Reece’s kids. She even brought her cute little bunny over and let me get snuggles.

Now Dalton is loading me up in his car and we’re heading back to his apartment. I’m not sure if he’s going to make a move or not, but he’s been a little more touchy feely.

I want him to make one, but I’m nervous—I’m inexperienced and what if the things that happened to me have fucked me up too much and I can’t have sex? Will Dalton go back to us just being friends? He would probably disappear from my life because he seems like a sexual man, he wouldn’t want to be with someone who couldn’t be intimate with him, or any more intimate than we already have been.

“Hey.” I blink and look up at Dalton—his brow is furrowed, and he is looking at me closely. “You okay?”

I nod. “Sorry, just spaced out for a second. I must be sleepy.”

He opens the door for me, and I climb in. Once he’s inside we’re off. “I love your friends.” I look at him and smile.

Dalton grabs my hand. “You know they’re your friends now too, right?”

Warmth spreads through me and my eyes begin to burn, but that’s only because I have friends. They’re not people that are only your friend to get something from you, or to get close to you only to hurt you. I nod. “I know they are, and I have you to thank for that.”

“No, love, I introduced you, but you’re the one who gained their friendship.” He glances at me with a smile on his beautiful face.

We reach his apartment and drive over to the parking garage. Once we’re out, he grabs my hand and leads me to his building. I don’t miss the way his eyes are constantly moving, watching everything around us.

Dalton is tense until we’re inside the elevator, heading up to his apartment. He lets us inside and I cover my mouth as I yawn.

“Go get ready for bed and we’ll watch a movie or something.” Dalton turns me and gives me a little push toward his bedroom, causing me to laugh.

In his room, I grab the knit shorts and tank top I’m wearing to bed. In his bathroom, I quickly change, brush out my hair, and brush my teeth. When I step out of the bathroom, I freeze.

Dalton is standing next to his dresser in a pair of shorts that ride low on his hips. The sprinkling of the hair on his bare chest makes my fingers itch to run over it. Damn, why is he so sexy?

He sees me and smiles. “My turn. Pick something good.” I stand in his room in a stupor as he walks toward me. Dalton leans down and kisses my forehead. With a soft click, the bathroom door shuts.

I become unstuck and jump onto his bed and grab the remote off the nightstand. I turn the TV on and start scanning Netflix. I scan the movies and find one that looks interesting, 365 Days, I know I’ve heard about it, but I can’t remember why.

Dalton opens the door and climbs onto the bed with me. We get settled against the mound of pillows.

I press play as he shuts off the light.